Azure Tinted Emotions
Summary: There's no such thing as love, only a mixture of euphoria and ecstasy that will one day fade away. Peter experiences this first-hand when he meets an odd Amity transfer by the name of Azure. Written in duo perspectives balanced between humourous and melancholy, Azure Tinted Emotions highlights the relationship between two teens wrestling their own inner demons while trying to discover what love truly means set against the backdrop of a utopia gone wrong.
Pairings: Peter Haynes/OC, Beatrice (Tris) Prior/Tobias (Four) Eaton, all canon pairings etc.
Warnings: Some angst. Fluff & Angst. Psychological Issues. Implied Sexual Content (but no actual descriptive scenes). Angst with a Happy Ending. Spoilers for the entire trilogy. Major Character Death (not Peter/OC), Mild Depictions of Violence, Amnesia.
Note: Something I wrote a while ago and decided to start up again. The first two chapters were written a very long time ago, so the writing style is a little more juvenile compared to the rest of the story even though I tried to edit it. This has MAJOR SPOILERS for the Divergent trilogy, including all three books and yes, the ending of Allegiant. Next to nothing deviates from canon, so be warned. If you're reading this because of your interest in the first movie, don't read on. I suggest you finish all three books before you read this story because this will give major spoilers for the next movies/books. Written before the movies/follows book plotline, not the movie. If you have canon corrections, please cite the book, not the movie.
My tumblr is: ensemble-of-dolphins and I post Divergent material once every blue moon. I mainly post material from TV show Supernatural and a homosexual pairing by the name Destiel.
Disclaimer: A fanfiction site is generally a site where fanmade stories are posted. So it's safe to say that I don't own anything except for the OC. Everything else belongs to Veronica Roth.
[1- Peter: Butterfly Girl]
With a butter knife in his hand, Peter felt like he could dominate the world—or so he thought. He had seriously harmed someone with a butter knife, and he was sure that the other initiates knew that he was the one who stabbed Edward in the eye. It wasn't like the butter knife just fell from the ceiling and impaled itself in his eye. If anyone believed that, they would definitely not have been in Erudite.
The point is that Peter is dangerous and should not be messed with under any circumstances. He could only hope that his little maneuver with the butter knife kept the Stiff and her ridiculous friends away from him.
So he had no idea why she approached him.
"Hello!" she says, bounding over to his table with a light bounce in every step that ever indicated her Amity background. Her blue eyes are cheerful and bright, but Peter knows that they can change as quickly as her erratic mood and he has no desire to witness that again.
He winces inwardly when he thinks about the first time he had sneered at her on the train to the Dauntless Headquarters. He still remembers the way her eyes lit up like a flame and how her hand slid to her back pocket. There had been a deadly silence between the two of them and in that moment Peter had actually been slightly frightened if only marginally.
Here he was, Peter Haynes frightened of a short little girl. Oh, how his father would laugh at him if he ever witnessed the scene.
At least it's not the Stiff that he's afraid of. At least she has a larger physique than the Stiff. The thought causes less embarrassment, but Peter can't believe he could have ever been afraid of her. The way her eyes had flashed to his with sudden malice still jolts him. He doesn't want to think about it again. It was only when Molly sneered something at her did she step back and cast them a casual smile. I couldn't care less, that false smile said. You liar, Peter thought. He wouldn't be surprised if she killed the three of them in their sleep. Not that he wouldn't do everything in his power to prevent it. Self-preservation was not instinct but a skill that Peter had perfected years ago.
If only he can forget the way her eyes looked in that very moment. Eyes, Peter has decided, are windows to the soul. And if there are truly souls as erratic as hers, the world would be in for insanity. No—that wouldn't be it. The world would have dissolved into nothingness or exploded into a million pieces. He just wasn't sure which one would happen first.
"What do you want, loser?" Molly hisses at her.
She frowns at Molly. "Do I look like I was talking to you?" Her smile doesn't waver, but Peter sees that dangerous glint in her eyes and he knows he'll have to step in before she pushes them all down the Chasm the next time she sees them there. He gives Molly a pointed look before focusing his attention on the Amity transfer again.
He's about to open his mouth to say something, but she reaches out and grabs his hand, pulling him towards her before he can speak. Surprised, he stumbles a bit and nearly falls over. Snickers erupt from the Stiff's table, and Peter can't help letting out a sigh of exasperation. She's making him look stupid; it's something he never wants to look like in front of his competitors.
"Come on!" she says, pulling him forwards impatiently. Molly and Drew exchange confused looks and Peter just shrugs in response. Maybe she wants something from him. That's it. It must be some sort of deal. People only do things to get something back in return.
"All right," Peter grumbles. He could have refused, but he secretly wants to know what she has to tell him. A little information can't hurt, can it?
"To the Chasm!" she declares, pulling him along. He catches Molly's annoyed expression, and he grimaces. Who knows? Maybe this can help them in some way. Molly doesn't look too happy about it, and Drew still looks confused.
She doesn't even turn back. Her hand is gripped so tightly around Peter's wrist that it's actually beginning to hurt though he's determined not to say anything. That would just make him look weak in front of an Amity-born transfer. That would be utterly embarrassing, not to mention the ammunition she would have against him.
When they reach the roaring Chasm, she finally releases his hand from her tight grip. He sighs in relief and massages his wrist with his thumb subtly, trying not to let his weakness show. There are fingernail marks on his wrist and he's sure that if he had slowed down or if she had gone further, she would have drawn blood.
And staring at his own blood makes him feel disgusted at himself for being so weak.
She smiles at him, oblivious to his thoughts and stares down at the Chasm. He wonders if he can just push her down there and get away with it. He probably can get away with it. There's no one nearby and he doubts that Eric or Max will care.
But... There's something that holds him back. It's ridiculous, really. Right here—he can just push this little girl off the Chasm and eliminate one of his competitors. He's already done it to Edward (though he didn't necessarily kill him) so why can't he do this to her? This happy little… versatile butterfly?
"Hey, Peter," she says, looking up at him and smiling and there's a sudden rush of heat to his face. What's this? Why is he blushing? Hell, he feels so embarrassed now. He looks into her eyes and realizes that the shade of blue — no, azure is a living, dreaming colour. Sleepy and languid one moment then fiery and bursting with life the next. And hell, that colour is just… He doesn't know how to describe it.
The word just slips out: "Azure." The minute he says it, he feels more heat rush to his cheeks. He said her name. He said her name. For the first time instead of 'Butterfly Girl'. It's a sissy nickname but the insect is sissy enough to fit her faction. Or so he thought. He's never met an Amity girl like her before so it's no wonder she transferred to Dauntless. He still wonders how he never noticed her all those years in school.
A grin breaks across her face. "You learned my name!" she says, smiling cheerfully. "And I was honestly going to try to threaten you to make you say it, you know!"
Peter involuntarily takes a step back. "Threaten me?" he says uncomfortably. Then his eyes flicker to the roaring Chasm and back to her eyes, and he knows that she was thinking the same thing as he was for completely different reasons.
She nods. "You know, like, push you off the Chasm."
"What makes you think I can't push you off first? What makes you think you can overpower me?" he asks her, taking another step away from her. What a tragic ending — Peter, the one who stabbed Edward in the eye with a butter knife, being taken down by a little Amity girl. The Stiff and her friends would have a field day with that tidbit of news.
Azure shrugs. "I have my ways," she says. "I think we should head on back. Oh, and you forgot this."
She pulls something out of her pocket, revealing a rusty butter knife and handing it to Peter. He stares at it, knowing that this had been the knife he used to stab Edward in the eye. He looks from the smiling girl to the butter knife and his brow furrows. He doesn't know if this is a threat or simply an act of goodwill. If it's the latter, then there is something very wrong with this girl. Maybe it's perverse, but Peter feels a sharp spark of interest.
Azure leaves, but Peter doesn't follow her. He stares down at the Chasm and wonders how this Amity girl can get under his skin so easily. And then he wonders how it feels to be falling down the Chasm due to a single shove.
The image isn't so great and he begins to feel nauseous, but he sees Azure's azure eyes again and rush of excited nerves flares at the thought. He quickly discards the image and the feeling along with it, replacing it with thoughts of self-preservation and suspicion.
It's simple. Azure is bad news, and he'd be damned if he didn't start trying to eliminate her from the stage already.
I know I should be uploading other things but I couldn't resist. I already made a cover too! Anyways, I just needed to write something on the love of my life. The next upload will probably a while. xD Reviews are awesome, of course!
2014 edit: I edited things. So. Yeah. It just mainly pertained to writing style and some extra tidbits of information left out before.