A/n: Before we start, a few notes.
I have written many amateur fanfiction over my 22 years of life. Though, during my years, I have changed many accounts and websites.
After a very, very long hiatus in any kind of writing, I decided to delve in to fanfiction waters yet again. I feel inclined to point out to everyone reading that English is not my native tongue, therefore I can not promise you a story written without mistakes, both grammatical and in spelling.
I will try my best not to disappoint anyone! Especially because when I write about certain characters, I do so because I love them. I'll do my best not to make our favorite Witch Boy OOC. Which is hard to do, because Klarion in any kind of relationship is hard to write.

"The Covenant"

Chapter 01: The disappearance of Kent Nelson


JULY 27, 08:16 EDT

"She is probably a charlatan, you know that right?" The girl spoke up nonchalantly.

Kent Nelson let out a small chuckle "Madame Xanadu is said to have an affinity for the mystic arts. The perfect aura for the work!" He said "I'm hoping she is actually using that talent, not just parlor tricks to earn a quick buck."."

The girl walked up to him, holding up his cane to him "I hope so too, Mr. Kent." He took it from her hands and nodded in gratitude

"Now, while I am gone, you are in charge of keeping the Tower intruder free." He spoke "And the helmet…"

"I promise to keep it safe." She interrupted with an almost unpleasant tone. Kent gave her a scolding look, making the girl pout in response, her hand unconsciously scratching the fabric of the sleeve covering her wrist. "And I promise not to pick fights with Dr. Fate."

Kent smiled and patted the girl on the head "Good girl. I know I can trust you." With that, he turned on his heel, ready to take his leave.

"Keep safe." The girl let out, probably louder than she intended, making Kent chuckle softly.

"I promise I will, Hannah."


JULY 31, 20:47 EDT

The 16 year old girl sat in the den of the Tower of Fate. Or what she called a den, at least. There were many rooms in the Tower, many of which made no sense, even more of which didn't really follow the laws of physics.

Actually, the inside of the Tower was huge. Much, much larger than what the outside of it let on.

It was bigger on the inside. Hannah loved to think that the Tower was made with Time Lord technology.

She let out a sigh and sunk further in to the cushiony armchair. Hearing the soft hum of her breathing, something stirred on the mantel above the fireplace. The mantel had many memorabilia placed upon it, including a few taxidermy birds and small animals. But one was very much alive.

A hooded crow raised its head and quickly hoped of the mantel, spreading its wings to glide the short distance from the fireplace to the armchair, where she was seated.

As soon as the crow landed on the back of the chair, Hannah raised one hand to pet it. "Grigor, I feel as if something is not as it should be." She looked to the side, resting her head on her knuckles "Mr. Kent should be home by now. It has been five days…"

The bird let out a small caw and jumped down to Hannah s shoulder, nuzzling its beak in to her hair, its coos almost sounding like a try to comfort her.

"What if something happened in New Orleans? I better use the locator spell and go look for him..." Grigor let out a rather loud caw and his human companion flinched "Yes I know Mr. Kent said I should not leave the Tower unattended, but…" at her retorts, the crow nipped at her ear, making the girl shoot out from her seat and wave the bird away from her shoulder "Alright! Ow! I get it! I will be a good girl and wait."

Grigor suddenly flew in front of her face, stopping just a few inches away and let out loud caws, making the girl puff up her cheeks in defiance "No! I will not call the Justice League!"

The crow was disappointed at her stubbornness and continued being utterly and completely obnoxious; flying around her head and picking at her hair with his claws while she desperately tried to swat him away.

"No! Ugh, no, Grigor, n- OUCH! Grigor stop it!" she yelped "Grigor as your master I demand that you-" the bird pulled on a lock of her air "OW! I said ENOUGH!" she finally swatted him away. Grigor landed on the back of the armchair he was previously on and puffed up his feathers, obviously offended.

"Don't give me that look Grigor." Hannah crossed her arms and her lips pursed together in a perfect pout before she turned away.

"I'll just…wait a little longer. Maybe he's just decided to make it one of his longer outings again."


AUGUST 5, 20:00 EDT

If it was up to Grigor, he would not be letting his master out of the tower. It was for her own safety; the girl was brash, emotion-driven and very often acted before thinking. Kent Nelson was a good pacifier for her, his personality was just what the doctor ordered to keep her at bay.

But then again, it wasn't up to Grigor. Ever since she hit puberty, she barely listened to him. How he longed for the days when she was but a child; it was such an easier time for him. Her rebellious streak was not as strong as it was now and she would often at least take his advice in to consideration.

But, again, she was no longer a child. And that is exactly why Grigor was held tightly in her arms, immobilized, his beak wrapped in a layer of silver duct tape to keep him quiet.

Oh the embarrassment.

Sounds escaped his throat, but were heavily muffled. He loved the girl, there was no doubt about that, but sometimes he just wanted to claw her eyes out.

He could not wait until she finally got out of puberty.

"Be quiet Grigor. I will let you lose only once you're calm enough and I am certain that you won't attempt to horribly maim my face."

Another muffled sound. Hannah was sure he was attempting to say something along the lines of "Yeah right."

She reached the door which led outside the Tower. And right on cue, a transparent copy of Kent Nelson appeared behind her.

"You're leaving, little lady?" he inquired.

"I am going to find Mr. Kent myself." She informed.

The ghostly guardian nodded, a smile present on his face "It is to my knowledge that you shouldn't be leaving the Tower without Nelsons consent." Hannah let out a small "che" sound and pouted up her lips, making the Kent copy laugh "But then again, Nelson isn't here. And who am I to stop you."

Hannah smiled "Make sure no one gets in~"

"That's my job, little lady." He smiled back, watching the girl open the door and exit in to the night. When the doors closed behind her, he let out a chuckle before fading away "Good kid."

As soon as the door closed behind her, it disappeared; The Tower gone as if it were never there. Hannah stood, taking in the scenery; she was located in a park in Salem, not so far from her was the old abandoned theater Taking a moment, she breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the sense of freedom. Most of the time, whenever she was outside, it was in the company of Mr. Kent. She enjoyed these outings, even if she spent them with him.

Actually, spending them with him made them even more enjoyable, to be perfectly honest.

Of course, this wasn't the first time she left the Tower without his consent. But this was the first time she left the tower in order to do something of importance. To do something heroic, for him.

Hannah was practically shaking with excitement.

"Well, Grigor, we're out now. Even if you do attack me, we ain't going back." She said to the bird in her arms, moving her hand to remove the duct tape from around his beak "So, since I have no intention of carrying you, you are free to go."

As soon as the crow was set free, he shook his head and opened and closed his beak a few times, getting his muscles used to the feeling of being able to move them again. Then he gave Hannah the dirtiest look he could, but refrained from his earlier plan of clawing her eyes out. She was right; there was no way he could make her go back inside. So he stretched his wings and quickly hoped up on to her shoulder, letting out a few murmured caws that sounded like he was grumbling. Hannah giggled at her grumpy bird and petted him on the head.

With one hand still softly ruffling Grigors feathers, she raised the other one in front of her. On the ground around her feet formed a circle, emitting a faint purple light, the energy floating from the circle and to her outstretched hand. She used her hand to draw out a circle in the air with the violet energy and then put her open palm in the center of it.

"Laever ot em eht noitacol fo Tnek Noslen~" her voice boomed, the tone of it echoing with power. The circle flashed brightly, lines sprouting out from her outstretched hand and filling the inside of it, forming a map of the city. She moved her hand away and examined it closely, searching for a flashing dot. She taped the circle once and it zoomed in. She frowned.

"According to this, Mr. Kent is in Salem…" Hannah muttered "…in…" she raised her head and looked at the abandoned theater "…there."

A/n: So, we have come to the end of the first chapter. I know it may not be much, and a lot of questions are already unanswered. Not to mention that Klarion doesn't even show up. But, best take it slow. Haste makes waste

The main protagonist is introduced. I think most of you can already make a very clear assumption about her magic heritage. I will try my best not to stereotype her and definitely to keep her out of the Mary Sue category.

Hannah's name may or may not mean something very important to her past. Though that will come in due time.

In other words, Grigor is a hooded crow. This type of crow is not all black; it's plumage is a very fine gray, while it's head, tail, wings and neck are black. This type of crows is native for Eastern Europe and Western Asia.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to review!