A/N: Just a quick note, this story takes place in between Into the Wild and Fire and Ice. I know there actually isn't any time lapse in between the two books, but just for the sake of this story, we're going to pretend there is. )


The cool breeze brushing his whiskers, the sun warming his ginger pelt, and the playful laugh of his best friend meeting his ears were three things that could brighten any moment in Fireheart's day. Right now, the flame-colored tomcat and his best mate, Graystripe, were having a time down by the stream that ran through ThunderClan's territory.

Graystripe's heavy pelt was dripping with water as he stood with the clear stream bubbling just under his belly. His yellow eyes gleamed with amusement as they watched Fireheart, who stood cautiously on the edge, not quite wanting to get his paws wet.

"Come on, scardy-mouse!" Graystripe joked. "It's just a bit of water, and it ain't like this is the river." He paused, narrowing his eyes, and then said in a teasing growl, "I won't have to drag you in, will I?"

"You wouldn't dare!" Fireheart gasped, but he couldn't hold back his laughter.

Graystripe dipped his paw in the water and jerked it up, sending a splash of sparkling drops raining onto Fireheart's muzzle. "Oh yes, I would!" the dark-furred tom giggled. He then launched himself at his pal and sunk his teeth into the ginger's scruff, hauling him down into the brook.

Fireheart let out a surprised squeak as he felt the cold stream rush through his fur. Shoving Graystripe off of him, he leaped up onto the bank and shook himself, scattering crystal beads of water everywhere. Graystripe's chest heaved as he laughed wildly, climbing out of the stream as well.

"Thanks for getting me soaked!" Fireheart hissed, but he flashed a grin at his friend.

The gray cat smiled. He collapsed onto the ground with a contented sigh, before Fireheart lied down next to him, the sun shining and drying their damp bodies.

The two buddies hadn't been able to share a good time in quite a long while. They had only recently been made warriors, after the tiring events with ShadowClan, when Yellowfang had joined the Clan, and Brokentail had been exiled, and everyone was convinced Ravenpaw was dead, when he was actually now living comfortably on Barley's farm. Things were not perfect between the Clans, as things never were. In fact, things were very tense right now, but when Fireheart and Graystripe could find time alone to just play as if they were still carefree apprentices, none of that really mattered.

"If only Ravenpaw could be here." Graystripe mumbled.

Fireheart nodded. Ravenpaw was quiet, shy, but he could really be a nice cat. "Yes, but he is in a much better place now. If he were here, who knows what Tigerclaw would've done to him."

"True." Graystripe noted.

They rested in silence for a few minutes longer, until Graystripe poked Fireheart gently with one unsheathed claw, shouting, "You're it!"

Fireheart chuckled and jumped to his paws, dashing after Graystripe as he raced along the edge of the stream. Even if he tried, Fireheart couldn't imagine how he would get along without Graystripe by his side.

A/N: Sorry it's kind of short. That was just the prologue! Hope you enjoyed it, and will keep watch for the first chapter. :)

~Lokiimouse xx