Everyone was gathered in the main room, trying to keep themselves distracted. The thought of the fate of Cybertron being in the hands of Starscream was an umpleasant one.

Jack himself was reading one of his textbooks, studying for an upcoming test at school. He avoided looking up as much as possible, since things between him and Arcee were strained after the incident when he followed Smokescreen into a battle.

Now and again he'd glace up, if only to make sure that Miko wasn't causing any trouble. Luckily, it seemed that the younger teen was too enthrawled with the video game she and Raf were playing.

Everyone looked over when the proximity sensors went off, and the monitor brought up a visual. It was Fowler, with his usual cross look on his face.

The agent entered the room, but, instead of stopping at the railing as he usually did, he instead went down the stairs and walked up to the crate which Jack lay atop.

"Jack, could I talk with you in private?"

The raven teen blinked in surprise, but nodded.

"Uh, sure! Just let me put my stuff away."

Fowler nodded, looking up when Optimus came forward.

"Agent Fowler. What is it that you wish to speak with Jack about?"

Fowler crossed his arms.

"My superiors are worried about the fact that we nearly had our first human casualty. They want Jack's side of the story, don't worry Prime, the kid isn't in trouble."

Jack shoved his textbook and notes into his backpack before climbing down from the large metal crate. He caught the looks of concern from everyone else, and gave them a smile, silently telling them it was alright.

Fowler led the ebony haired male out of the room and into one of the old restrooms (left from the previous silo occupants).

"Agent Fowler, I know that it was stupid for me to follow Smokescreen onto the field and I take full responsibility for it-!"

"Woah! Easy there, kid. Slow down." Fowler cut him off, holding his hands up.

"This isn't even about that."

Jack's brow furrowed, head tilting in confusion.

"But you said..."

"I needed a valid excuse. I mean, look around! We're talking in a bathroom!...Which sadly enough, is the only place the 'bots don't have video survailence of. Anyway, just...! Just hear me out, alright? No interupting?"

Jack nodded, leaning back and resting his hands on one of the sinks.

Fowler smiled slightly.

"Thank you. There's a secret military group that's been watching you for awhile now. It's a small group, but their project is crucial. They asked me to come and extend an invitation to you. Jack, they want you to be a part of Project Cyber-Jump."


Fowler nodded.

"Project Cyber-Jump was started a few years ago, when the 'bots first came to Earth. The leaders of the project discovered bybernetics of an alien origin. Could be from Cybertron, could be from some place else entirely. The point is that these cybernetics can give people special gifts. The leader of the project was the first to discover, and be implanted with the cybernetics. He found out how they can extend one's abilities, and so he started this project. They take the cybernetics, find the one who's compatable with the tech, and, if the person agree's to help them, implant them with the cybernetics.

"The cybernetics are...special. The alien tech will only work with one person. The people who are in charge of the group and project are dedicated to find these people, and train them so that, in the future, they can aid in battles as soldiers that are gifted with special abilities.

"Kid, you're one of those people. The leader of the project is my friend, I told him about you and he asked for a blood sample, which I'm sorry about taking without permission, just telling you now. But you're compatable with one of the tech pieces!"

Jack spoke up.

"So I'm compatable with some of this alien...cybernetics? I...I don't know, agent Fowler. I mean, what would happen? If I decided to become part of this 'Project Cyber-Jump'?"

Fowler smiled slightly.

"I knew you'd ask that. Well, you'd have to sign some paperwork, fill out an information form. They have a mansion, a place for the people in the project to live at and train safely. You'd go there, then after a day or two, go in to get your Cybernetic installed.

"You'd stick around and train for a year and a half, two at most, go on a few missions now and again, then you can decide if you stay at the mansion, or leave and come back here or whatever you'd like. You'd get called in if your needed in a mission or battle.

"But I'm telling you now, you have to keep this on the DL, even if you choose not to be a part of it-"

"Wait wait wait, if I can't tell anyone, then how would I explain going away for two years?"

Fowler sighed, looking down for a moment before back at the teen.

"That's the thing Jack...You'll have to make it look like you ran away."

The raven teen's heart jumped as his eyes widend. Pretend as though he run away?

But he was being given the chance to help people...Maybe even save people, he'd give nearly anything for that chance.

"Now, I know it's a hard decision, and Liam is more than willing-"


"The leader of Project Cyber-Jump, good friend of mine too. As I was saying, he's more than willing to wait, he understands that it's a tough thing to decide. So when you've thought it over-"

"I'll do it."

Fowler blinked in surprise.

"Uh, you sure you don't want to think about it, Jack?"

The ebony haired youth stared at the agent evenly.

"As long as I can remember, I've wanted to do something, anything, that could help others. Watching the 'bots going into battle just makes me wish...So much that I could do something that makes my life feel like it's worth something.

"You trust these people, that's enough for me. I'll give you my email and you can send over the paperwork, I'll have it done as soon as possible."

Fowler was silent for a moment, searching for any hesitation in the teen, but he found none. The man smiled.

"Alright then. Liam will be thrilled, he's pretty interested in your little escapades with the 'bots. He keeps saying, and I quote, 'that kid's either brave or foolish for running into battle without a single weapon'."

Jack chuckled slightly.

"Cool. Well, let's go back out there. Everyone's probably wondering what's taking so long."

Fowler nodded, clasping Jack's hand in one of his, the other patting the teen's shoulder.

"Yeah, well, c'mon then. And remember, keep the project on the DL."

Jack smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut."

Later, Darby household, 3rd POV

Jack sighed as he sifted through he paperwork. He had just recently printed it out (quickly deleting the email after so no one could find it), and was now laying on his belly on his bed, pillows under him, paperwork and pen before him.

This was it. The first step in changing his life, in changing everything, was right in front of him.

"I feel...Kinda scared..." Jack whispered to himself as he stared down at the papers. He then shook his head quickly.

"Idiot. It's just some paper, and you promised Fowler...And I'm talking to myself. Great."

Jack took the pen and began to fill out the papers. Some of the things he read were strange, even to him. But he pressed on anyways, signing his name on lines and checking boxes.

Some of the papers talked about the cybernetics, how they only worked for one person in the world (strange, considering they were of alien origin), and how they could be small or large, it even described some of the abilities that the cybernetics could possibly grant.

It sounded alright, though. The mansion would provide a safe place to live and train, just as Fowler had said. And if he was given a mission he didn't wish to do, he could decline it.

Jack set the paperwork aside, moving on to the information form.

Full Name: Jackson Lander Darby

Age: 16 1/2

D.O.B: 12/1/1995

Place of Birth: Jasper, Nevada

Current Place of Residents: Jasper, Nevada

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 103

Birth Mother: June Darby

Birth Father: Arram Darby

It continued on as such, though the next page had questions of a stranger nature.

As he finished up the last of all the work, he thought over what exactly he was doing.

He was changing his whole entire life, he was leaving for two years, and would be letting everyone think he ran away...


She'd already lost two partners, and now a third...

Jack shook his head. No, he would come back. He WOULD come back after the training years were done. He would come back and he would see everyone again.

Jack sighed, standing and taking all the paper work, putting it in his desk drawr and shutting it. He then turned, flopping down on his bed and letting out a muffled groan into his pillow.

Not even bothering to get changed into his pajamas, he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Hey everyone! So this is a new story idea I had a while back, and just now decided to try! What do you all think? Should I write some more? Yes? No?

So, just let me explain this a bit. The cybernetics are from a strange alien planet. I figured a diety, like Primus, in a way, created the Cybernetics. The pieces are only for certain people, so quite a few won't ever work for any human. But like, one cybernetic works for the 'one with the kindest of souls' or 'one with love for all that is living'. That kind of thing.

Well, until later, bye!