"Oh, I'm pissed Tobias. But that's not going to change anything is it? Hopefully your guys won't screw up the next hostage situation." He stood up. Tony and Fornell stood as well. Tony opened the door.

Ziva, Tim and Abby stood up quickly, looking guilty. Tony grinned. He should have known they would be listening at the door. They looked alarmed and quickly rushed back to the Bullpen.

Gibbs arrived seconds after they all scrambled back to their desks, typing away at nothing. He smiled and shook his head. "Go home. Your weekend has been ruined enough."

They all looked up and smiled in relief. Tony grabbed Ziva's hand and Tim grabbed Abby's.

Chapter Fifty-One: "A Life Full of Surprises"

Mimi's Birthday celebration was more subdued than originally planned. She had only been discharged two days before, and although she felt well, Gibbs was not going to over tax her.

Not only that, her birthday was on a Tuesday, the 14th. A school night. Pretty much put a damper on any late night reveling. So the team gathered at Gibbs and Mimi's for a very low-key party.

Breena made the cake, her fabulous "Chocolate Insanity Cake with Cherry Cordial Death". "You really should open your own bakery." Abby said as she nearly swooned, savoring a delicious morsel.

Even though their back yards were connected, they had another snow storm, as Gibbs had predicted. A foot of snow was on the ground, making walking through the backyards impossible for the heavily pregnant Abby. They had all driven over, their cars filling the driveway and street.

She looked at Ziva, who was eating a larger piece of cake. "It's not fair! Ziva is farther along than I am but I am way huger than she is." Abby complained. Abby was in fact quite a bit bigger than Ziva.

"Abbs, you're carrying twins. Of'course you're going to be bigger than Ziva. But you're not fat, you're beautiful." Tim kissed his wife.

"Oh, Timmy. You always know the right thing to say. But Ziva is still kind of small don't you think, even if she is only having one baby?" Abby frowned, looking at her friend chatting with Gibbs and Mimi.

Tim looked at Ziva critically. He shrugged. "I guess I would have to compare pictures of how she looked when she was as far along with Karina. I think she looks fine. Mimi doesn't look worried, so I don't think you should worry either, ok?" He kissed her mouth again, tasting the chocolate icing from the cake.

"Mmmm…that is good. I'm going to have a piece!" Tim headed for the cake.

Tony walked up to Tim. "Eating for two, McGee?" He joked. Tim glared at him.

"Very funny, Tony. This is my first piece." Tim placed the slice on a plate and grabbed a fork.

Tony touched Tim's shoulder. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

McGee looked surprised, then concerned. "Everything ok, Tony?"

"Yeah, just want to talk to you about something." Tony cocked his head toward the basement. Intrigued, Tim followed Tony down the stairs. Gibbs saw them leave and smiled, pretty sure what Tony wanted with Tim.

Once they got downstairs, they looked around. Gibbs had covered up whatever he was working on. Tony resisted the urge to peek, knowing it was probably a cradle for two for Tim and Abby, and he knew Gibbs would want it to be a surprise.

"So what's up, Tony? Is Ziva ok?" Tim asked, his voice laced with concern.

Tony's head snapped up at that. "Why would you ask that, McGee?"

Tim shrugged. "Just something Abby said. She thought Ziva looked too small."

Tony looked upstairs as if he could see Ziva through the ceiling. He shook his head. "Nah, she's the same as she was with Karina. She never got that big, although try telling her that…" Tim nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, Abby is having a fit she's bigger than Ziva is." Tim sighed.

"Well, I would hope so, with two babies in that easy bake oven. Listen, what I want to talk to you about is names."

Tim looked at Tony confused. "Names?"

"Baby names." Tony clarified. "Ziva and I have picked out a name for the baby, but with you and Abby also having a boy, I kind of want to make sure we aren't taking a name you really want."

Tim looked at Tony in shock and admiration. "That's a real nice thing for you to think about, Tony. To tell you the truth, we've talked, but other than the middle names, we haven't decided on the first names yet."

"Ok, are you considering naming any of the babies after anyone we know or in the family?" Tony was trying to be cagey and not reveal the name they had picked out, but he needed to give some sort of clue.

Tim looked at Tony, knowing he had just given him a clue. He was wondering who they were going to name the baby after. Karina's middle name was already for Gibbs, so he doubted Jethro was the chosen name.

Tim decided to play with Tony. "Are you counting the dogs?" He asked, his expression serious.

Tony laughed. "Well, Bridget won't work for a boy, although Bailey and Jethro would. No, I can safely say that we are not naming our son after one of the dogs."

Ah, so Jethro was definitely out. Tim decided to quit playing. "The middle names are after family, but so far the first names we have looked at and like are not. We have it down to two names each, none of which are names of people on the team." Tim answered.

"So, no Timothy No Middle Initial McGee, Jr.?" Tony teased.

"So, no Anthony D. DiNozzo, III?" Tim countered.

"Touché." Tony chuckled. "Never in a million years. Ok, good talk. I feel better. I just had this fear of announcing his name after he is born and then Abby bursting into tears saying 'that's what we were naming our son'. Couldn't bear to think about it."

"You're a good man, Tony." Tim grabbed his shoulder.

"I do the best that I can. I am certainly a better man since being with Ziva. I guess love and family does change things, doesn't it?"

"Life is full of surprises, Tony. I have a feeling the best are yet to come." Tim smiled. They headed back upstairs. Tony caught Gibbs' eye and gave a thumb's up.

Gibbs chuckled and shook his head. Mimi was sitting on the sofa with Lily and Sean. She had spoken on the phone to her sisters and dad, wishing her a happy birthday.

They had of'course been terrified by the events of the past few days. Gibbs had called them daily, letting them know Mimi was ok. By mutual agreement, he and Mimi decided to not tell them she had been shot.

She and Gibbs had told Lily together, the day Mimi came home from the hospital. At first she was angry that she had not been told right away, being treated like a child. But Gibbs finally got her to understand it was more for her mom's sake than hers, until she got her memory back. Once she was convinced of that, she was fine with not being told right away.

Gibbs sat down next to Mimi and put his arm around her. "How are you doing? Getting too tired?" Mimi laid her head on his shoulder.

"I'm a little tired, but ok for now. What was that with Tony?" She looked curious.

Gibbs smiled. "I'm just guessing, but I'm pretty sure it was about baby names." At Mimi's quizzical look, Gibbs explained further. "Tony and Ziva have selected a name, which he didn't tell me by the way. But he was worried that Tim and Abby might want to use the name as well. He was worried about their feelings. So from his expression and thumbs up, I am assuming that he feels confident that their son's name is not in the running for Tim and Abby's."

"Interesting." Mimi said. "Tony is certainly full of surprises."

"He's just finally grown up. You should have known him before he met Ziva, and even after. They didn't get together until they'd worked together for…seven years?" Gibbs had to rethink the math in his head.

"Anyway, it took a long time. Tony has always been the brightest, most talented investigator I have ever had, but he was a child emotionally. Well, maybe that's too harsh. Certainly hedonistic, totally incapable of commitment, even with his own father. Looked at life as one big party."

"Did Ziva make that big of an impact on him?" Mimi asked.

Gibbs considered it. "I think from the moment they met, when she was really not part of us and we were suspicious of her and her motives, she definitely intrigued him. But after everything he and Ziva, hell all of us, have been through over the years, he'd have to be brain dead to not be affected by it all in some way."

Gibbs watched Tony hoist Karina on his shoulders, dancing with her. "Fortunately for us, it was in a positive way. He was forced to grow up, and make some adult decisions, to get rid of his fears of commitment and go after what he had been running after all his life."

Gibbs looked at Mimi and kissed her. "Family. He had us, but he needed his own. Ziva gave him that, and he gave that to her. After that, everything else fell into place."

"You mean Tim and Abby." Mimi smiled.

"And you and me. We never would have met if Tony and Ziva had not gotten together." Gibbs caressed her hand.

"Yeah, that was something, although I certainly don't want a repeat of the reason we met." Mimi smiled and looked at both Ziva and Abby.

"I know you haven't seen them 'professionally' since December, but how do you think they are doing?" Gibbs asked.

Mimi continued watching them. "They look good, Jethro. Abby is finally bigger than Ziva, which she should be, but she's not too big. Ziva looks very healthy and has good energy. Abby may have to cut back to half time soon. She's going to have a hard time carrying that extra weight around."

Gibbs looked at his team, laughing and joking with each other. It was a good day today.

Four Weeks Later

Gibbs, Mimi and Lily waited impatiently in the courthouse ready room, waiting to be called into the Judge's chambers. Their lawyer had already gone in.

Lily was starting to fret. "What is taking so long? They've been together in there for an hour!"

"Lily, it's been fifteen minutes. Come on, sit down and relax. I'm sure everything will be fine." He grabbed her hand and pulled her down next to him. Ten minutes later, their lawyer came out.

"Ok, you can come in now." He said.

"He's not smiling, Daddy. Why isn't he smiling?" Lily asked, concerned.

"He's a lawyer, Lily. It's the profession. They're not allowed to." Gibbs answered, hoping he was right.

They entered the Judge's chambers, a large executive office with plush chairs. "Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, Lily Allen: Judge Everett Argison." The Lawyer made the introductions. They all shook hands.

"Please be seated." The Judge instructed. Nervously, they all sat. "I've been reading your application with great interest. It is quite unusual for an adult to be adopted by a step-parent."

Lily started to open her mouth, but Gibbs grabbed her hand and shook his head.

Judge Argison smiled at Lily's almost outburst. "I have step-children myself, that I adopted when I married my second wife. Of'course they were quite a bit younger than you are Ms. Allen." He chuckled.

"But I understand the strong bond of family and of the need to belong. It transcends age and defies logic. The law does not place an age limit on adoption; it only requires that the adoption is in the best interest of the parties involved. After reading your file and the recommendation given by Ms. Coretz, it is my ruling that this adoption be granted. Henceforth, Lily Allen will be known as Lily Gibbs and Leroy Jethro Gibbs will be recognized as her legal father."

They all expelled their breath, unaware they had been holding it in. Lily burst into tears and hugged her parents. Gibbs found his eyes filling with tears. He shook hands with the Judge and his lawyer.

Mimi and Lily also thanked the Judge and the lawyer and left the chamber, Gibbs walking behind them. Once they stepped outside, the cold February air hit them like a slap in the face, but they were too elated to care. Once they got in the car, Gibbs pulled out his cell phone.


Tony, Ziva, Tim, Abby, and Ducky were waiting in the Bullpen, impatient and nervous. "Shouldn't they know by now?" Abby complained. She rubbed her belly. "Even the babies are excited and nervous."

Tony and Ziva smiled at each other. "I'm sure everything is fine, Abbs. There's no way the Judge will say no, if only for fear of the wrath of Gibbs." Tony grinned. Just then his desk phone rang.

"Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. Boss!" He put the phone on speaker. "How did it go?"

"There's someone here who wants to say hi to you." Gibbs said, unable to keep the grin off his face.

Tony looked at the others, perplexed. "Yeah, who would that be?"

"It would be Lily Gibbs!" Lily yelled out in excitement. Gibbs had to pull the phone away from his ear, the cheers were so loud.
"Keep it down, DiNozzo, and make sure Abby and Ziva don't get over excited. Only one family member allowed to be added per day."

"Accept of'course when the twins come, Gibbs." Abby piped up. "That will be a two-fer day!"

"Yeah, ok, Abbs. I'll make that one exception just for you and Tim. We're heading in, see you in a bit." Gibbs ended the call. Lily was already calling Sean and talking excitedly to him. Mimi called her sisters and told them the good news.

Gibbs had one more call to make. "Hey, Dad. How are you doing?" Gibbs smiled.

Jackson was behind the counter, as usual. "Business is good, slow today though. How did it go?"

"Well, you have a new Gibbs."

Jackson grin was so wide it threatened to crack his face. "That's great! She would be my granddaughter no matter what those legal types said, but I know it's what she wanted. And you."

"Yeah, Dad. I did." Gibbs said softly.

"I'm happy for you, son." Jackson said. "You deserve all the happiness in the world, even if they come as surprises."

"That's an understatement. This whole year has been one surprise after another. Anyway, wanted you to hear the good news."

"Ok, son. Love you. And give that daughter and granddaughter of mine a big kiss for me."

Gibbs chuckled. "Will do. And Dad? I love you, too." Gibbs hung up.

Abby and Ziva were on half-days now, so they were just hanging out waiting for Gibbs, Mimi and Lily. Although it was tough not having them there full-time, it did work to other's advantage.

Ned Dorneget was temporarily assigned to the team to augment the absence of Ziva. He was absolutely thrilled, but under no illusion that it would be made permanent, however much he may wish it to be.

With Abby not in the lab as much, Tim began spending more time down there. Lily was still doing her internship, which helped with the hours Abby wasn't there, but she wasn't Abby.

Still, she had Abby's touch with her "babies" so everyone felt comfortable with Lily taking lead on the testing. What she lacked in forensics and police work, she made up for with her intelligence, determination and willingness to work hard and learn.

She didn't have the experience to "think out of the box" like Abby did yet, so Tim was there to help her when things were not quite so black and white. There was also an experienced temp Forensic Scientist who took call and covered when the hours were late.

With Tim down in the Lab so much, Dornie became Tony's new "Probie". Despite his harassing and teasing ways, Tony actually enjoyed teaching and mentoring Agents. Gibbs had taken him under his wing, and he always believed in paying it forward.

Now that Mimi was well again, she was back at work, but still spent most of her time at home, working on research and papers. She had seen both Ziva and Abby the end of January and was very pleased with how they were doing, but she invoked the part-time status.

Both were frustrated at first, but then they began to enjoy their "girl time". Tony and Tim would often come home and find both snoring in the plush recliners of Tony's home theater in his Man Cave.

Ziva was able to take Karina home with her and drop her off with Mimi if it looked to be a late night for the team. Otherwise, Tony brought her home when he left for the day, giving Ziva plenty of down time. Karina was thrilled to be with everyone, so she was having a great time spending extra time with "Momo" and seeing Bailey.

Gibbs and Mimi's Home

Gibbs looked out their bedroom window. "Punxsutawney Phil" had come out and seen his shadow, so they knew they were in for more winter. Just to prove the point, another snow storm had hit them the day before.

The trees were beautiful, the street quiet, serene. An exact opposite of the mood inside. Gibbs felt Mimi return from the bathroom before he actually heard her. He turned slowly around and faced his wife.

"Well?" He asked, trying to keep his voice and expression neutral.

"We wait." Mimi sat down on their bed, holding the white stick in her hand, purposely not looking at it.

Gibbs went and sat down next to her. Not more than once had he thought that this year had been one surprise after another. Mimi and Lily, DiNozzo baby number two, Tim and Abby AND twins, almost losing Mimi, adopting Lily and now…

"Mimi," Gibbs took her hand and caressed it. "No matter what happens, we'll work it out. If I've learned anything this year is that life is full of surprises, some good and some bad. No matter what, we're going to make this a 'good' surprise." He kissed her temple.

"I hope you're right." Mimi whispered. She had not kept her fears from Gibbs, and he knew she was shaking inside right now, waiting to find out for sure if their lives were about to change forever.

The "ding" of the timer Mimi had set startled them both. They looked at each other. "Ready?" Mimi asked.

Gibbs brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Together, they looked down and saw their future revealed before their eyes.

To Be Continued…

Oh, I did NOT just do that! Guess you'll have to read the next story to find out what the results are. You have been an amazing audience and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your reviews, favs and follows. I hope you will continue with me as I continue my "Life" series. Still no definite title yet, although there are some good contenders. The following suggestions have been submitted…Stay tuned!

"Life Unexpected", "Life Goes On", "You Are The Sunshine of My Life", "Life's changing as we know it", "A life at the end of the tunnel", "A Life Lived to the Fullest", "A New Lease on Life", "A Life By Any Other Name", "The enjoyment of LIFE!", "The Seasons of Life", "A Life of Changes", "The Labyrinth of Life". What are your faves?