Sara is back to work on light duty status and is trying hard to abide by the terms set by Grissom. No field work, no lifting over five pounds and frequent breaks to get up and walk around. He has been monitoring her healing and even though the bruises have healed, she is still stiff and sore, not to mention having her arm in a cast from the elbow to the wrist. Grissom finds more reasons to be in the office more to keep an eye on her. They all know how much he hates the paperwork side of his supervisor job, and the only reason he is being so diligent in getting it done is so he can watch over Sara while she's at work.
Catherine and Nick have exchanged numerous grins and snickers when Grissom jumps up to get her a cup of tea or move a box of evidence for her. Sara just rolls her eyes, not wanting to be seen as incompetent in any way, but the others think it's cute. Nick had come around a corner once or twice to catch them stealing an intimate kiss; shocking him into a deep blush, but he was even getting used to that now. It was most definitely not normal Grissom behavior and it takes some getting used to, but they are all happy Grissom and Sara are finally admitting to their relationship openly.
Grissom has come to a point in his life where there is something more important than his dignified, professional image. At first he was embarrassed to be caught acting so attentive to Sara's needs at work, but after a day or so, he realized it wasn't that bad. So what if people knew? He was madly in love for the first time in his life and he no longer wanted to hide his feelings... any of them. His only reluctance now was not rushing things. He was very attuned to Sara's emotional state and how some little thing would bring back painful or fearful memories of her time with Nash.
Grissom has allowed himself only some pretty heated kissing and eager petting, but always pulled back before things got out of hand. He knew his frustration level was rising with each time Sara was in his arms, but until she was well and truly healed from her ordeal, he couldn't allow his personal needs to get out of control and risk scaring her. His frustration is growing with each day and it makes him more anxious where she is concerned... more attentive. What he doesn't know is his hyper-attention to her every need was causing Sara's frustration levels to rise as well.
Sara knew Grissom loved her. She knew he was concerned for her health... and her mental stability; and with good cause. She'd basically shut down and taken refuge inside herself in order to deal with the trauma. She understood that and she was grateful to him for being so gentle and loving... so patient, so caring. But it has now been six weeks and her injuries were all but healed now. In fact her case was due to come off tomorrow. Sara was ready to move on from this... she wanted to put it behind her and she could only do that if Grissom was ready to move on with her. His insistence on keeping their romantic interludes to limited necking was leaving her tense and frustrated. She wants more, but she isn't sure how to get what she wants with a man like Grissom so she finally decides to take a chance and talk to Catherine about it.
Sara finds Catherine heading down the hall towards the exit at the end of her shift as the sun is just causing the black night to fade to a thick, murky grey. She jogs to catch up with her as they exit the building and have a bit more privacy to talk. "Hey, Cath! Wait up."
Catherine turns with a smile when she sees Sara looking so much like her old self. Sara returns the smile and falls into step with the woman she has at times been intensely jealous of, but always respected. As they near Catherine's SUV, she opens the tailgate to toss in her work case. Wondering what Sara has on her mind, she hesitates a moment then turns to sit in the open back area and motions for Sara to do the same.
"What's on your mind, Sara? Or were you just taking a quick jog around the lab?"
"No, not up to jogging yet... maybe next week." Sara sits down beside her friend and takes a deep breath before she tells Catherine about her problem. "You got a minute? To talk?"
"Sure, is everything all right?"
"Yeah, things are good... really good. Grissom is wonderful, but ... " Her cheeks flush and she isn't able to put her concerns into words.
Catherine studies her friend for a moment and takes a guess at the problem, "But... he won't engage?"
"No, that's not the problem." She holds up her left hand to remind Catherine of the ring she's worn on her finger for the past two weeks. His proposal hadn't come as a surprise, it had just come quicker than either of them had anticipated. Grissom's explanation had been that he'd already waited way too long as it was.
They exchange a smile, knowing how much the ring meant to Sara. She slowly lowers her hand, resting it on the cast covering her other arm. "Its... more like he won't participate, Cath. Past a certain point, he just shuts down. Don't know if it's me... or what?"
Catherine hears her voice crack with the uncertainty that has been plaguing her ever since Nash brainwashed her into believing everything was her fault in some way. Catherine also knows the problem with Grissom's reluctance has nothing to do with her... well, not in that way at least. Knowing Grissom as she does, Catherine explains it to her friend.
"Sara, it is most definitely not you. Grissom's reluctance... if you want to call it that, is his own fear of hurting you. Causing you emotional trauma if you're not ready for that... aspect of your relationship."
Sara smirks at Catherine's attempts to explain the situation to her. She is relieved to hear that Grissom didn't see her in some way as 'dirty or not acceptable' now. "THAT is not a problem, Cath...really. I've never been more ready!"
They laugh as Sara shakes her head in disbelief and Catherine leans in to place a comforting hand around her shoulders. They giggle like schoolgirls, like they haven't done in a long time. Catherine gives her some teasing suggestions while Sara responds with a few of her own.
"You wanna borrow one of my 'come and get it' teddies?"
"No, I'm past that... how about your red satin 'fuck me' nightie?"
"Oh, I know! We'll set Grissom's room up like a room from Lady Heather's Dominion!"
"Oh Hell NO! The last thing I need is for him to be thinking about her! Focus on me, Catherine! I'm the desperate one here, okay?!"
By the time Nick and Greg come strolling past minutes later, they are laughing so hard that tears are rolling down their cheeks and their laughter is coming in gasps and snorts, which only causes them to laugh harder and hold their sides.
Greg watches the two women, wondering what could cause such hysterics. He turns a questioning look to his more well-mannered friend, but only receives a shake of his head as he replies, "Don't ask, don't tell, Greggo. Don't want to even know... just glad to see Sara laughing again."
"Yeah, you're right. It's been way too long." They continue to glance over to the women who are totally unaware they are being observed in the dawn light.
When they finally have their laughter under control, Catherine carefully wipes her eyes, hoping her mascara wasn't smudged into some semblance of one of Heather's girls. Sara, who never wore much make up just watched and nodded to assure her she looked fine. Catherine finally takes a deep breath and then reaches out to take Sara's right hand. She holds her friend's hand for a long moment before she speaks again.
"Oh, God... that felt good. We haven't laughed like that in way too long." Their eyes meet and she smiles, "It's so good to have you back, Sara... really have you back."
"Me too, Cath. I feel like me again."
"And, I'm guessing as soon as this is removed tomorrow... your problems will be over." Catherine taps her fingertips on Sara's heavy cast to draw her attention to it. "My guess is Grissom sees the cast and it reminds him of your injuries."
"I guess it's not the most romantic looking thing is it? You really think that's it?"
"It comes off tomorrow, right? Okay, tomorrow it's gone and so are all the reasons for Grissom to be hesitant. But, Sara, you know the man... he is nothing if he isn't cautious."
"Aggravatingly so at time, but I get your message. Cast comes off and so do the Kidd gloves." Sara gives her an evil smirk as the plan forms in her head.
"That's my girl. Time you told that man exactly what you want. Just remember to let Grissom think it's his idea... he is a man, after all."
They share another giggle and Sara leaps up with new-found energy and determination. Catherine waves as she hurries off to set her plan in motion, knowing Grissom doesn't stand a chance.
Gil lowers his mouth to hers, expressing all the love that threatens to drown him daily when he is away from her for too long. Sara moans softly and allows her arms to curl up around his neck, feeling new freedom now that her cast has been removed. She arches into his strong body as long moments are lost in long, slow kisses filled with love. Just when she feels the passion beginning to swirl in her belly, he pulls back reluctantly. Sara holds him tighter, refusing to let him go this time.
"Mmmnnn, Gil, please..."
"Anything, Sweetheart."
"Love me. Just love me."
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask me to love you... not just make love to you."
"Really? How do you know that's not all I'm asking for now?" Sara is feeling happier than she's ever been and playfully draws her finger along his jaw, smiling in her sexy way. His sudden uncertainty is clear in his eyes and Sara realizes her joke was not taken as that. "Hey, hey—babe, it's okay, I was just joking."
"Sara, honey... please don't joke about that. I need you to want me, I can't function if you don't love me."
"I do love you with all my heart, mind, body and soul. Don't ever doubt that, Gil. I love you, I have always loved you and I will always love you." She leans in to kiss him with slow, sultry need. "And I want to love you... so much, right now."
He stares deeply into her eyes, drawing confidence from the unwavering emotion glowing there. With a smile Grissom swiftly scoops her up into his arms and turns to stride down the hallway to her bedroom. Their eyes remain locked as he gently sets her down beside the bed and huskily admits, After a moment he drops his head to tenderly kiss her once more and with his balance restored, huskily teases, "That's good... very good, and it's okay if you want me to make love to you too."
Sara gives him her answer without words as her fingers come up to snag his glasses from his nose. She sets them aside and then turns her attention to unbuttoning his shirt. He stands motionless, watching her eager work as he always has, amazed that her desire is focused on him. In his wildest dreams he never believed she would want him, really want him. Now, he can hardly contain his excitement as her hands move over his body with fluttering efficiency.
When her hand moves to his belt, intent on making his lower body as naked as the top, he stops her. Control is still an issue with him, and one satiny touch of her hands on his manhood will be his undoing right now. His hands settle over hers and her eyes come up to his questioningly. He smiles tenderly at her frustration and gently scolds her, "Patience."
He removes her hands and then turns his attention to quickly removing her clothing, his breath catching in his throat as he uncovers the matching red satin bra and panties beneath. He presses her gently down until she is sitting on the edge of the bed, loving the way she complies with his slightest direction. It dawns on him that she knows his every whim and desire and it only adds to his excitement. Sara has always been the perfect woman, molding herself into his fantasies. She has the power to make him lose focus, make him lose control, but she never does, letting him set the pace. He kneels before her, awed and breathless in this revelation and knowing the sexy lingerie has nothing to do with it. He sees so clearly what has been there all along and feels a stab of regret at the time lost due to his own stupid fears. He silently vows not to waste another moment in making her as happy as he can for the rest of their lives.
"You are so beautiful, Sara."
His compliment thrills her, but his mouth, kissing her with such emotion causes a soft shiver to roll through her. She returns his caresses, giving him all the love in her heart. With each kiss melting into the next, his hands move up to possessively claim her soft breasts, losing their red satin covering with a flick of his fingers. A low whimper escapes her throat as her nipples harden to his touch. His touch is so confident, so familiar... and yet so new and exciting. His eyes glitter as her body responds to him. He suddenly ducks his head to claim one taut nipple, mauling it hungrily as she arches back on his arm. He lowers her onto the bed, bending over her, tormenting each breast in turn. Sara is panting softly when his mouth slides reverently down over her belly, leaving a wet trail of kisses along the way to the next scrap of red satin. She anticipates him and lifts her legs, resting her feet on his thighs.
His hands stroke her inner thighs as he eases the fabric down over her perfect long, sexy legs. With that barrier gone, his hands come to rest behind her knees as he holds her open for his examination. He takes a moment to admire the dainty pink blossom, glistening and wet with anticipation. He loves this sight and always takes a moment to admire it, but today he also says the words he's held back in the past.
"You have the most perfect... pink... so sweet, I can't resist devouring you."
And with that, his head drops between her legs. She moans and arches up, his bearded chin scraping her tender flesh as he hungrily explores every inch of her sex. His tongue probing inside her, noisily lapping and suckling her as throaty growls of pleasure vibrate against her flesh. Sara knows she can't hold out long when he does this and moans in desperation as she firmly pushes him back.
His eyes come up to hers in confusion, his mouth glittering with her juices as she breathlessly pants, "! I want to come... with you deep inside me."
"Oh, you will... trust me, but first I want you to come for me, Sara. Hold my tongue inside you and come hard."
With a helpless whimper, Sara watches his head drop back to its task. Once again tormenting her in long flat strokes, punctuated by rapid flicks over her clit. His tongue delving back inside her until she can't hold back any longer. She cries out hoarsely and arches her hips up to his hungry mouth, feeling his tongue stroking her through the uncontrollable spasms. His deep growl of excitement as his hands hold her trembling legs wide apart. He lazily laps up the hot juices his ministrations brought forth.
He continues to stroke her slowly, prolonging her climax as she whimpers softly in breathless pants. When he raises his eyes to hers, the wild glitter in them makes her shiver. The gleam of sheer male dominance. He would never hurt or scared her, but he is not a man to be denied his pleasures. In her haze of pleasure she watches as he stands up now, slowly removing his jeans as his eyes remain locked on hers.
When he is naked he stands over her, slowly stroking his rock hard cock as he watches her watching him, unconsciously licking her lips. He would like nothing better than to give himself up to the extraordinary talent of her mouth, but he can't. Not this time. This is the moment when Sara was truly his. Their night together in the hotel room had been incredible, but this was different. This was his bed, in his home and Sara was his now.
Her smoky brown eyes are nearly black as she floats on the remnants of her orgasm. Her lips are curled up into a lazy smile as her hand slowly raises up towards him; her finger curling into a silent command. With a small smile, Gil nods in agreement and kneels on the bed between her legs. In one swift move, his arm slips beneath her, hoisting her into the middle of her bed. He kneels over her a long moment, his weight suspended on his arms on either side of her. His eyes hold hers, waiting for her permission to proceed; yet at the same time defying her to stop him from taking what is his.
Sara sees the challenge, knows this was his way of making sure she had no regrets because they both know this time will be different. Her entire body trembles in anticipation of that moment, when he sinks deeply inside her and lays claim to her. She holds his gaze, confident and calm, as her hand slowly snakes down between them. Her hand curls around his hot shaft, stroking slowly as he arches into her hand, moving with her.
"I love your cock... so hard, so hot.. driving deep when you make love to me."
He holds her gaze as his mouth lowers to hers in a deep, hungry kiss. She reaches up, drawing his tongue into her mouth as he slowly rubs his throbbing shaft over her slick, tingling sex. As she sucks slowly on his tongue he growls deep in his chest and plunges his cock into her. A mutual moan of approval mingles with their kiss as each blends into the next and they settle into a slow, deep rhythm. His arms cradle her head, devouring her with his hungry kisses. She aches to hold him close, her legs curling up high along his back.
Normally Grissom could control his passion for long, intense minutes—ensuring Sara's pleasure before considering his own. Right now, he found it hard to keep his focus, knowing this time was different made him impatient. He could hardly wait to feel his life fluids erupting deep inside her, but he forced himself to hold back. He placed his mouth to her ear, huskily rasping the words into her mind, dazed by the quickly rising passion inside him.
"Aaahhh, Sara, to me."
"Mmnn... oh, Gil... I'm so close..."
"Tell me what you want... where you want it."
To make his point, Grissom purposely slows his pace and moves with aggravating restraint. He holds back, even when she moans her frustration and arches up against him. In desperation, Sara nips his neck and pants out her answer in breathless gasps.
"Ohh, please... harder ... mmnn... yes, harder, baby!" With her words he obeys and strokes his cock in long deep thrusts, but still he holds back as she begs for more. "Aahh... aahh... yes, oh, God, yes!"
"Take it, baby—all of it! God, I want to fuck you so hard!"
With her one good hand clinging tightly to his shoulder as she arches up to meet him, he begins to ram his cock into her, hard and deep. Setting up a hard slamming rhythm that has her crying out as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over her. Grissom's hands curl down under her hips, lifting her up as he rams into her furiously, riding her orgasm. Lost to her intense orgasm, Sara barely hears his growled words against her throat, "Oh, sweet Jesus... love... you... Sara..."
Grissom drives his cock deeply into her belly, pushing her hips up with his rigid legs as his life fluids explode deep inside her. His entire body stays rigid above her for long, tense moments as his entire body trembles uncontrollably. Totally drained, a small whimper escapes him as he finally collapses onto her, stunned, sated and completely happy.
His words set her free from the fears that had once again taken over her since the moment Nash reappeared in her life. She had only a brief glimpse of this surreal happiness with Grissom before Nash so violently destroyed it for her. Now, with Nash gone and those mental restraints lifted by the loving ministrations of the only man she's ever truly loved, a husky moan erupts from deep inside her. With her eyes closed to savor the moment, Sara holds him close as the waves of ecstasy slowly recede. She places tender kisses along his damp neck and shoulder, not caring that his weight is making it difficult to breathe.
After several minutes his mind begins to function again and he lifts up to move off her, but she stops him with a soft moan, "No... don't move. Feels so good... so perfect."
He relaxes back onto her, pressing his hips to hers and receiving another soft moan in response. Her eyes are hooded and sleepy, but the love shining up at him was unmistakable. She gently strokes his jaw as she guides his mouth to hers for a gentle kiss as s he purrs huskily and tightens her arms around him. When his head settles back next to hers, she sighs happily and whispers, "You belong right here."
Grissom smiles and kisses her throat, at a loss for words and realizing she was right, there was nowhere else he wanted to belong ever again. He braces his weight on his elbows and lets his eyes drift shut in the most relaxed, happy sleep he could remember. He was where he belonged... with his Sara and life was perfect; no matter what came their way they had this perfection.
The end.