Τhe pirate and the captain
Introductions, Disclaimers, Warnings
Hello, everybody this is Mika-chan! (^_^)/
This is my first story ever, also English is not my native language, so be patient with me and if you find a really bad mistake, please let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible. Anyhow, I hope and wish to everyone to enjoy my story.
The story is about a blond captain of the royal navy named Shizuo, who has big animosity against the pirates. In one of his missions he meets Izaya, a rather strange raven pirate, and that`s how their story begins…
Of course, I do not own any of the Durarara`s characters, everyone is owned by RyohgoNarita, all the others are mine!
And one last warning. This story is YAOI, aka Male x Male, so if you are disturbed, disgust with this pairing please LEAVE this story right now.
~ The first meeting ~
The sun was shining brightly and the soft, rhythmic sounds of the waves crashing against the shipwere sounded on thedeck. Its captain was standing on the quarterdeck, controlling the steering wheel driving the big, heavy ship right behind the wakeof the other ship. His caramel eyes were shining with excitement and a satisfied smile was plastered over his face, while he was gazing at the quiet sea that spread before him and his ship. Nothing could disturb this perfect day.
The ship`s bow was slicing the velvet, blue waters of the ocean effortless and its sails were full stretched with a gentle, but firm breeze bringing its crew fast closer to the enemy`s ship by each minute. He had been ordered to kill everyone on the pirate ship that he was pursuing, but he didn't show being disturbed by such an order. Usually he would have, he didn`t like violence, in reality he hated it. However, those pirates were special case to him. When he was child, fifteen years ago they had attacked his city and killed almost half of the population between the victims were his parents. Hence, he had hated those people with all his heart and his revenge over them was his reason to rank into navy and become a captain. He just wanted to see them all imprisoned or even better sentenced to death.
The captain sighed heavily as he was thinking about his past. "Simon, take over the wheel and keep it straight, soon we will reach them." He ordered the black giant to his right and moved to the left, so the man called Shimon could take control.
"Got it. Head straight." The black man said happily in his unusual ascent, as he took hold of the ship`s helm and started whistling a cheerful tune.
The captain gave a soft chuckle at Simon`s weird way of speaking, he never failed to amused him .He removed his hat and hung it on the gunwale, then he leaned against it himself and took out his packet of cigarettes and lit up one, before he hide the packet back into his chest pocket of his leather vest. His blond hair was dancing freely in the air, a deep frown on his face as he was thinking the best strategy to attack the pirates.
Soon his cigarette was burned and he threw its remnants into the sea, before he stood up straight and headed downstairs into his cabin to wear his jacket. The day was hot, so he had left it earlier there. But now was getting a bit windy and wearing only his white, down button shirt and his brown, leather vest wasn`t enough.
As he stepped off the last stair, he found Mikado, his right hand, waiting for him in the front of his cabin`s door.
"Hey, Mikado what you want?" He asked the shy raven, before he entered his cabin and nodded to the shorter male to follow him inside.
"Well, captain I was wondering if we will follow the orders strictly and killed them all...Can`t we just chained them and put them in the main deck, until we return and put them in the prison?" The boy asked warily, staying next to the closed door for precaution.
"You are kidding me right, Mikado?" The blond questioned furious the other as he put on his jacket and rose his brow waiting for his underclassman`s answer. When he saw the boy flinched at his angry tone, he sighed and tried to calm down before he spoke again. "Look, these men killed my family and my friends. They almost demolished a whole city, I can`t let them go after that, I`m sorry." With that said, he paced out without more words.
The raven boy sighed in defeat and murmured softly to his captain, before he left "I really wished that you weren`t so blind from your obsession for revenge and see that right now you are the same ruthless as them, Shizuo."
The blond after his short conversation with Mikado, he went straight upstairs to check on the headway. He took the helm from the big man and began to contemplate over the raven`s words. Finally, he was a captain of one of the fastest ships of the navy`s fleet, the 'Maryton', and he could hunt down those men that ruined his childhood and see the justice punished them for their crimes. He didn`t believe that he was capable to kill anyone, even those criminals, but he was sure that he was far too willing to beat the captain`s ass up so much that he would be unrecognizable. Anyway, he was the type of person who acted on impulse even if he had a plan on his mind. Thus, he would wait to come face to face with the other captain firstly and then he would act according to his instincts.
"Captain, we are reaching the target. What are we doing now?" Mikado asked worried the blond captain who was lost into his thoughts, while he could see the pirate ship sailing few miles ahead of them.
"Oh, right. Mikado, get cannons ready to fire with my signal. " Shizuo said firmly, when a low, shy voice snapped him out his deep thinking and he finally noticed the small dot on the horizon. He smirked and anticipation filled him once again as he could see more than just the outlines of the other ship soon. He could tell apart the masts and the sails. He could see the figures of the pirates moving around the deck systematically to prepare their ship for the upcoming battle.
"Finally I`ve got you,Samebito1." The blond murmured haughty to himself and waved with his hand, signaling the start of the naval battle.
Seconds later 'Maryton`s' cannons fired against the pirate ship with loud bangs. The cannon balls missed the opponent ship for mere meters and meet the sea`s surface forming big water jets before the ocean welcomed them in its wet embrace forever. Almost instantly, the pirates answered back missing as well in their first shot. Yet the second exchange of fires didn`t missed their targets and the two freshly broken vessels sailed around each other, dancing a flaring tango as both of their crews were firing ruthlessly against the enemy`s ship trying to damage it more with each shot.
It was past noon now and the intense battle was still going on without a clear winner. The two ships carried severe damages and both crews had reached their limits ages ago, but neither side was surrendering. Luckily, during the naval battle the two ships got too close which gave the blond captain and his men the opportunity to secure the two vessels together and to be transferred onto the pirate ship first. Thus, a face to face cobalt began on the pirate ship which ended very soon, because the pirates even though they were very capable sword users and succeeded to defense their ship for a while, their blades couldn`t matched with Shizuo`s and Simon`s brute strength. At the end, the majority of the pirates surrendered quietly in fear to meet the angry blond captain`s fists, which had sent earlier some of their comrades straight to the sea. When all of the pirates and their captain were bounded, Shizuo sent Mikado and some others to search around the ship`s holds, before they would kill the pirates and seized their ship.
After some time a blond boy with a yellow scarf returned back breathless from running and said overwhelmed between his pants "Captain…we found…a hostage in…the captain`s cabin." and pointed with his finger at the direction he had come from.
The older blond looked at the boy curious and nodded. "All right, you can rest for now, sailor. Just keep an eye on them with Simon and if they do anything funny come and inform me immediately." He said simply, before he headed at the direction that the captain`s cabin was.
When the blond made it to the cabin and opened the door he faced Mikado`s back, but before he had spoken, he heard a metal was dragged and he tilted his head a bit so he could see better who or what had cause that. At that moment, he saw two cold, carmine orbs half-buried behind inky black strands looking straight at his own caramel eyes with annoyance. Shizuo looked downward and saw that the man although he was quite skinny and he would hardly consider him as a danger he was restrained with silver chains on both hands and feet.
"So this one is the hostage?" the taller man asked bored, hiding that he was a bit interested to why this man was chained with silver scuffs and not with usual ones.
"Yeah, I am the hostage." The raven on the armchair answered boastfully, before the other could answered for him "Though, you could tell that I am also the captain`s advisor, informant and pet." he grinned wide at the two confused men and sat up back to the armchair to get more comfortable.
"E-excuse me, did you just said pet?" Mikado asked astonished, looking at the chained man as if he had grown a second head.
"Hahaha, humans are so funny…Anyway, will you unlock my scuffs? They are wounding my beautiful wrists" The red-eyed raven said seductively and hold his bounded arms out for the two men, who stood before him speechless.
Mikado blinked some times, before he said nervously "O-okay." and went to get the key.
Shizuo stopped him straightaway and turned irritated at the bounded man and said to him" I don`t trust you, so the chains on your hands remain." With that said he kneeled down and pulled them apart from the raven`s legs.
"Wow, easy with those brute." The raven scolded the tall blond, who just stood up and motioned with his hand at the two ravens to follow him out of the cabin.
As soon as everyone had gathered back on the main deck, Shizuo ordered to throw the pirates into the open sea. He might regret his decision later, but for now he just enjoyed the miserable faces and the pleadings those pirates were doing as one by one were thrown out of their own ship and into the cold waters. When was the pirates` captain`s turn to jump from the board, the blond captain glanced at the raven over his shoulder and he saw pure hate flaming into those carmine eyes at the sight of his captain`s death. However in a blink of an eye his face was composed again, so Shizuo believed that he might had seen wrong. Whichever was the true didn`t matter to him, once he would have handed the weird raven to his superior, he wouldn`t have to deal with him anymore.
After all the pirates where thrown to the sea, the short-tempered captain shared his crew into two halves. The first half returned with him and the mysterious raven back to 'Maryton' and the second half remained into the pirate ship, called 'Kuroi Neko', with Mikado as its captain. With those rearrangements on the seamen`s group and after some short fixing both ships set sail back to the homeland`s harbor.
A/N: Sadly I couldn`t write any good fight scenes, hence you are stacked with these lame excuses, that I dare to call naval battle and face-to-face combat. Still, I really hope you liked the rest of the chapter and you will stay with me until the end. Reviews, Favorites and PMs are all appreciated, even flames!
1Samebito (鮫人) literally means shark-man. It derives from same (鮫) shark and hito (人) human, but for better sounding hito becomes bito. Anyway, enough with the Japanese lessons.