Akatsuchi was a loyal Iwa ninja who devoted his life to guarding the Tsuchikage. He was large and heavy but also highly competent, and a good ninja all-round. People who knew him tended to like him for his exuberant and somewhat childlike personality that tended to cheer them up when they were feeling down.
Seeing as he didn't feature all that much in Naruto's life as Naruto had lived in Konoha and he in Iwa, and their paths didn't really cross, he'd been somewhat surprised to learn that there had been fan fiction written about him in a universe where Naruto's life story was a popular Manga and Anime series.
Clicking on the Character Category with his name on the computer that had fallen through a dimensional portal because...uh,...er,...because Tobi did something or other with his eye, he eagerly anticipated reading what people had written about him.
Oh goody, there seemed to be an entire page of stories about him, which was rather excellent for anyone who either wasn't a villain, or one of Naruto's friends.
He clicked on the first story which turned out to be descriptions of OCs who looked like standard Mary Sues, and underage ones at that. Oooookay.
He clicked on the next story despite it's not so promising title. First of all, what it contained weren't drabbles since there were far too many words per chapter. Second, he wasn't even in this story which seemed to be centered around Itachi and the Akatsuki.
He clicked on the next story. He skimmed it only to find that he wasn't featured, but the Akatsuki were.
He hit back, and clicked on the next story. It was all one paragraph, and it was about something or other and the Akatsuki.
He clicked on the next story. Trying to understand it, much less read it was painful. Not only that but, it contained the Akatsuki again, and not one word about him.
He looked at the title of the next story and didn't even bother. Akatsuki again.
The next story was about Orochimaru of all people.
He looked at the summary of the next story and screamed in frustration.
He should have known that it would be too good to be true that people would write fan fiction about him since he wasn't pretty an' all. But, to have all the stories listed under your character category be written by idiots who couldn't tell the difference between him and the Akatsuki...
Madara blinked, then he blinked again.
Why the hell was that Iwa ninja trying to shove that whatever the hell that was up Tobi's ass?