A/n: I dunno where this idea came from I will admit, but it has not left my mind _ ...I need to get it written down or I swear it will not leave me alone.

So anyways here is another story when I should be writing countless other ones. How do people stand me? xD I keep writing new things when I should finish old ones...

Anyways I'll just let you read on now.



KonTim, SuperMartian, L'gann/M'gann, Spitfire, Traught, RobZata, Roy/Art, BirdFlash


RobStar, Flinx, CyBee, RaeBB, RaeRob, SpeedStar

Pairings may be added or taken away.

The Illusion of Truth


Prologue: Comparison Of Memories

They had "left" Young Justice, all of them...but maybe that wasn't the reality in which was the truth. In truth only one of them left, and the other two lied. They followed him, lied, and brought him back in to a false sense of safety in this team... Until everything breaks apart, and the Titans just might not survive what happens after that. Because the old team wanted what was there's back.

Maybe he should have seen the lies, seen how his friend just showed up after two years or so to help him. Seen that Speedy wasn't himself. Seen that he was not seeing the obvious help they had been getting. He never saw the truth, what he saw was what he should have ignored. And now he had to choose /which/ Robin he was.

Two years felt like forever for the boy that was now leading his own team. Back then, two years before, he was a partner/sidekick, he was in a team with others like him, and he wasn't the leader. He was a member of a team...and in that team he was another person.

No one saw who he was then was who he was now.

No one saw that he was the same person.

Because he wasn't.

There were two different Robin's between then and now.

One was a child that hung out with his "family", and smiled, laughed, and was a normal person. Batman's partner.

This Robin was...different. He was serious, cold, pushed people away, and only stayed in his team with anything, no one heard out of them. He was the Titan's leader.

They never mixed, and if they did it would not be a good thing, for anyone...

But right now...

They just might mix.

"We're a team now! For real!"

"Hey Rob!" His voice so nice.

"Robin!" Her voice so kind.

A grunt. A typical reply from him.

"Robin!" Her voice so sweet.

"Robin there you are." His voice was calm.

"Yo! Robin!" Her voice so friendly.

And they were all a family.

He liked that.

But he had a new family now...a nice family. The Teen Titans.

But it wasn't the same.

It wasn't the same with them as it was with Young Justice.

It never could be.

They weren't...the same.

He couldn't be who he really was, not now, not two years into being their leader.

And it...hurt him.

Kid Flash was never changing, he was the same idiot that laughed and smiled. But somewhere inside of him Robin knew something was not right. He didn't show the same emotions...he wasn't his best friend.

Kid Flash was his friend, like he was really, but...not now. Not in the Titans. They acted like they never knew each other.

Speedy and him did the same.

They were...they all ignored that they had a past.

That they were brothers...they...are brothers.

And then their world broke apart once again.

"I should have...I should have seen it." Robin was crying, their leader was crying and he was trying his best to hide it. "I'm such...I'm such an idiot!" He screamed to the sky. None of the Titans around him understood why he was freaking out. None of them saw what one of them did, who was watching the sky.

"Memories hit hard huh?" He whispered, his voice leaving on the wind.

The pink haired girl next to him caught his hand softly and frowned. "Kid Flash? What's wrong?"

"A reality that we have to take or leave."

Robin finally stood and then his fist went right to the redhead's cheek, hard, and not without pain. The girls' eyes widened and she watched her boyfriend shake before stilling.

"..." He didn't speak, but his head turned back to the angry boy wonder who was shaking just as bad.

"How could you?" The boy hissed. "I trusted you damn it Wally! I trusted you and here you go telling them everything! Are you an idiot or can you not keep your mouth god damn shut huh?"

"Friend Robin!"


Four other voices yelled out, but he continued still.

"Did you have to tell them everything? Did you have to lead me on that you cared enough to come after me? Isn't it bad enough I have nightmares for the life I left behind? Isn't it bad enough that I hurt all of the time? Isn't it bad enough that I find myself crying when I shouldn't be? That I miss the mentor I left behind? That I'm angry with myse-"

"Sh. Little bird." The other finally spoke and Robin stilled. "I've known what I was doing from the start. It was for the best you know? You couldn't walk on your own. You weren't ready to take up being a leader. They were helping..."

"No they were not! You just...I could have done it-!"

"Not when memories of Failsafe haunted you. You still feel like your going to do what happened then, but your not little bird. You need to calm down. And accept that you had some help and that help has gotten you to be a better leader than you were before."


"You need to see that family sticks together no matter what."

"Stop. Please."

"Failsafe won't happen, and they will not let anything bad happen. You just need to calm down little bird."


"Little bird, it's alright..."

"No...it's not...it's not alright...!"

None of them besides the two right there understood what was happening, and it was worrying them.

And then what happened next worried them most of all.

Robin fell to his knees, letting out a strangled cry. "Stop it please!"

And the redhead speedster was calm, moving out his other hand that was not holding his beloved girlfriend's hand and placed it softly on the boys shoulder. "Tell me little bird...which world of yours means the most to you now a days? Or should I ask...which memories are more important to you? Which family is most important?"

A/n: I know, makes no sense as of yet, but don't worry, you'll understand sooner or later.