
Hi all, It's me, Maddsgirl75.

Sorry for the repost.

I wanted to let everyone know that I needed to change my pen name.

Any stories you were following before you'll need to re-follow if you still like them :-)

Hopefully I'll get to update them soon :-)

A/N: I really didn't dig writing this episode's chapter because there were no car scenes :-( But it will always be one of my favorites to watch because me and my girls were there watching it being filmed and we met Jim and got some pics with him at 2:30 in the morning after he was done filming the scene in Queens (when Riley shot Gorge Massey's son Eddie). Joss's new Dodge Charger made its first appearance in this epi.

Hope you all enjoy.

Please remember to review!

He returned her smile, taking her breath away. Or maybe it was just the adrenaline that had surged through her moments ago receding. At the moment, she didn't really care. She had all night to recall that picture of him smiling at her...

Cars 7 - Triggerman - Dodge Charger

Screw the paperwork, she thought... Joss Carter put the paperwork she'd started on the "accident" report that had totaled her car earlier into the drawer generally reserved for her badge and gun. Fusco would back up her story about ramming into the side of the SUV to save his ass just like she would back up his "story" that he had willingly dropped his gun to save Sophia but the gunman had then turned on them both.

She cringed at leaving it all to finish tomorrow, but the overwhelming need to get out of the station and home to soak in a nice long, very hot bath took over her practical, get-things-done now side.

It took her less than twenty minutes to get home and only half that to get her bath running with some essential oils added for relaxation. The scents alone were sometimes enough to slow her overactive brain down so that she could unwind, but not tonight. She settled slowly into the hot water; a soft moan escaped her as it crept slowly up her body. Thoughts of large, gentle hands inching up her sides, over her stomach, up to her breasts where they lapped at her peaks like gentle waves reaching some distant shores came unbidden to her.

Laying her head back on her bath pillow and closing her eyes, Joss raised one of her hands trailing her fingers lightly across her chest. She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to wander even further, this time directing her thoughts rather than staunching the flow of images of her tall man in the suit.

Instead of her fingers, they were his that whispered across the skin above the water line just below her neck. They moved purposefully down towards her nipples which were peeking out of the water as her chest rose on every inhale of breath. His fingers glided through the water and made berth on one of those peaks. The electric current that shot from her breast down between her legs had her back arching, raising her breast out of the water almost fully.

Her mouth fell open gasping quietly as the cool air above the water had her nipples hardening almost painfully. His fingers pulled and twisted them relentlessly until she thought she could take no more but she wanted more.

For just a moment she chided herself for her daydream;using the image of the man she worked with on a semi-professional level. What would he think of her? Here, touching herself, while thinking of him? Hell, he would probably give her one of his well known grins and calmly walk away from her while shaking his head. But then again, he did seem to enjoy flirting with her...maybe he did actually want something more from her.

She took that thought and ran with it. Yes, he did want her, he was just being professional about it and keeping her at arm's (albeit sometimes less than arm's) length. Well, she was going to let him have her tonight. She needed the release.

Joss directed her thoughts back to where 'he' had left off. He brought her nipples back to the hard peaks they had been moments before then those long fingers slid further down her body. Across her soft belly and into the carefully trimmed triangle of curls, his fingers continued south until they reached the tight little bundle of nerves between her legs. She gasped and arched into his hand. His fingers slid over her and began rubbing along either side barely touching her. They slid lower and two fingers slowly delved inside of her.

Her breathy "Oh.." echoed off of the tiled walls.

The exhaust fan was on and would hide some of the sounds from being heard two doors down in Taylor's room but she had to be careful not to get too vocal.

His fingers slipped back out and up to her clit again rubbing once around it and then back down to her entrance. He repeated the action again and again while his other hand attended to her breasts. Every time he dipped inside of her his fingers pulled up on one of her nipples. The sensation was driving her into a frenzy. Before long she felt the tug like an invisible string being tightened through her core and pooling between her legs.

Twice more his fingers swept between her legs before her body went rigid, her back arched and white spots exploded behind her closed eyelids. She almost cried out his name but caught herself. Instead she whispered it over and over as she rode his fingers to the completion of her orgasm.

She ran her tongue over her lips, dry from gasping for so long. Taking her lower lip between her teeth, she smiled. Whispering his name one more time, she reveled in the feeling of it on her tongue.

After Joss washed, she slowly rose, dried herself off and walked quietly across the hall to her bedroom. Not even bothering with getting dressed in her nightshirt she slid under the sheets and comforter burrowing herself in the softness. She took a deep breath and drifted off into a contented sleep.

She was still thinking of her form of relaxation last night in the bath when the soft trilling ring of her phone woke her from her musing as she walked through the precinct towards her desk. She smiled at first at the way he said her name when she picked up.


"Morning, Detective."

She could always tell exactly what facial expression he wore when he spoke to her on the phone. This morning he had a smile on his face. His sing-songy "morning detective" gave her butterflies, but she couldn't let him know that. She had to act as if last night hadn't happened. OK, so it hadn't happened for him, but it certainly had for her.

"No. Not until I've had my morning coffee."

"You can take it with you."

He reminded her of Taylor when he wanted something and she said no. It was like he would offer ways around her no to get what he wanted anyway. It was adorable...sometimes. With John, it typically meant that he was going to get his way, but that didn't mean she was going to give in right away.

"Take it where?"

"I'm sending you the location."

Bastard. What was she thinking...he always got his way.

Shaking her head, she digressed. "Why? What's there?"

"A body."

Shit. Of course there was. When was there not some kind of a body when John was involved? Whether it was dead or alive was usually the question even though it had been the latter here lately.

She grabbed her gun, badge, and jacket and headed out.

She was going to kill John. This shit had to stop. The mess he'd gotten himself into this time with George Massey and Riley Cavenaugh was utterly insane. He was supposed to be protecting innocents, not some hired hitman that had the Irish mob on his ass...possibly for killing said mob boss's son.

Joss punched John's number into her burner phone and waited for him to pick up.

Joss hung up completely exasperated.

He'd used her...he said that this Riley Cavenaugh was protecting some woman, Annie Delaney, from George Massey but it just didn't make sense.

She knew she'd hear back from John later, but for the time being, she needed to treat this case like she was still after Riley. She called Szymanski. After a quick chat she found out where he was and headed out to Grand Central where the police had just spotted Cavenaugh. She grabbed her things and once again headed out of the precinct.

She hadn't been at the station for ten minutes when her "other" phone rang.

"How's it goin', Detective?" Drawled the smooth voice in her ear. It tickled her senses even when his tone gave away that he was in some kind of trouble.

She quickly told him that Szymanski was gunning for Cavenaugh and to stay clear for a while.

"Well that's gonna be a little difficult."

That sinking feeling hit her. "Don't tell me you're with him."

There was silence on the other line before he responded. "OK, I won't, but I still need your help."

Of course he did...and as always, she'd give it to him. But not before she reamed his ass for being an idiot.

"John, this guy killed Eddie Massey."

He told her that he was just protecting Annie and that George had gone after her and Riley. She was sure the DA would take that into consideration and told him so but he quickly told her that it wasn't about Riley now, it was about protecting Annie because George had put a hit out on both of them with a million dollar bounty.

Then he told her that if he was wrong, he'd bring Riley in himself. She knew he would. She trusted him that much. She groaned and relayed false tip information to Szymanski about a CI seeing their suspect across town. Immediately the officers in the area radioed in the information to all the cars in the area.

She sighed. Knowing that she had just sent her own squad and probably others on a wild goose chase nibbled away on her conscience. What the hell was this man doing to her?

She headed to her cruiser and drove home not wanting to be involved in any more false information giving today... Then she grinned to herself remembering last night and how she'd 'relaxed'. "I need a bath."