~Wolf And Cub~

Cars... They always seemed to end up in the car together. The first time was right after she'd started working with John and Finch. John had slid his large body and those enticing long legs into the back of her Impala. He'd surprised her, for sure. His slow, sexy voice had drawled out, "Morning Detective. Miss me?"

And then she'd met his eyes in the rearview mirror. Her breath had caught in her throat and she'd tried desperately to hide it by making a snide remark; "Ya know, I always pictured you in the back of my car...in handcuffs." She could have literally slapped herself for that…served her right though, for letting him affect her to the point of making a remark like that.

He'd paused, just long enough to make her even more uncomfortable, before he'd replied: "To each his own." Smug bastard.

He'd probably known then of the affect he had on her. His eyes had twinkled with unhidden mirth before she'd been able to tear her own eyes away. Those fucking gorgeous eyes of his...they did something to her, something deep and unsettling. He was gorgeous, sure, but she saw good looking men on a daily basis; men that were tall, gorgeous and dressed in suits, walking down the sidewalks of New York every day. Good looking men were a dime a dozen, but there was something about John that made her sit up and take notice. Hell, maybe it was the fact that he was the entire package, but then she dismissed that thought as well. She'd met those men too. She just couldn't quite put her finger on why she had such an insanely irrational and dangerous attraction to him...

She'd quickly handed him the file on Travis McGrady and trained her eyes on anything and everything…except for the rearview mirror. She'd slipped a couple of times and her eyes had flickered up quickly to the mirror, but she'd caught herself before she'd become entranced again. They had carried on an entire conversation just fine, until she'd stopped him from leaving with her question about where he and Finch got their information. It had been a mistake. She'd asked and met his eyes again, and then he'd just smiled in response. No, it wasn't a smile; it was a grin, a smirk, anything but a smile.

She'd been a goner ever since, she'd fallen head over heels in love with him right then and there. She wouldn't admit that fact to herself until much, much later, but that's when it had happened...
