Chapter 1

Aperture testing facility

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating my other stories for AGES. Juggling school and a severe writers block is NOT fun. Anyway, this new story (which may remain a one-shot, depending on its reception) is the product of two plot bunnies which combined, and was brought to you by yours truly. Please note that I have only played the second portal, and heard rumors of the first. But enough chat, on to the story!

3rd person POV


"I have called you here today to discuss a serious misjudging on our part." Albus Dumbledore, resident Headmaster and leader of the Order of the Phoenix stood before a combined assembly of "Flaming Eagles" and aurors. "As you may know, the research group Aperture Science have been kidnapping people to test on. Until recently we have let it go due to the fact they have only taken muggles." As he said this several member's faces grew grim, realising the what the Headmaster was about to say. "One of our spies in the government has informed us that the test subject who took down their AI, GLADOS, is most likely a wizard."

The hall let out an explosion of noise when they realised what their esteemed leader had said. A wizard, captured and tested on had gone unnoticed by their government! The political implications would be felt for generations. As the sound grew to a near unbearable level, Albus let out a gunshot sound from his wand.

"Order, Order! I have more news to tell!" The hall quieted down immediately, and all heads turned to Dumbledore. "I am afraid the story gets even worse. The poor child, or rather young teen, has been experimented on from about since he was one year old. For twelve years one of our won has been locked up like a lab rat. But we can save him. We have uncovered a tunnel near Hogwarts that for some reason leads directly to the outside of the testing facility. If we strike now, we may have a chance to save him! Join your squad leaders in your training rooms for a more detailed briefing. For the freedom of Britain! For all of wizardkind!"

Albus was answered with a resounding "For Magic Itself!" The squads rushed of to their training rooms, eager to get to work.

Training room 4218 B

"Listen up you puny weaklings, we have one of the most important jobs of all! We, along with Auror Shacklebolt's squad and Madam Bones' squad shall be going directly for the wizard." Auror Moody paced at the front of the room, and gazed upon his four man squad. Idly he noticed that for a change the young Weasley was looking at his papers with rapt attention, instead of sending glances at Granger like he usually did. Something about a wizard his age in captivity must have struck a note within the young teen. Likewise, Mrs Granger had a dangerous look on her face, the one that told Mad Eye that if she didn't hex something she might well cause a small explosion. As usual, Blaise and Greengrass were calm, almost serene to anyone but their squad mates, who could see the fiery interior. Yay, thought Moody. Stuck in a room with four of the most powerful students in Britain, when they're all angry. Better not make any drastic moves.

"We go in third in the tunnels. As soon as the scout squads give the go ahead, we hack the lock and make our way to to the nearby observation center. Our sources tell us if we hurry he should be in the test chamber below us from there. In the observation room we shut down the lift that leads to the next chamber. When he completes the test, or as soon as an ideal opportunity presents itself, we make ourselves known. Be prepared to use muggle methods, in the odd case the rooms are magic-proof. I am uploading maps and schematics to your PDA's now."

That had been one of the main changes to the magical world recently. An employee in the misuse of muggle artifacts office, one Arthur Weasley, had gotten together with a group of magi-scientists from around the world. In a multi year effort they had managed to run electrical devices by magic. Hugely popular, they had increased the status of the wizarding world to where it nearly matched the muggles. The magical world was now fully integrated with technology now, and even had the GWN, or global wizard network. As such, every wizard had a PDA, and it made communication and transfer of data much easier.

"I'll meet you all in the tunnel entrance at 0500 hours. Grab some sleep." Mad Eye strode out of the room, quickly followed by the rest of his squad.

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Aperture testing facility

Test subject Byte's POV

I take a step out of the lift, looking around. This is a new test chamber, and GLADOS must have refurbished it recently. Wheatley? I mentally communicate. Any Ideas? One of Aperture's many 'improvements' to me was a computer system imbedded in my body, controlled by a chip in my brain. As a result, I have an Eidetic memory, and advanced computer interface options. Not to mention my extraordinarily high IQ and my ability to absorb computer systems. Like Wheatley for instance.

I would recommend a series of portals to get us to that (he mentally highlights one far off platform) making sure to do your freaky thing to the bots on the way. I was the only test subject to survive the computer integration, and only because, as one scientist put it, I can manipulate energy drawn straight from somewhere inside me. Or as another put it, I can do magic. for some reason it is excellent at destroying robots.

Following Wheatley's advice, I portal to the platform, making sure to make the turrets self destruct on my way over. once there I go round a corner, press a button, and get sucked over to the lift. releasing a breath I didn't know I had been holding, I walk over to the lift, and wait for it to open. And wait, then wait some more. Just As I am about to go to Wheatley, one of the ceiling panels above me drops out and about fifteen people in robes drop out. I stare at them in shock for a few moments as they grab a breath, then walk right over, and straight up to the guy nearest to me. I reach out a hand and in a voice weak from years of nonuse, say, "Hello, the name's Byte. Nice to meet you." As he looks at me incredulously, I mentally sigh. this is going to be one long day.

A/N: Well, thats chapter one up. Review and subscribe to let me know if I should continue. Constructive criticism is appreciated!

Dr. Logica