I haven't cried so hard since I was a girl. Not since Avatar Aang and my mother passed. The two times I've truly sobbed myself dry for a legitimate reason, and this nearly topped both of them.

I've lost my bending, it has been taken and I am utterly powerless. They blindfolded me and took me deep underground some place, and I couldn't feel a thing about where we were going. I spread myself across the floor and couldn't sense a thing. I can't remove my uniform either.

I spent an hour trying to bend the metal bars. I clawed at them desperately, I kicked at them. All in vain. I can't even move a pebble. I am truly powerless.

And the worst part is... I don't believe Amon intends to kill me. He will let me rot in a cell of metal I should be able to bend. I pray to the spirits this isn't true. Oh, I wish it isn't true. I wish Korra would bust in and free me, that Tenzin would sneak up and pick the lock with nothing but air. Hell, I'd settle for that earthbender kid.

They aren't coming though. I know they aren't. I'm alone, and I am powerless. I, as a fifty year old woman, desperately want my mother.