The Chase
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. This fanfiction is for entertainment purposes only. I also do not own the novel, A Long Fatal Love Chase, by Louisa May Alcott that inspired me to write this story.
Author' Note: This will be the last chapter. I had to end on a happy note so I hope no one is disappointed. I answered the questions asked of me in the reviews and I hope I answered your questions to your satisfaction. I already have three chapters done of my next Twilight story and I hope you all will like it as well. It is called "The Curse of Destiny." I will be posted the first chapter today so check it out if you are interested. I am blown away by all the support! I hope you continue to follow me and my stories. Thanks again so much! Now the final chapter of The Chase…
Chapter 15 – Every Moment of Forever
Bella was truly happy with her life now. Edward had stayed by her side nearly every moment during her recovery. He had to be forced to leave her to shower and change clothes. She had been home from the hospital for four months, and Edward had been staying with the Webbers as well. He slept on the couch, of course, and Pastor Webber had many long conversations with Edward. Edward was trying to change. Bella saw evidence of that when he spared James's life. Edward made sure the money James had squandered was returned to Charlie Swan. It was his money and he deserved to have it back. Edward also promised he would take Bella to see her dad after they were properly married. Pastor Webber had agreed to marry them on the condition that Edward date Bella for six months and then they would do counseling with him. Edward grumbled about that, but Bella insisted. She trusted Pastor Webber with her life and Edward realized he would go through with it if this is what it would take to get Bella to himself.
Jasper had been busy himself with the nurse from the hospital. He and Alice had been inseparable and it was quite probable there would be another woman on board the boat when they left together again. Bella was okay with that. She liked Alice a lot, even if she was more excitable that she was usually comfortable with. Mike came by a few times and Bella would laugh at Edward and his predatory scowl. She wasn't afraid of him anymore. He had explained what had happened with the man who flirted with her in the bar.
It was during one of their long talks that he admitted that he had seen the man before. He had been an acquaintance of his ex-wife and he tended to follow Edward around and report back to Tanya. He had also told his friends he would obtain Bella at any cost. Edward thought that was a threat to his beloved, so he ended him. Edward confessed to her that it took him losing her to realize he couldn't do that anymore. Bella was relieved and he had confessed everything to Pastor Webber. He told Pastor Webber about his father and his ex-wife. He had finally made his peace with his past even though Bella knew he still didn't understand why his father would deceive him. He only needed Bella in his life. He didn't want any other connection to his family.
The six months passed and so did the counseling. Edward and Bella truly became husband and wife. Edward had never been happier in his entire life. Bella was his now for the rest of their lives. Bella had grown very attached to the Webbers, so Edward surprised her and bought them a house nearby. It was a mansion. Bella loved it and she loved him so much. He was doing whatever he could to make her happy. He even sent for her father. He would be visiting next month. Bella and Edward hung out with Alice and Jasper (who were very serious now). Mike and Jessica had also managed to make things work. Angela and Ben were happily married as well. Life was incredible and precious to them all. They had developed their own little family and group of friends.
Edward and Bella's passion for one another was insatiable. They had "christened" every single room in their home and many outdoor locations around the house as well – Bella would always be embarrassed, but then Edward would touch her with those magical fingers and all would be forgotten but her passion and love for her husband.
Bella's father came and went. He stayed for a month and Edward treated him with the utmost respect and their rocky relationship was forgotten. Charlie saw how happy his Bella was and couldn't hold a grudge any longer. Charlie told Bella that Jake had found love with a woman named Leah. Bella was thrilled for him and Edward was thankful that Jake wouldn't be trying to steal his Bella anymore.
One night before bed, Edward found Bella standing out on the balcony overlooking the enormous backyard. Edward came in and put his arms around his beautiful loving wife.
"Do you think a swing set would look okay right there?" She asks quietly.
Edward froze and turned her in his arms to face him. Her face was a mask of uncertainty.
"Bella, are you trying to tell me something?" He asks quickly with his heart stuck in his throat.
"Yes, you are going to be a father." She whispered nervously.
Edward picked her up and swung her around before bringing her back into the bedroom and kissing her passionately.
"You aren't upset with me?" She questioned quietly.
Edward kissed her head and chuckled. "Silly girl. Of course not. I am incredibly happy. I love you, my Bella."
"I love you, Edward."
Edward pulled her down onto the bed beside him and held her close while placing a hand protectively over her flat stomach. Life was just getting better and better. Edward was going to enjoy every moment of it for the rest of time.
This is the end of this story. I hope you enjoyed it. I am already working on my next Twilight story. I hope you will all follow me and review my next one. You have all been incredible and I am so thankful to everyone who reviewed and followed this story. Edward is such a fascinating character to write, no matter how you write him, and I can't wait to go on another journey with him.
Thanks again and please review! Until next time.
Bookworm 722 –