MewBean: I know I haven't updated 'Am I Forgotten' for probably over a month, but I've been really busy with school and softball. (I'm actually going to home coming tomorrow night) I have had this idea in my head because I just got a Ouija board and I've been reading stories about it so now I'm writing my own TMM style! Also, they do not have their powers or anything, they are normal...for the most part.

Kisshu: YAY! I'm back baby! MewBean doesn't own Tokyo Mew Mew. Some Japanize people do. Now start reading so I can get in the story!

I walked down the street to Minto's house. I was so excited! Tonight we are having a sleepover party with Pudding and Lettuce too. Sadly, our friend Zakuro couldn't come because she has a molding job to go to.

Once I finely got to Minto's door step I knocked on her door. I waited a few minutes for someone to open the door. When the door opened, I stepped in and thanked the little old women for opening it. Then I walked up the stairs to Minto's bedroom door. I walked in the door but before I could completely step in, a pillow hit me right in the face.

"Oops! Sorry Ichigo onee-chan!" Said a laughing pudding. The little blond girl ran over and grabbed the pillow that was lying on the floor.

"Its fine, Pudding. What are you doing?" I asked. "What does it look like were doing?" Said a stuck-up voice behind me. I turned only to get hit with another pillow. "Minto!" Said a worried Lettuce. "You need to give her time to breath. She hasn't been her one minute and has already got hit twice."

"Well it's not my fault she walked in while we were in the middle of a pillow fight." Minto said as she crossed her arms. I gave her an annoyed look before turning to Lettuce. "Don't worry Lettuce. I'm fine." I told her as I walked over to the huge bed in the center of the room. I placed my bag on the floor with the other bags and jumped on the bed.

"So, what movies are we going to watch tonight?" I asked. "Ooo! Pudding wants to watch a Disney movie!" Pudding yelled as she ran to the stack of movies on the floor by the TV. "Let's watch the princess and the frog!" She said pulling the movie from the pile.

"I think we should watch The Little Mermaid." Lettuce said. I smiled. Lettuce has always liked things that had to do with the sea. "Well, I don't really like Disney, but we need to watch Cinderella." Minto said walking over to a small table with a tea set on it. "What do you want to watch Ichigo?" She asked me.

"Beauty and the Beast!" I blurted out. It was one of my favorite Disney movies ever. I love weird romances like that. "No matter what movie we watch, WE MUST HAVE POPCORN!" Pudding screamed as she ran out of the room and probably to the kitchen.

Me, Lettuce, and Minto laughed at our youngest friend as she ran out of the room. I got up off the bed and grabbed the pink pajamas Minto let me barrow. (There the same as in the manga.)"I'm going to go change." I told them as I walked out of the bed room and down the hall to the bathroom.

When I went back into the room, Pudding had a bowl the size of kitty pool filled with popcorn. I walked over to where she, Minto, and Lettuce were sitting on the floor. They had the four movies that we wanted to watch spread out on the floor.

"So witch one are we going to watch first?" Lettuce asked. How about we watch them in the order we said them?" I told them. It didn't really matter to me, just as long as I can watch the movie I wanted to watch.

Once we were done watching all the movies, the popcorn was all gone, so Pudding went to refill it. When she got back. Minto went and got a huge makeup kit from her closet. I did Puddings makeup, she did Lettuce's makeup, Lettuce did Minto's makeup, and Minto did my makeup. By the time we were done we all looked like princesses.

"Well," I said as I plopped down to the pillow sitting on the floor. "I'm bored, but I'm still not tired." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Why don't we play a board game?" Lettuce said. "That's fine with me," Minto said. "How about Checkers?" I saw Puddings head snap up. "No! I forgot. I brought a game with me!" She said hopping up from her seat on the floor and running to her bag.

I watched as she pulled a rectangular board out of her bag along with a triangle thing with three legs and a circle cut out of the top. Whatever game she brought, I wasn't familiar with it. She brought it over to where we sit and set it in the middle of us.

"Pudding, what is this?" Minto said in a board tone. "It's called a Ouija Board. It's a game that lets us talk to spirits and demons. Do you have any candles and salt Minto onee-chan?" Pudding asked. "Yeah, why?" Minto answered. I saw a devilish smile form on Puddings face. "Because, we need it for the game."

Minto left the room to get the things pudding asked for. "Pudding, where did you get this game from?" I asked her. "After one of my performances, a man in a long blue coat with long black hair gave it to me as a tip. He looked kinda creepy." "AND YOU TOOK IT?" Me and Lettuce yelled in unison.

"Took what?" Minto asked entering the room with a box of candles and a container of salt. "Pudding got this game from a creeper on the street." I told her. She had the same look that Lettuce and I had. "Why would you take a game from a stranger?" she asked pudding

"He told me it could answer questions and tell my future." She said shrugging her shoulders. "How bad can it be anyway?" She said stuffing popcorn in her mouth. "Now let's play!"

MewBean: So what do you think? I promise I will update Am I Forgotten soon. You know what to do Kisshu!

Kisshu: Awww… I wasn't in this chapter.

MewBean: You'll be in the story soon. And you'll be with Ichigo too.

Kisshu: Review people! Review! I Want My Kitty!