"Why did you tell me?!" M'gann launched herself up and hit Nightwing square on the chest. He barely even moved. He simply brought his hands up and caught her flying fists.
"You know why." Nightwing said back to her. She was beyond reason, simply governed by emotion. She shook her head back and forth frantically.
"Kaldur, you, I…" I saw tears drip from under her heavy lashes. Nightwing pushed her down into a chair before sitting next to her, hands in hers.
"We needed everyone to believe so his place with the Light wouldn't be compromised." He looked at her head that hung limply on her shoulders. "Killing her was his way inside."
"All this time…" She muttered, not lifting her head. "Artemis was alive. She was working with him. With you. Does Wally know?" She looked up at him, tears glistening down her cheek. I wanted to wipe them from her cheek, but I was cemented the rafter above them. All of the new information tore apart everything I thought I knew.
"He knows." He said softly, I had to strain to hear them. "How did you find out?"
She was silent. Everything was processing through my mind. I had been suspicious of Nightwing for a while, but after the past few days I knew something was wrong. And I knew if anyone was to figure out what it was, it would be M'gann.
She was different than the rest of us. She caused harm to the people she used her powers on, something I actively avoided. She had left people in catatonic states before, rendering them mentally helpless. We argued about it, many times. She used her mind for her own gain, not for anyone else. And she never seemed to regret any of it.
"M'gann." Nightwing stood up. "What have you done?"
Kaldur. She could have only learned from Kaldur. She must have done something to his mind to get all of that information. Suddenly I feared the worst for our lost teammate.
"I…I thought…" She stuttered, looking for forgiveness in his eyes.
I launched myself down. Nightwing jumped with surprise. She locked her eyes on mine with fear. I straightened and looked at Nightwing. I couldn't look at her anymore.
"I told you this would happen!" I pointed at her. "She's killed him!"
"No!" She yelled. "I wouldn't do that!"
"Well what did you do to him?" Nightwing looked at her as I lowered my arm. He had known about her mind-probing issues, for lack of a better term, but he didn't seem to want to approach her about it.
She was silent and I saw her lower lip quiver. That ache shot through my heart as it did long ago and I felt my anger evaporate. She still had an effect on me. I still had feeling for her, no matter how much harm she caused.
"He's catatonic." I looked away from her.
"I…I thought that…he was…" More tears fell from her eyes and she darted to the door before finishing her sentence. Kaldur was probably gone now, because of her.
"M'gann!" Nightwing called after her.
"Let her go." I said, turning my back on her. "Her actions have finally caught up with her."
Author's Note
So I have no idea if I should continue this or just scrap it as a one-shot. Any ideas? Sorry it's so short. And sorry if this sound weird, I only started watching Young Justice for a few weeks now. Well please review!