More than a Warm Foxhole…

Doc Roe/Babe Heffron


Rating: T

Summary: Babe and Roe have an undeniable bond and they help each other through Bastogne, but both of them feel something stronger that begins to take a toll on there emotions.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

"Hey doc why don't ya hang back, relax, it's only a patrol" Johnny warmly spoke to our company medic Gene Roe. Gene nodded his head a little hesitantly then knelt down by a large spruce tree covered in the morning snowfall.

"Come on boys, head out" martin yelled

I looked back at the medics stone eyes staring into the snowy distance ahead, I wondered if he was well lately, he seemed so distant and far away from the group, come to think of it, doc was always that way, sitting by himself, puffing his emotions away on a cigarette. I wished he would join in, when he spoke his thick Cajun accent was so smooth, calming. What was I thinking? Why am I thinking these thoughts? Ughhh. I trudged on, rifle swung across my chest, ready for any attack, I looked to my left at the new replacement Julian. He was so damn young, just a virgin I swear, a virgin, not more than 18, he held his rifle stiff in his hands, shaking ever so noticeably. His dark hair sparkling in the morning dabbles of sun. he adjusted his helmet, which was way to big for his little head. I shifted my attention to the front of the line as we came to a clearing, logs had been moved and a road had been evidently formed by tanks and jeeps moving between battalions. Julian was ahead of me. "Hey luz ca – "I started but was interrupted by a clear shot that rang in the air. Before I knew we where even being shot at, I was pulled behind the logs as fire from the north rained on us. I searched for Julian. I had to keep him safe, we had shared foxholes, he was like a little brother to me. I found him. Lying in the road, blood pouring slowly from his neck, I never even heard him scream! But there he was, he was reaching helplessly in my direction. "Julian, Julian stay still, there gonna keep shootin! Stay still" I shouted. I tried to reach for him, slowly moving my body forward onto the road.

"Get back Heffron!" Johnny yelled gripping my jacket and pulling.

"SUPRESSING FIRE, SUPRESSING FIRE!" Johnny yelled at the men.

I got up on my knees behind the safety of the logs and fired a few rounds in the general direction. "JULIAN STAY THERE, IM COMING FOR YOU DON'T MOVE" I kept yelling, there was so much gunfire. Julian kept holding to life, he kept reaching for me, my heart ached, I was on the verge of running out to him, I kept trying, and the gunfire kept coming


I began to feel hopeless, I knew the next words to be spoken from johnnies lips, I couldn't do it, I couldn't leave Julian, I promised him I wouldn't, he was so scared.

"Fall back Easy, Fall back"

The men began to retreat, Julian's lips tried to breathe out words, his eyes filled with fear and defeat,

"Come on Heffron lets go" Guarnere pulled on my jacket as I struggled on the ground.

"Julian im coming back, im coming back!" I screamed. My final effort before Guarnere became too much and I began to retreat. Tears filled my eyes as I darted through the white trees. SHIT, I broke my fucking promise! When I got back to the platoon I didn't bother searching for my foxhole, it would be half empty anyways, I sat down in the snow, defeated, all the men where silent and out of breathe. I put my hands to my face and cried silently. I felt a pair of strong hands grab my shoulders tightly but with comfort and sweetness. I knew who they belonged to, at the moment I resented them. Gene didn't say much but when he did, it was exactly right, he didn't say anything now as I continued to cry, he just rubbed my back gently, his forehead came to rest on the back of my neck. I Stopped crying and my sobs where reduced to a low murmur. I became angry, why had Gene not ran back to Julian? Surely he heard what happened; he was waiting for our return by that tree. Maybe I was wrong, there was nothing he could have done, Julian was gone from the moment he was hit, im just denying it. I was still angry, I stood up quickly and pulled my rifle over my shoulder, I didn't look back at Gene but I knew he was probably hurt by my brashness. I trudged aimlessly through the woods searching for my foxhole, I finally gave up after around 10 minutes of looking stupid and jumped in a hole with Spina. He didn't protest but wrapped his arm around me as I shivered from the cold. I don't know why, but I couldn't shake gene from my mind, that damn doctor! Why does he do this to me? I wanted him to come to me again, and sit with me in silence like he usually would do. I probably scared the poor guy, he was so gentle and harmless, and he didn't deserve my anger. I cried again, this time only silent tears which froze to my cold cheeks. In the distance guns where crying, soldiers where laughing, joking, amidst all this terror, I couldn't join them, not tonight, my heart was torn from loss and love and something else I felt for a certain medic, I couldn't explain it just yet.

That's it for now; it's just a silly little thing I decided to write on a Sunday night, reviews are SUPER APPRECIATED. I was flailing and acting rather ridiculous while writing this, I love band of brothers so much and obviously I ship babe and roe…. Who wouldn't? Its great fun!