A/N: So this is my first fanfic...basically ever, the last one I wrote over a decade ago and I don't count it . I'm doing these for a number of reasons, partially practice, partially because there isn't enough GreedxEnvy out there. Expect graphic sex, violence and other disturbing imagery, I'll be universe swapping a fair bit as well, I'll try to keep it clear which I'm using in each. Enjoy!


None of his relationships are simple, Envy muses to himself before forcing out a wanton moan as his partner in this petty vengeance drives into him again. He hated Dante, but needed her enough to make him exercise some degree of subtlety in his jabs at her. He heard her footsteps outside the door and let out an especially loud cry of pleasure, as bereft of shame as it was sincerity.

Very subtle He thought to himself, hearing Greed's chuckle behind him. This whole performance was all for her sake after all, the only real pleasure either of them got from the act was in the outrage it elicited from the one who created both of them.

He hated Greed too, he thought to himself as the man in question wraps an arm around his neck and pulls him up against him, capturing his mouth roughly. Envy's eyes widened in surprise and immediately darted to the door. They had left it open a crack on purpose of course, too wide would have made it too blatant but a crack was just absentmindedness. He smirked into Greed's kiss as his eye met Dante's, for only a second before she tore herself away as Envy let out another moan.

She made no attempt to hide her hasty footsteps away, their echoes ringing with anger and indignation. "She's gone." He said matter-of-factly, breaking the kiss with Greed. He released Envy and pulled out, zipping up nonchalantly. Envy let out a small cry as he felt Greed's sudden absence, catching both of them by surprise. "That one sounded real, sure you don't want to finish?" Greed asked in a mocking tone he learned from Envy as he grabbed the other Homonculus' bare hips. Envy whipped around and shoved him back. "Shut up! You're the one always whining for me to turn into a girl for this! If I'd known you were going to be such a pain in my ass I'd never have killed you in the first place!" Envy spat as Greed burst into laughter, standing up and adjusting his shades. "If I'm such a pain in your ass then you should have taken my advice, would make it easier to hide how turned on you are now too." Greed replied, casually indicating the peak in Envy's skirt.

Envy launched himself at Greed, rage distorting his youthful face as he threw the smirking homunculus to the ground, straddling his hips. "We both know you're the one who really loves this, I just do it to make that bitch suffer!" He roared at Greed, whose smile only grew at Envy's outburst. "It was your idea in the first pla-" Greed attempted to retort but was interrupted by a fist, and subsequently a mouth. Envy kissed him brutally, running his tongue over the teeth his fist recently displaced, hoping to taste his blood before he regenerated. Envy pulled away just as Greed began to respond, rocking back onto Greed's crotch. "If you finish first I'm never letting you hear the end of it." Envy threatened as he unzipped Greed, pulling him out and sitting on him forcefully, letting out a gasp. Greed groaned as he gripped Envy's hips, lifting himself against him.

Just keep telling yourself you're doing it out of spite.

None of his relationships are simple.