Summary: Bonnie was okay with being alone. She was okay with not falling in love. She was okay with her form of happiness. Then Scott showed up. Scott was a romantic. He loved the idea of everything being better. He loved to dream, and love. Together they could be something else. Maybe even happy.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. These two shows (Teen Wolf and The Vampire Diaries)...I wish. Would be making some type of bank.
"So how is it?"
Bonnie looked up from her book, despite no one being there. She felt the warmth of a phone on here ear. How long had she been talking? Well listening.
"How's what, Caroline?"
"California! How's California?"
Bonnie sighed, her eyes rolling at her friend's question.
"It's night time."
"Oh boo."
Bonnie placed her book beside her and let out a small laugh.
"Caroline I live in a place called Beacon Hills, it is in the northern part of California, aka the boring part."
"I thought you would be living a glamorous life, like off that show Beverly Hills 90210."
"Ah, sadly I am not in L.A., or anywhere remotely close to it."
Bonnie got up from her well made bed, her dark red blanket ruffled slightly from where she was sitting. She looked down at the spot, contemplating if she was going to fix it. After a second, she shrugged and half-heartedly matted the wrinkle away. She walked towards her closet and picked out her clothes for tomorrow. It would be her first day of school, even if it was half way through the year. Bonnie debated what she should wear. Should she go with her standard bohemian, almost hippie look. It felt too cold to wear that. Maybe she should spice it up a little, and try to be someone new.
"So are you ready for school tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I will appreciate one semester of nothing."
Bonnie stopped rifling and pulled out random things in her closet. She tossed them on her bed, making some sort of outfit for tomorrow. Unfortunately it was neither fresh or new. Just the same old Bonnie.
"Hey but at least it's only one semester. And, all you are taking is easy classes."
"I have like four AP classes Caroline."
She was lying. Her class schedule was a total mess, but she had no power to care. Bonnie was slowly becoming aquiescent about her life. Even three thousand miles away, she felt how the pressure of Mystic Falls. It was as if life would never get better. She would never get better.
"Yep, I am trying to get into college for reals."
She looked down at the book beside the clothes; it was one of her grimoires, almost foreign considering she had not picked one up in the longest of times. After what had happened months ago, Bonnie had lightened up on her use of magic.
"Well that's a relief...I thought you would spend the rest of your time in Mystic Falls."
Bonnie turned her attention back to her task at hand; she cocked her head to the side as she stared down at the outfit she laid in front of her. She honestly thought the same thing.
"Why would you say that?"
Bonnie was curious as to why Caroline had said it. She knew why, but she just wanted to hear Caroline say it.
"I don't know. I just thought after the year we had, after everything we have been through...that we were cursed to be forever attached to Mystic Falls."
Bonnie felt herself starting to zone out a little. What Caroline had just said, was in fact what Bonnie believed to be her reality. Once upon a time, she thought about college, but nothing too far out of range from home. She could handle a commute if she worked at the Grille. If she were to be able to live off campus, she would make sure to keep extra tight contact with friends and family. She would even come home regularly to find out what was happening. Bonnie was not sure whether or not she would make new friends, but she new the ones she had already would always be there. The mentality of the small town had really taken a toll on her, and it was even worse when the supernatural hit. After Bonnie lost her grams, everything changed. Bonnie felt the need to protect her friends at high cost. Slowly but surely she was pulled down into a darkness where she was blind to herself; no matter what the pain was, it would never hurt as much if she lost another person in her life. The pain magic put her body through, the stress she felt, the slow and unbearable decline into insanity, it would mean nothing if her friends were okay.
But now she was far away. Too far away to do anything. What if Elena were to kill someone in her new life as a vampire? What could Bonnie do to prevent that? What if Caroline were to be taken hostage again? What if Jeremy and Matt cannot fend off vampires in their human state? Bonnie was worried about everything that could happen, and she could not prevent it. It was not as if she could do much anyway. Bonnie had been living in fear of what would happen should she overstep her boundaries magically. After the body switching spell from last time, Bonnie watched in horror as her Grams received the punishment meant for her. That broke Bonnie on so many levels. Her Grams, who had died as a result of her pushing, was tortured all because Bonnie wanted to help her friend. Punishing her by forcing her to watch the pain of a loved one.
Bonnie closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to remove the feeling of fear running through her.
She opened her eyes, realizing she was on the phone with Caroline.
"Uh sorry..."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
She was not, but she wanted to believe it.
Scott hated Sundays. They were generally dull for him. Even with his new life as a werewolf, there was nothing really exciting on a Sunday night. All other werewolves seemed to be gearing up for the next day. Scott would have went to his best friend Stiles, but he was currently healing from another bad night of super sleuthing. Unfortunately he got caught in a hunter's trap. It took no less than a minute to get him out. Unfortunately it was made for someone much more powerful than Stiles, so he seemed to have gotten hurt a little. Since that happened Saturday night, Stiles was in recovery mode, and that would more than likely mean he would skip class Monday, possibly Tuesday.
Scott sighed at the thought of his best friend. Stiles was a lot of things; an annoyance, a bit mean, rude, patronizing, a bit of a spazz. But despite all that, he would never just leave Scott. Even when Scott was down, he refused to just up and leave him. Considering the dangers they had seen in the past few months, it was understandable if Stiles would have just separated himself from Scott. But he stayed. And through all that Stiles was, Scott knew deep down, he was his best friend. That was nice.
Scott's thoughts turned to Allison. If he was not out somewhere with Stiles trying to uncover some sort of mystery, he was with Allison, loving her. In such a short time they had created something. Something beautiful, something that Scott could take pride in, as he thought Allison did. But just as quickly it seemed to crumble.
"Three weeks..."
He was on his bed just looking at his ceiling. He did that a lot now. It was part of his routine, when he was lonely. He had come to have a semi active life, due to him being a werewolf, and him now having to go to tutoring. However when he was alone, when no one would come to rescue from himself, he would just lay there. Sometimes he would think, most of the times he would daydream. Just letting his mind wander the greater limits of the universe. He would let himself just fly away going anywhere he pleased, and when he came back down, he was usually smiling.
He was at peace.
But today was not one of those days. He was thinking today, and that meant thinking about everyone and everything. Scott would never admit to it, but when he thought about the people he cared about they did not bring a smile to his face. Not that he did not care about them or anything, but it always seemed like there was some sort of unnecessary conflict between them. As if his relationships needed anything in them. Like the one with his mom, Melissa.
His mom was still getting used to him being a werewolf. Now that she found out, she was more accepting, but she was still scared. That's what adults do apparently; they trade one fear for another. She would look at him, when she did not think Scott would no, and Scott would hear her heartbeat racing faster. Fear was growing in her. It only happened when she thought about him. Scott tested it many times. When they were together, acting like son and mother, she was fine. But it was the moments by herself when she seemed to grow in fear. About what? Scott did not know the answer to. He assumed it was about his status as a supernatural. Scott remembered how she found out, and how they had a rift in their relationship. It hurt to watch his mom actively avoid him. What child would want their only parent to stop loving them? But they were okay, at least it looked like it. Scott made sure to never do anything werewolf related around her. She knew, but that did not mean she had to be involved. To Scott, somethings were better left alone.
Scott turned over, understanding that his ceiling would not help bring peace and relief that night. He knew the roof might not work. It had not been working for the last few nights. Scott let out a frustrated sigh. He wanted something permanent to happen. Something to bring him a little release.
"Tomorrow's a new day."
And he believed that. He had to.
A/N: New story. If you read the story To Love A Hopeless Romantic, then you will get a feel of what this story is about. It is a crossover between TVDxTW (something I am getting way to comfortable with). Scott and Bonnie are my main couple this time. I think this will turn out better than Stick With Me (which is on hiatus, but I am feeling the drive to write so...) because it will be more relationship focused. This will also probably be a lot shorter than Stick With Me (I doubt twenty chapters will even happen tbh). Bonnie and Scott are two teens that are a little lost and find each other. The name of this story "Tell Me Silently) is based off the lyrics of one of my favorite singers Maxwell. This whole story is based off one of his albums.
Read. Review. Critique. Enjoy