(Disclaimer- I don't own OUAT nor any characters, no money is made from this fic, blah, blah, blah)

(Authors notes- this is kinda like an alternative ending to 'State Of Youth Today'. If you've not read it then you won't have a clue what's going on here ;) But I warn you now, this spin off is just a silly, short and fun one of only a few chapters. There will be others. Enjoy?)



"Mrs Snow, can I have some more cocoa, pwease. Miss Bwue's dwink tasted funny", said Regina as she wiped her tongue on her sleeve once more.

"Ok…wait. What drink?", Snow said feeling a cruel dread seep into her skin.

"Just 'fore Mommy came back I told Miss Bwue that me and Wumpy were all scawed and yucky, so she gave us a dwink. She said if we dwunk it we'd feel back to our old selves by morning", the four year old girl said turning the coin over and over in her hand fighting back a yawn.

Snow, Emma and James all stared at each other with blanching faces and drying tongues for they knew that tomorrow everything was going to change.

But for the better or worse?


"Aaaaaggghhhh!", came the scream from the children's bedroom jarring the entire household awake.

As James and Snow burst from their bedroom and collided with Emma they recognised the voice at once, for who could mistake the rasping succulent tones of the fallen Queen turned Mayor. Pausing outside the room Emma put her hand on the doorknob and took a deep and steadying breath to ready herself for the barrage of abuse to come her way from an outraged Regina.

She forced back her tears knowing that she wouldn't see that sweet little smile anymore, that her heart wouldn't sing at the adorable innocence of lil' Gina. But Emma knew her tears could be saved for later, for now she would have to feel the spittle of the Mayor splash all over her in a torrent of expletives as they tried to explain what had happened to them of late.

"Come on, let's get this over with", James said sadly as his fingers ran over the handcrafted wooden nameplate on the door courtesy of Geppetto reading 'Rumpy 'n Gina'.

The door swung open as they flinched fearing what kind of magic the Blue Fairy had used and how much the two most powerful and vengeful people in Storybrooke would remember of their time as sweet little toddlers in their care. And whether their full powers had been restored.

"W-what's going on?", asked Regina as she stood in the center of the room naked with just ripped shreds of her Hello Kitty pyjamas hanging off her now full and feminine frame. Tears brimming in her eyes as fear gripped her heart.

"Regina, I-I know you must think something's going on but please, let us explain….er….well….", Emma blustered out trying to think of a good excuse as to why the haughty Mayor woke in bed with Mr Gold.

"I-I'm weally tall…why am I so tall?", Regina said with a quivering lip, "W-what's goin' on, Mommy?"


James, Snow and Emma felt the color drain from their collective faces as the dust of realisation began to settle over them as they looked at the two figures in the room freshly returned to their adult forms.

"Er….Rum….Gold….are you….?", Snow said with a wavering tone as she stepped closer to Mr Gold who sat there hugging his teddy bear tightly and sobbing quietly as his blurry eyes rose up.

"I-I'm scawed, Mama", he cried reaching out for comfort as Snow's eyebrows nearly leapt up into her hairline.

"Oh…..", James began.

"…crap", Emma finished for him as she grabbed the phone and pressed the numbers in a blind panic hoping the Blue Fairy was awake at this early hour.

"Blue….it's Emma….you better get your butt over here pronto ….no, well technically it sort of worked …..no not like that …..yes you've given them their adult bodies back but they still have the minds of four year olds! …no, I think 'epic screw-up' isn't a phrase strong enough for this …..yes, soon as you can", the Sheriff snorted as she slammed down the phone and pinched the bridge of her nose, "She's on her way round now"

"I gots boobies like you Mommy. How come I gots boobies now?", Regina said with wide eyes as she, without shame, cupped her ample breasts showing them off to all in the room as the door pushed open a little wider and a tired eyed boy wandered in.

"Guys, what's going on?", he asked rubbing his sleep away.

"Henwy, I gots boobies now….see!", said the one time Queen waving the glorious swells of her breasts in his shocked face.

"W-what the….w-why is…are they….who….huh?", Henry stammered out as a hundred questions jammed into his tongue so he was unable to articulate a single one of them.

"Gina, stop that!", Emma said slapping her hand and throwing a sheet around the naked woman.

"Ow Mommy….that hurted", Regina said in a small voice, jutting out her lower lip in a heart wrenching pout as tears pooled in her eyes.

"I-I…er…I'm sorry Reg….I mean, Gina…", Emma said softly, "It's just young ladies should cover up their….er…bits"

"Mommy, you're a big meanie", sniffled Regina as crocodile tears ran down her cheeks.

"I…er….I'm sorry sweetheart. Oh come here honey", Emma said bringing the gently sobbing woman into her outstretched arms .

Regina slid into the embrace and felt Emma's arms sweep around her, she nuzzled into her shoulder and felt her tears drip onto the yummi sushi pyjamas the blonde had taken to wearing.

"Honey, it's alright. Shhhhh", Emma said with soft tones which belied the acute discomfort she felt soothing the woman who had been a royal pain in her ass ever since she breezed into town. But behind the façade was the little girl who had warmed her heart so much, right now Emma was still trying to figure out which was which.

"B-but why am I so big now? I-is it 'cos I was bad and a mean witch casted a spell?", Regina said with wide sad eyes as she pulled from the hug feeling comforted as Emma's hand rubbed her back chasing away her tears.

"No honey….it's er…..hard to explain but there's nothing to worry about"

"B-but Mommy…."

"Do you trust me, sweetheart?", asked Emma.

"Uh-huh", nodded Regina in hearty reply.

"Then trust me when I say it's all going to be ok, we'll sort this all out soon enough. Just don't worry about it, ok?"

"Ok Mommy", Regina said as a shy smile blossomed across her face filling the apples of her cheeks and let out a little giggle.

"What is it, Gina?"

"I can see Wumpy's little winky", she pointed across to Mr Gold whose fully grown form sat hunched up on the end of the bed, despite his newly filled adult form he still bore the aura of an innocent child.

"Oh lord", Snow said as she pulled a pillow over his groin.

"Don't look", said James covering Henry's eyes as the boy stared on dumbfounded.

"M-Mama, why…..", said Mr Gold not releasing the comforting feel of Teddy in his arms as Snow and James tentatively moved a little closer to him not sure what to think or how to act.

"Er….I….who wants cookies", Emma said in a panic not knowing what to do or say.

"Me-me-me-me-me!", Regina blurted out putting her hand in the air and bouncing up and down making the sheet fall off again.

"Oh man, come with me Gina. There must be a robe or something around here, Henry can you show me where Reg…..er…the Mayor kept her spare clothes", Emma said taking her hand and pulling the confused and partially covered brunette along after her. "Come on 'Gina"

"Ok Mommy….but do I still gets cookies?", said the woman hopefully with a grin.

"Yeah, you get cookies", Emma said with a shake of the head as Regina skipped along next to her not caring how much skin she was exposing.

"Er….Rumpy….sweetheart?", Snow said gently as she sat on the bed next to him as his tears rolled down his rapidly aged cheeks.

"Mama….what's goin' on?", he mewled nestling into her side as she put her arm around his shoulders and giving a little squeeze.

"It's just…..it's complicated …when Blue gets here we'll try and explain but it's nothing to worry about, trust me. Now come on honey, let's you get dressed and…..then you can have cookies too"

"Chocowate cookies?", Mr Gold sniffled rubbing his nose roughly.

"Yes, any kind you like", Snow said with a flash of a smile still seeing the sweet little child hidden away inside the man's body.

"Come on lil' man…..well not so little anymore", James said with a weak smile as he loved Rumpy dearly despite being in the shell of the devious pawn broker. But he hoped the eyes of his beloved child wouldn't catch on the wariness in James' straining voice, "Come on, let's see what clothes of mine will fit you"

"O-ok Daddy", said Mr Gold shyly taking his hand but not letting go of his tight hold on Teddy, though James' eyes widened to see a man on the wrong side of forty clutching his toy so hard. The hand clasped in his made James force out a grin but he was freefalling from his comfort zone.

Snow felt her head spinning as she tried to figure out what was going on, she could feel her teeth begin to grind at the thought that the Blue Fairy could betray her in such a callous and clumsy manner. Stepping along the hallway they passed a greatly confused Henry who found one of his old mother's robes and brought it into the bedroom.

"Ok, thanks Henry", said Emma taking it from him and sighing seeing Regina was once more shamelessly naked and exploring her new curves, "Ok, Gina. We have a nice soft robe here for you so…."

"Mommy…..how come I gots hair down here by my wee-wee hole? Look Henwy, I gots hairs down here"

"Gina, stop that!"