Summary: It felt strange to be submerged in another tank after so long, Tao mused.
Set at the start of the Lukedonia arc.
Written for the No True Pair prompt, 'Tao and Frankenstein, the waves are so loud'.
By Dark Ice Dragon
It felt strange to be submerged in another tank after so long, Tao mused as he twirled his wrists. It hadn't been Aris' preferred method, usually changing the body with a scalpel and not adjusting the modified human after that, only learning from her mistakes and using the new knowledge for newer humans she had found later. The few times he'd been in a tank, well, it wasn't something Tao wanted to spend that much time thinking about.
The problem though when you were stuck in a tank was that you had nothing to do. You were only accompanied with the sound of your breathing and, Tao wasn't sure about Takeo, but he could hear the splashes of the liquid right at the top, echoing straight down into his ears.
It was starting to drive him nuts. Every movement he made arrowed straight back at him. It was good whatever the Boss had put them in was thicker than water, helping them stay in place, but still, he needed to do something with his mind. Asking the Boss for haul down was out (and he suppressed a snicker at the image of him actually installing one in the lab), because even if the Boss did bring down a TV? Trying to watch a screen through coloured liquid anda rounded lens? Eugh. Not the best combination, that was all that Tao was going to say.
Unfortunately, communicating with Takeo was out - he was either sleeping or ignoring Tao after the last bout of hand gestures they'd made at each other.
But the Boss was still around, puttering about in the lab, writing on what looked like a clipboard. The problem was getting his attention...
Except the Boss was turning to him like he could hear him (and for all Tao knew, maybe he could). He walked up to the tank, staring up at him, his head at an angle.
Well, may as well try. Tao gestured, wondering if Frankenstein would understand him. Boss mimicked him, and then made another gesture. It only took Tao a second to understand what he meant and he grinned behind his mask.
Well, if the Boss wanted to learn their signals, Tao wasn't going to hinder him (and who knew, maybe they'd need to communicate that way some time in the future) - but he'd leave the wrong translations to when he was teaching Takeo, and possibly M-21, if it ever came to that.
Okay, I'm fairly sure their masks only covered up to their noses -which would suggest they weren't conscious, I guess- but I changed that. :3