Man I hope I can do it better now, now off to the story.
Panting, panting, and panting.
Running, running and running.
That was all Naruto could do now. His thoughts were elsewhere. He successful brought Sasuke back. Instead of praise, he got banishment for what…
"Naruto Uzumaki the village council will banish you for hurting the Uchiha, your power will be sealed as well was the Kyubbis chakra, Root drag him to the sealing chamber" Danzo ordered after a descision and an agrrement with the council. Naruto got dragged out of the office. He could hear the happy voices off the council:" Now we can get rid off the demon brat","I hope he will die a miserable death for our loved ones."
After a while a question shot the blonde:" Hey where's baa-chan did she agree for something like that or did you manipulate her, you bastard."
Danzo smirked this is even better than he thought, he could first banish the demon brat, and could shatter all his hope for being a ninja ever again.
"Yes she did agree my suggestion for the banishment for hurting and almost killing the Uchiha, she had done it on her free will."
Danzo fought hard, for not break into an evil laugh. Naruto widened his eyes, he couldn't believe what the old war hawk said, but it made sense he the evil glare from Sakura the shouts and rage cries from the villagers. He couldn't do anything he was in chains, which stopped him for doing an attack or a move and a temporary Anti-Kyubbi chakra seal to shutting off his access to the demon chakra. He was now in front of a chamber hidden beneath under the leaf. The root ninja opened the door. The room was empty it had only an altar with chains and strange signs on the wall, the root chained him and waited for the orders
" Now begin with the sealing now Takato, and one more thing, feed him lies so he cant go to any other villages tell the others to do so too, you have your orders begin" he said to his loyal servant but the part about the lies only for his root to be meant for.
He left the chamber only to hear the jinchurikis cries of pain and hatred against Konoha. His plan to make Tsunade drunk and sign a contract to banish, and seal Narutos chakra was successful, the sannin was now helpless, everything was secret off course. In a few days it would be made public. He laughed evil to celebrate his plan.
Flashback end
Banishment. Why his friends did now betrayed him. That question stuck on Naruto`s mind now.
Five minuts later
He couldn't run anymore, he collapsed. He couldn't do a thing now, no chakra no Kyubbi-chakra everything was sealed or drawn out.
He waited for something to happen and was starting to lose conscious. Until…
"Hmm it seems here I can start my new game, White was a disappointment to be defeated so easily, the professor was really a fool. Hmm who are you boy?"
The blonde looked up and could see a woman with a rather revealing outfit a white bikini top, half open short white pants, white boots and a white jackest with a black star.
"N-aru-to Uz-um-aki…"he weakly said.
WRS analyzed the blonde he was beaten and powerless and near death. She had an idea, she could use him for her game but there were things that she must stat, first is to see if he wants to destroy this world or if she just let him die, second is to give him new powers, since his are now too weak and the third is to train him of course if he wanted vengeance.
"Boy, do you want vengeance?" she asked in her monotone voice
Naruto thought about that, his dream was now shattered; he has no home, no allies so he could only say one thing.
"Yeah I want revenge!" He exclaimed. WRS smiled, a new Apostle is soon going to be born. Then she narrowed her eyes to see a crowd moving towards them.
"Then come with me and show them your judgement." She decided quickly, the crowd could reveal themselves as his allies and want to bring him back, so she grabbed him hung him over her shoulders and vanished, before the crowd could arrive. Jiraya, Shizune, Shino, TenTen, Hinata and the Suna siblings arrived at the place
"Damm, we are too late, now the Akatsuki has Naruto" Jiraya whispered quitly.
"If you assume we have the Jinchuriki, then I must disappoint you." the person hidden behind the tree said. He walked to them and revealed him as an Akatsuki member. The "second last" Uchiha. Itachi Uchiha.
"But if you haven't Naruto who then?" Temari asked and wanted an answer from the blonde, after hearing what Danzo had done to him.
"I honestly don't know the only thing I saw, was an white clothed woman, that took him away, I wanted to retrieve him back, but she could sense you and me and left, well then I must leave . Till then…" He vanished in a crowd of ranes and crows.
"Naruto-kun we will bring you back that is a promise" Hinata promised her crush.
Hall of the Seven Apostles
"I'm back, from the new world and I got a new member for you SAHA." WRS explained to the leader of the Seven Apostles., while holding an unconscious Naruto over her shoulder, she puts him on the ground like a doll with the face down, It was an old man, with grey eyes and was only wearing long jet black pants. Then he had thorn like chains across his head down to his chin, representing a crown for his leadership and he wears also black gloves with several detached bracelets on his arm.
"Is it the boy over your shoulder, I can sense strange energy from him, but why him, he is just a human." SAHA asked. But hoped not to rage his queen.
"I picked him up, because of his resolve and of course for information." She answered him.
"Great another blondie. But what are we going to do in this `new` world?" asked an annoyed XNFE as she saw Narutos hair and waited for WRS answer. XNFE is a girl with short pale pink hair and eyes. She wears a blouse with a large collar and has it almost open, revealing two black and pink striped straps which cover her breast. She wears also a very short skirt and two pink and black striped belts crossed together and she wears a pair of high heeled she shoes with crossed straps.
A large headpiece is covering much of her head, on that headpiece are two metallic accessories shaped like bunny ears.
XNFE`s arms are two metallic contraptions wich have three-pronged clawa on each end.
"We're gonna destroy humankind again, but it seems it will be a bit harder than before, but it will be an entertaining event." She said with a slight smirk.
"That would be a perfect stage for the new act." MZMA exclaimed. MZMA is a young man with short deep crimson hair. His outfit consists of bright red clothes that look like a trench cout, and he wears apair of gauntlets and boots with asymmetrical features. On his left eyes is an ornament in the shape of a spine.
"Oh I hope there will be young girls" MEFE said and was licking her lips. She is a young woman with a stereotypical outfit of a magician class character in RPGs.
She has short light purple hair and eyes with the same shade. Her outfit is made upof a black shirt tied only at the point between her breasts, and is open in the back, closing below her shoulderblades. She wears also light purple leggings and two belts, one of which id attached diagonally while the other is secured in place the typical way. Her feets are slightlyobscured by a pair of accessories consisting of a piece of pleated black cloth attached just below the knee with a belt each. A simple black glove on her left hand and a glove with metallic detail on the right; other accessories include a choker with a blue gem pendant and a pointed hat adorned with a vertebra design.
"But, what about me MEFE?" asked LLWO. He is a young man with dark complexion, silvery white hair and pale green pupils. One unusual feature of him is a black lightning-bolt shaped streak of hair that goes from the back of his hair to the other side. Attached to his trousers, is ammunition for his weapon.
"Be quit." She said blunt. LLWO had now a cloud over his head and was sulking.
"Y-es, sor-ry MEFE" he sobbed
"Can you two please be nicer to each other, it's the same everytime?" SSZU sighed and CKRY growled in agreement. SSZU is a young, blond lady wearing glasses and a spiked ornament in her forehead that looks like a coronet. She wears a futuristic, orange colored armor, resembling a dress with large shoulder pauldrons and black gloves.
CKRY is a pale skinned male with orange hair and a small beard, with a braid at his chin, and a steel black spiked ornament at mouth height, He wears a massive black- colored armoured suit with yellow trimming covering his entire body, which is adorned by spikes.
"Look our star is regaining conscious" MZMA pointed to Naruto
"Ughh where the hell am I?" he asked
LLWO spoke up to impress his secret crush:"You're in the hall of the seven apost-"but was cut off when…
"Kyaaa~, you're whisker marks are soo totally cute are those real?" XNFE squealed and changed one of her metallic claws into a normal hand and jumped to the blonde and stroked his whiskers, he let a purr when XNFE only squealed louder.
"Ähm, not to offend anyone but what's with her?" the blonde asked.
"She gets so when she sees something adorable. Oh and I'm MEFE but you can call me Mii. Buenos tares. The sulking emo in the corner is LLWO but you can call him Ririo, you have my permission."
"Why does he already have you're permission Mii?" Ririo whined.
"Ririo behave yourself!" He did so. "Well moving on, the movie obsessed freak is MZMA you can call him Masma." Masma only nodded only and ignored the isult.
"Then we have our S&M team SZZU and CKRY there names are Shizu and Kaari." Shizu only waved her hand while Kaari growled as a response.
"Then we have the leader of the 7 Apostle's Saha" pointing a finger to him.
"We will see, what skills you have in a fight" The leader spoke up. The blonde had first worries since he could only fight with taijutsu.
"And this-" she pointed to WRS"-is our queen White" WRS left the room before she done that, she gave Saha an order.
"And who is-"he wanted to ask but was cut off.
"My name is XNFE but you can call me Nafe nice to meet you, but you will tell you're name wont you?" she giggled and Naruto blushed slightly.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. Believe it!" He exclaimed it. Nafe analyzed him.
"First off all when you're done with `talking` with White you need new outfit
and the second thing we must change is `believe it` quit it, its creepy." He didn't dare to interrupt her or to protest since she could easily cut him off.
"Nafe bring Nazu to the Queens Terrance." Saha told Nafe.
"Nafe-chan who is this Nazu" he asked her while being confused. He couldn't see this Nazu.
Nafe blushed because of the -chan in the end of her name.
"W-ell come on now!" she grabbed him at the arm and dragged him to the terrace. And she explained him about his new name. He accepted it rather quickly
At the moon terrace
"So are you ready to be reborn Naruto Uzumaki" WRS asked the blonde. He nooded and walked forward, XNFE walked forward too.
"Nafe you will witness his power now and his reborn to Naze the eight apostle!"