Into his heart

I do not own DGM

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait Im having really bad writers block, and this damn computer keeps messing up, but anyway here ya go a new chapter, hope you enjoy.

P.s. Next chapter will be

Chapter 3:Mission

Allen had six months at the school under his belt, things were just the same as they were before but Allen could tolerate it. He had become comfortable with Lavi, Lenalee, and Bak building a strong bond with each one of them.

"Allen-chan!" Lavi yelled as he came into view of the white haired boy, Allen looked blankly at Lavi as he closed his text book shut.

"Hai?" Allen replied lazily.

"Komui wants you in his office now."

"Okay," Allen responded, he sluggishly got up and headed to Komui's office not really sure as to why he was needed. As Allen entered the office all he saw was paper upon paper stacked messily on top of a desk.

"Ah, Allen-kun!" Komui said popping up from a stack of papers, Allen just stared at the man as he struggled to get up from the floor.

"I need you to go on a mission for me," Komui said as he sat on top of his desk.

"Mission? But I'm not a full exorcist yet," Allen said.

"Yes, well, here we allow our exorcist students to participate in missions sense we do not have that many exorcist. But don't worry, we only send exorcist to deal with level one akumas. "

"Okay, when do I start?"

"Now, go down to the docks and your partner will be there, they'll explain the mission to you," Komui responded taking a sip from his bunny cup, Allen nodded and began to turn away but stopped when Komui called him back.

"Oh Allen-kun, here," Komui said handing Allen a change of clothes.

"Change into this then go," Komui said. Allen nodded and headed to the bathroom and changed into dark pants, combat boots, and an official exorcist jacket. Allen stared in awe for a moment before pulling his hood over his head and heading to the docks. Allen made his way to the docks and saw a very unpleasant sight standing before him.

"Tch, I have to work with the moyashi?" Kanda said rolling his eyes. Allen felt his blood boil but decided to not say anything, he needed to focus on the mission and not give in to Kanda's childish acts. The two sat in the boat in complete silence, Allen looked over the files and saw that they were heading to Rome.

"Hurry up," Kanda said as the boat stopped putting the two exorcist a few blocks away from the train station. They walked in silence, Allen making sure to not cause a scene or draw attention to himself, they made their way to the train and saw a finder waiting patiently, he greets himself as Zak, and the three of them board the train. Allen and Kanda sat in dead silence as they made their way to Rome, the sound of the rain being the only noise between them.

"Nee, Kanda, why do you think so many people try to bring back the dead?" Allen said staring at the rain outside of the window.

"Tch, don't know, don't care," Kanda responded not even bothering to open his eyes. Allen knew it was a stupid question, he knew exactly why people wanted to bring the dead back. His mind went to Mana, Allen could understand wanting to do whatever was possible to save the one you loved most. Having them there one day and then having them gone the next his hard, the smile you came to love, the warmth that came from their arms, this was all taken away. What you were left with was a heartache you were barely able to stand, Allen knew that feeling all to well, especially waking up to find that you were alone. The train stopped and the exorcist along with their finder, walked around the small town they had arrived in and found a small inn, it seemed eerie and ghost like , but it was the only place they could find.

"Welcome," an elderly man said as they entered through the door. The old man offered them what little food he had and sat down alongside Zak, as the exorcist settled in.

"Thank you," Allen said smiling at the little old man.

"No, thank you, I dont get many travelers so im always grateful to see new faces." He says smiling brightly.

"Have you noticed anything, strange happening around here?" Allen asked trying to find out out what information he could about the mission before them.

"Strange?" The old man questions.

"Hai, anything out of the ordinary?" Allen asked.

"Hmm, there has been a young man who came to town not long ago. Ever since he came people around the village have been acting strange, as if they are mechanical beings."


"Well, yes. It's as if they don't have a mind of their own, I went to visit my friend and he said the same thing," The old man said rubbing his head. Allen looked to Kanda with a worried look, the two exorcist went to their room and shut the door quietly behind them.

"Isn't it strange? That this town changes all do to one person," Allen said. Kanda said nothing for a moment before he responded.

"It's simple, he's probably working for the Earl," Kanda said and changed into his pajamas.

"We should start our search in the afternoon, hopefully we can find out more information about our mission," Allen looked over at Kanda and sighed to himself as he saw the other exorcist ignoring him, he quickly changed his clothes and laid down in his small bed letting the darkness of sleep come over him.