"Twins of Ice"


Standard Disclaimer is applied.

Warning: REDUNDANT words and many grammatical mistakes.

Chapter 9

"What is it do you wish to say, Mr. Fullbuster?" came the booming voice of Jude Heartfilia, that held such superiority around him. It's he like he was being bothered by what he guessed as petty reasons. Something like this is acceptable only if the threat is against him, his family, and especially his business.

Jude Heartfilia or shall we say Juvia and Lucy's father is a very wealthy man. Owned an empire at the ripe age of 22, and from this statement, we could say, very successful indeed. He was married to Layla Heartfilia and was blessed with two daughters; twins. He was a very happy man but when her wife died due to the complications of the heart, he suddenly changed. Twisted full 180 degree, turning to one of those rich bastards whom lives only revolves around money and power.

"The boy better has a good excuse at this," he thought, shaking his head to remind himself to reprimand his soon to be son-in-law later that it's not a very civil thing to do.

Jude Heartfilia looked at his future son-in-law and all annoyed thoughts soon left in the drain. The face of his future son-in-law was not good—very angry quite contrary to his usual cool and collected demeanor.

Jude frowned, wondering what the problem is because all of a sudden, he wanted to know. And judging by the look of Gray Fullbuster, he is not going to like it.

Almost as his question was answered, the young Fullbuster decided to speak, "I think you have to ask your daughters, Sir."

Jude Heartfilia frowned once again, not liking the situation where he has to get answers at her daughters instead. He nodded at Gray Fullbuster and turned to his daughters—mainly Juvia Heartfilia. He decided to ignore the other one; not wanting to acknowledge her daughter.

"Daughter," He spat the word mentally, not even liking it. The other one ran away from him and thus, cutting all ties with him. It's safe to say that it's only fair for him not to acknowledge her right now.

He tapped his foot impatiently, staring at his younger daughter's face. He mentally shook his head in disapproval at her because he doesn't want Juvia Heartfilia to act like this. He was not completely unaware of his younger daughter's usual behavior but as many times he used to tell her this, she was always so shy and that's not good thing for Heartfilias. It's a weakness, a big liability for the company.

But other than that, he was still proud of Juvia. She was a very fine young lady, always following him without a question, doing things for the greater good of the future—unlike the other.

"—hmmm.." Jude Heartfilia was suddenly cut off by his thoughts when his daughter decided to speak, "F-Father..Could..m..e and Nee-san talk to G-Gray-sama first?" Juvia nervously stuttered, fidgeting her hands as he she looked at her father.

"Hn.. Okay, dear. See me in my office after,'' he said, nodding curtly as he left, clearly wondering what the mess was actually about that it include her daughter and the other one.

Juvia nodded, bitting her lip as she stared at Gray who only stared at her agape like she has lost her mind.

Lucy, on the other hand, kept on staring at the ground, a habit she had developed in just minutes being near with her father. Lucy wasn't exactly on the right mind right now since she can't force herself to look at everyone in the eye after all she had done. It seems like she's always finding trouble and she hated herself at it. She's not totally oblivious and it's not hard to know that she and her father have some issues that need to be tackled—not that it's possible to solve so talking about it soon is pointless. It's going to be worst anyway.

After he hears it, she doesn't know what he'll do. As much as she dislikes her father, she didn't hate him. He is her father and even though she ran away, she still loves him. She is still hoping for the father she loved when her mother was still alive to come back again. Deep down, she knew she still has hope for that.

Maybe a hope she needs to dissolve. She remember just moments ago when her father called Juvia 'dear'. Instead to be happy at this—no, the endearment was flat and devoid. It was supposed to appear loving but when it came to his lips, flat…nothing…

Lucy didn't know how many minutes had passed but she was definitely shocked when she was harshly dragged by a silent Gray Fullbuster. She didn't complain. She just let him dragged her.

Dignity is an old friend of hers. It was gone when she realized all things she had done. She fucked up terribly. She can't hold herself to appear strong and fiery she used to be anymore. The confident and playful stride, the chest, the shoulders, the chin, her lips, and her eyes blazing with her usual demeanor…

She sighed in a surrendering manner and Gray abruptly stopped, smacking her forehead to his back.

"Sorry," she muttered, still staring at the ground. She finally said it. Her blonde bangs covering her face as she shifted her feet, muttering 'sorry' all over again. She didn't say sorry just because she bumped him accidentally, it's way more deeper than that. Sorry. The word she wanted to say since she realized she ruined everything.

Sorry. A simple short word and yet the feelings she felt was exactly the opposite for being simple. Her sorry consisted of many complexities she can't say and describe. It won't even change the situation. She wishes it could.

"So—" she was about to say sorry again when the voice of Gray stopped her, "SHUT UP!" he shouted at Lucy, disbelief, fury, and anger on his handsome features.

Lucy clenched her eyes and felt the tears falling down like a waterfall. All her pent-up emotions came in a silent cry as her tears kept on leaking out of her eyes. Her shoulders shook and she clenched her fists, biting her lip until she felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. She was not bothered at this, she kept on crying silently, her tears dripping down onto the shiny white tiles, her reflection broken as she stared at herself.

"Juvia! Tell me everything. Don't left out anything," he growled as Juvia looked away, nodding sadly. It would be best if she talks know, it's one of her faults and her nee-san was a mess like she was the one who did everything wrong. In fact, Juvia knew she was part of the faults here.

Lucy wants to say something but held herself against the idea. She looked at Gray for the first time since his arrival and her knees suddenly gave out. Her knees hurt for the sudden impact but she don't care, all her attention were focused at her sister and…Gray. Sadness and tears were painted on her sister's face and Anger was evident at Gray's form.

Juvia told Gray everything since the beginning. From the invite, the stupid idea of letting her nee-san act like her, the realizations of what happened, including Lucy's apologies at her, and everything. At the end, Juvia cried and begged her Gray-sama to accept her and forget that everything ever happened.

Lucy listened and looked at them both, letting her hands at the floor, gripping both her hands hard that blood seeped a little from the scratches her nails made at her hands and palms. She sobbed, lowering herself even more until her forehead was now on the ground.

She… if she only went home after the party then they wouldn't be like this. Simple decisions don't even matter, whether it's simple or not, we don't know what it would lead…If she only…

"Juvia, let's talk to your father. Lucy, come with us," Gray Fullbuster said, not even looking at the blonde woman.

"G-Gray-sama…F-Father? P..please d-do—" Juvia pleaded as stared at her fiancé and to her sister. She knew her father won't like it. She was trying so hard for how many years not to disappoint her father and if the news came to him, he would no doubt, be disappointed at her. Not to mention, her older sister… Father was so angry at Lucy when she ran away, how much worse if he hears this? They're doomed.

And Juvia feels sick at herself by thinking this. Yes—she was scared what their father's reaction to this, but at the same time, she was afraid mostly for herself. Like stated earlier, she was trying so hard to follow her father for all the years of her existence. Never did she dare to oppose her father. She is selfish. She only thinks little about her sister's consequences, she is more afraid and scared what would their relatives, friends, people would say to her.

"What?! After you made a fool of me, you expect me to put it on a blind eye?!" Gray exclaimed, letting out a bitter laugh at the end.

"J-Juvia, it's okay. Let's talk to father. Don't worry he's not going to be disappointed at you than at me. Trust me. I know him very w-well," Lucy said suddenly, her voice raspy shocking the duo.

Juvia and Gray turned to Lucy as the blonde stood up. Juvia looked away guiltily as Gray stared at Lucy in confusion. He don't know what it meant.

Juvia finally nodded as she led the way towards Jude Heartfilia's office with Gray and Lucy following behind. Gray was acting different and strange (who wouldn't be) and Lucy was staring ahead with a blank stare. Juvia swallowed when the big furnished doors of her father's study came to view. She knocked three times before the voice of Jude Heartfilia replied, "Come in."

They went inside and they did not attempt to observe their surroundings because their eyes only went to Jude Heartfilia's form. Jude Heartfilia was standing, his posture rigid as he stare at the three people with calculating gaze.

"So Fullbuster and Juvia dear, tell me everything," Jude ordered, his stare unwavering.

Gray Fullbuster frowned and looked at Lucy. His chest clenched as he stared at her form. She was blankly staring ahead but the emotions in her eyes..hurt, disappointment, sadness…Her blonde hair was tangled, her brown doe eyes bloodshot and he can see from his place, the hazel specks on her eyes. Her posture was rigid and tense, her lips forming a straight line. Her stubborn chin, her fists clenched to fists.

Gray looked away and wondered what the hell is wrong between Lucy and her father. Jude Heatfilia seems to be ignoring her always. Not just the way he talks, but the way he looks at his daughters. He doesn't even glance at Lucy, and the words Lucy told Juvia earlier…

"J-Juvia, it's okay. Let's talk to father. Don't worry he's not going to be disappointed at you than at me. Trust me. I know him very w-well."

He looked at Juvia, Jude Heartfilia and to Lucy. He concentrated something in his memory, something Juvia told him about Lucy.

He clenched his teeth when he couldn't remember anything. He concentrated again, the voice of Juvia speaking to Jude Heartfilia becoming a background noise as he pondered some information Juvia had slipped to him.

"So Juvia was telling the truth, Mr. Fullbuster?" Jude Heartfilia asked as his gaze adverted to the young Gray. Gray wasn't listening earlier but nonetheless, nodded solemnly.

Jude Heartfilia nodded condescendingly as he turned to Lucy. He fixed her with a superior gaze and Lucy, feeling her father's stare; she turned to looked at him blankly.

The atmosphere was tense momentarily until Jude cleared his throat, "We can properly discuss this at dinner. Mr. Gray Fullbuster, do you mind spending with us at dinner? And of course, you can stay with us until the issue settles. "

Gray shook his head replying, "I don't mind, Sir. Thank You and I think it's for the best."

Jude Heartfilia turned away saying, "You are dismissed."

And Juvia, Gray, and Lucy turned away to leave. Lucy was the last one to leave when Jude Heartfilia suddenly turned around, staring at his blonde daughter's back as the door closed behind her.

A/N. Pshhh… Finally update…You know, I am supposed to update 'Is it Love or Pity' first but then..I was in a mood for this story and so I finally decided to update this earlier than the 'IILOP'…Hope this satisfy you.. Urghh..

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CHAPTER 383 kyaaaaa! Lucy~ Lucy~ Lucy~ I was crying when Aquarius appeared! GAHHHHHHHHHH 3

Anyway! *cheer* Our OC would finally appear on the next chapter~

Tuned in for the next chapter XD By the way, any NaLu, GrayLu, StiCy fans here? Please recommend me a story pweaseeee.. Anything as long as it's good and amazing! Give me your best shot! I trust you all~ You can also recommend me your story, I wanna read more fics :* NATSU! (I was supposed to yell SUMMER so JAPANESE)

Damn there are many good stories here especially the old ones hihihih 2012 mostly?

Ah well…I'm procrastinating again :/
