Everything in the room screamed trouble, it wasn't the place Kelly would normally go to, actually it wasn't a place she went to at all. The smell of alcohol reeked the place and she brought the back of her hand to her nose. Kelly pushed through the sea of people with Kaitlyn walking in front of her.

"Careful Kel!" Kaitlyn called out before taking a sharp turn into a corner. Kelly finally caught up and stumbled towards there. She straightened her short blue floral dress down and ran her fingers through her blonde curls. "Is it really necessary for you to be such a girly girl right now?" Kaitlyn asked rolling her eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry, was it me who asked to come here?"

Kaitlyn shook her head before she looked over at the crowd. She tried to spot Dolph in the large group of people but had no luck. "Where could he be?"

"Seriously Kaitlyn, can we just go? It's the first day back from summer vacation and we're in a boxing club… this is not how I want to spend my first day back!" Kelly sighed, looking around hoping to find Dolph as well. "And can I know since when you started taking an interest in Dolph? The guys a tool" Kelly said rolling her eyes and blowing the hair in front of her face.


Kelly and Kaitlyn both snapped their heads around to find Dolph Ziggler in a varsity jacket standing behind them. Kelly immediately looked away trying to avoid the awkwardness. She didn't know him, but it seemed like the best thing to say to make Kaitlyn understand she didn't want to be there.

"I mean I don't think I'm a tool," Dolph said still staring at Kelly.

"Don't take it personally, Kelly's just having a bad day. She's not use to this whole atmosphere. She doesn't like these stuff… bores her to death" Kaitlyn explained to him as Kelly nodded in approval.

Dolph gave them a weak smile before stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking out towards the ring that was set up. "These are just guys who are learning how to box, they're not professionals" Dolph told them. Kaitlyn listened to him carefully as he continued to talk while Kelly pulled out her phone and began to text Eve, her best friend and other roommate. "I know this is a shitty place to take you on a date, but I totally forgot I told Randy I'd be here for him. So I hope you-"

"Don't worry about it. I think it's pretty cool. And anyways we have plenty more days to go on better dates" she told him. He laughed and nodded before looking back at the ring eagerly.

"Wait… I'm on a date with you guys?" Kelly asked raising an eyebrow.

They looked at her in silence, and before they could answer a sudden burst of boo's came from the crowd as a short muscular man with long dirty blonde hair made his way into the ring. He lifted his arm, but continued to get discouragement from the crowd. Kelly shook her head in disbelief, "God no one seems to like your friend, Dolph" Kelly teased him.

"Um, that's not Randy" he said, before he shifted his eyes to the man who was now making his way into the ring with people cheering loudly, he pointed towards him, "that's Randy" he said. Kelly moved her eyes and looked to find a guy who looked to be her age, he was tall, shirtless, tanned, with abs and tattoos and she immediately felt the heat rush to her face. He was all kinds of sexy. She bit down on her lower lip and backed away from Dolph and Kaitlyn so they didn't see the embarrassment that formed on her face.

The man gave Randy a stern expression while Randy just smirked it off. He looked over to his coach who nodded at Randy in approval. Once the referee rung the bell the smaller man took the first swing at Randy, hitting him square in the cheek. The noises died down in the room, making Kelly anxiously watch on for what's going to happen next. Randy spat out the blood and looked back at his opponent. He nodded at him as if he appreciated the hit in the face and within a second Randy started to throw punches at the guy making him fall down. Everyone started cheering and Randy flashed a smile to them before making his way to his corner. He lightly jogged on the spot and watched as the man tried to get back on his feet. Kelly was now on her tiptoes. She tried to look past people's heads but she lost the line of sight. Suddenly she started to push through the crowd, to be closer to the front.

"Kel! Get back here! The front isn't safe" Kaitlyn called out.

Kelly ignored her as she continued her way there. Once she reached the front she looked up at Randy. He didn't seem to notice her, the only girl who was in the front of the crowd, instead he was paying attention to the man. Once the second bell rang, Randy wasted no time, he started to work on the man immediately. People cheered loudly when the man fell to the ground and was unable to pick himself up. Randy raised his arm and the room erupted even louder. Just then people started moving and Kelly was pushed closer to the ring. People's elbows started jabbing her and a man cursed at her for not moving.

Randy took off his boxing gloves and climbed out of the ring as a towel was thrown at him. He wiped his body and just then he spotted a blonde girl in between a bunch of men being pushed around. "Hey! Get away from her!" he snapped, as he walked closer.

Kelly moved back and suddenly she was pushed into someone, her back colliding against their chest. They grabbed her waist before she could go tumbling down. She turned around to find Randy holding her, but his eyes were at the man who just pushed her.

"Don't you know some manners, douche bag?" Randy snarled at him. He slowly brought his attention back to Kelly as she looked back at him. He lightly smiled at her and let his hands slip from her waist. "You should be careful next time," he warned her.

She only nodded her head, unable to talk after seeing their distance. Kelly's eyes wandered around his body as she took in his nicely chiseled abs and the tattoos that stretched across his arms to his lower neck. Randy smirked, "Are you done checking me out?" he asked and immediately her cheeks turned pink and she bowed her head down to save herself from the embarrassment.

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