Here it is! Da-da-da! The preview for the next fic!

Disclaimer: Guess who doesn't own Star Wars! ME! George Lucas does (Until he sold it to stinkin' Disney!) But I did make up Sheena Delfina(that's her last name)!

Preview for We Don't Do Balls:

"OMG!" Zam squealed. "We get to dress up!"

"In fancy ball gowns!" Aurra added.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm getting dragged into this?" Bane asked, adjusting his hat.

"I may have some gowns in your sizes. Come on, let's go see!" Sheena said. The girls made a beeline for the other room.

"Why did we agree to this?" Boba groaned.

"I know. If it is what I'm thinking it is, then it may not be worth the credits." Bane summed up.

"Yeah. I don't do balls." Jango added. This was going to get interesting.

How did you like it? Are you totally excited to find out what their job is, why they gotta dress up, and who Sheena Delfina is? Only time will tell! Please review! (P.S: just so you dn't have a heart attack when the next fic comes out, Boba is Jango's brother. Don't ask me for the backstory! it just makes love triangles ten times better. Cuz now it's Boba/ Aurra!). Any way, I will try to upload the next fic soon. Until then, stay safe and happy reading!