Disclaimer: In no way do I own anything in Doctor Who except my OC. If I did own it, David Tennant would still be in his suits and trainers running around on my screen.

A/N: I would just want to say that, in spite of the crazy and weirdness of this chapter, the story is actually really good. So PPPPLLLLLLLZZZZZZ try going on to the second chapter. Because that's where the good stuff starts. So, happy reading!

Cassie was floating in the blackness; between nonexistence and nothingness. She couldn't recall anything that had happened to her, and she had no idea where it is she was. She tried to keep calm as she reached her senses out to discover anything about her environment. Touch was the first thing to reveal itself. She felt the hard rough surface of pavement on her back as smell slowly crept back into her command. The rank odor of decomposing trash assaulted her nostrils and made her nearly gag as taste returned; tasting the rising bile in her throat as she choked it back down. Hearing was ripped into her mind as a car horn blared through the air, nearly deafening her. She waited for sight to come and show itself. Her panic was rising when she put two and two together and found that her eyes were closed.

She was about to open her eyes when a scratchy voice spoke next to her right side. It had the cadence of what she thought was an 18 year old boy.

"I'm tellin' ya. I saw 'er twitch," Cassie marveled at the cockney accent. She didn't know of anyone in Paris, Texas that was a foreigner.

"It doesn't mat'er if you saw 'er twitch. Just keep searchin' 'er pockets," Another cockney accent whispered next to her left ear. Cassie suddenly became aware of two sets of hands in her coat and pants pockets, gruffly moving around searching for what she knew wasn't there. As one hand came dangerously close to her crotch, she gave a small yelp and opened her eyes as she forcibly removed the two teenagers hands. The dimmed light of the alleyway burned her eyes slightly as she moved away from the two boys and up against a wall. She glanced back at the boys and saw they were even older than she had guessed. They looked about 22, well the one with the darkened skin looked 22. The Caucasian looked like he could pass for 40. Both had an expression of surprise on their face. The one of African decent was the first to recover. He looked pointedly at the other and proved his point.

"I tol' ya, Jay. I saw 'er twitch." he had a smug look on his face. Her assumption was that he wasn't right very often. Jay still had the shocked look on his face, but he sneered at the comment of his partner.

"I can see that, Mike. Now we 'ave ta do this the 'ard way." He started coming forward. She tried to talk reason into them.

"I can save you the trouble," Cassie laughed nervously, not exactly sure what to do, "I don't have any money or jewelry on me. Or a cell phone so I can't call the police." She lied about the last part. Cassie most certainly did have a cell phone on her but she would never dream of using it. Not now anyway.

"We 'ave other ways our female customers can pay. Wifout money." Mike said this with a sadistic smile playing on his lips that made her want to melt into the wall. He started reaching a hand out to her face, his eyes bright with dark humor and trailing along her slight frame. Cassie knew where this was going, and it would not be good. She slapped his hand away, but was only awarded with a slap of her own that made her head ricochet back into the brick wall. It felt like her brain was bouncing around her skull from the impact. Cassie instantly got a splitting headache as she felt something warm and sticky flowing down her neck. She was sickened by idea of blood trailing down her body, but she tried to stand her ground. She knew what guys like this wanted. They liked to see the pain they inflicted on their victim's face.

"Why ain't she cryin'" Mike confirmed her train of thought as he glared down at her. Jay just smirked at her. His ice blue eyes seemed to bore into hers, hypnotizingly and frighteningly beautiful. She had the sensation of cold, icy water submerging all over her body.

"I fink we've got ourselves a brave one 'ere," his smirk widened to show a row of yellow teeth; no, not yellow teeth. Gold. His teeth gleaming in the dim light made Jay even more satanic. Cassie shivered and cringed even closer to the red blocks of stone, "See, you just 'ave know what makes 'em scared." He took a step toward her and reached out a hand just like his friend. Cassie tried to slap away the unwanted advance, but he grabbed her wrist and brought the other to be held in one hand; while his other hand gently stroked her face.

"Now. You're not gonna give us anymore trouble right?" Cassie stared at his forehead instead of his eyes so she could stay focused. She shook her head slightly to give her answer as she brought up her knee and aimed it right between his legs. His surprised breath blew on her face as his hands fell away and he collapsed sideways. Mike was to slow to realize what happened as Cassie dodged around him and ran. She didn't even know if it was the way out. She didn't even care, she just wanted to get away from them. She heard Jay's strangled cry as she ran.

"Don't just stan' there idiot. Ge' after 'er." Cassie tried running faster, but she was still almost dead from whatever had happened to get her here. She stupidly let her mind wander and settle on the nagging question. How had she gotten here? She was so side tracked that she didn't notice the other footsteps fast approaching until Mike had her tackled to ground. She flung her arms out to avoid her head from hitting the pavement and getting an even bigger head wound. Her arms were scratched and bruised as she hit the ground. But, the worst of her injuries was focused on her legs. Mike had grabbed her around her thighs and had fallen, hard, on them. Cassie heard the chilling crack before she even felt any pain. Suddenly, it seemed as if flames were devouring her leg, eating away at any and all flesh there. She began to scream and cry out in pain but was silenced when Mike slapped his hand over her mouth.

"Oi! Jay, I got 'er and she won' be runnin' away anytime soon!" He called out to his friend with the same enthusiasm and tone as if he was telling him he had passed a math test. Cassie heard through her internal screams and tears a heavy breathing announcing that Jay had recovered from her kick and was coming.

"Good, now before we get this show on the road. I wan' ta do somefing." As he sidled up beside them he was leering down at Cassie, clearly relishing in the thought of what he was about to do. He brought his foot back and snapped it forward into Cassie's side. She gulped noisily under the pressure of Mike's hand. It was loud enough for Jay to take notice. He looked down at her with a strange expression on his face, it was to close to what you would look like if you were about to giggle.

"Don't like that darlin'?" he asked sweetly. He aimed another kick at her side. He readied himself for another but was met my Mike's hand.

"Don't make 'er too damaged mate. I don' like playin' wif damaged goods," He said with a slight warning in his voice. Jay looked back down at Cassie and sighed.

"Fine. Move then, I wan' first dibs to repay the favor." Mike moved from on top of Cassie so Jay could position himself over her. Cassie felt herself slipping into unconsciousness. She thought maybe it would be better this way. Just as Jay was about to unbutton her pants, Cassie heard the dim sound of something glorious, a protest.

"Oi! You two! Ge' off 'er!" Jay looked at Mike in a panic before he picked himself up and ran like hell with his friend close at his heels. Cassie just laid there in blissful pain silently thanking the stranger that had intervened. She could barely open her eyes and when she did all she saw was blurred colors. There was a red, some brown, white also, and yellow. She thought people may be talking to her but she was just to tired to answer or to care. The last color she saw before the world dimmed was that shocking color yellow.


Just like before, Cassie hung in a limbo between nothing and life. But her senses slowly came back to her. A slow beeping came into awareness at the same time a rubbing alcohol smell burned her nose. She felt the soft touch of cotton sheets on her finger tips. Her mouth tasted awful (she really needed a mint). Sight was the last thing to come because she had to spend sometime trying to remember how to open her eyes.

Her eyes fluttered opened and was met with a shock of white walls. She breathed in sharply in surprise and then groaned in pain.

"Oh, you're up!" A feminine voice filled the room. Cassie looked in the direction of the voice. She was met with the sight of a blonde girl in a T-shirt and jeans. She smiled an encouraging smile with her tongue poking out between her teeth. Cassie looked in shock at the girl. Memories of her life started to flood into her mind. All centering around one television show, "You alright?" The girl asked uncertainly.

"What? Oh! Yeah I'm great! Well apart from the... obvious." Cassie rambled and ended in a whisper, "Um...? My name's Cassie. Cassie Lee."

"Nice to meet ya Cassie. I'm Rose. Rose Tyler." Cassie restrained herself from laughing. Apart from the pain, it was not the right scene to burst out laughing.

"Uh? Nice to meet you Rose. Do you...? You know?" she struggled to ask the question without saying the words, "Do you know what happened?" Rose's face fell as she was reminded of why she was in a hospital.

"Um? Yeah, are you sure you want ta..." she trailed off as Cassie shook her head yes, "Well, I'm not sure on the intimate details but from what I pieced together these two guys tried to... Uh? Rape you and me and my boyfriend, Mickey, saw and stopped 'em. I'm not a doctor, but from what they tol' me you 'ave a broken leg and a slight concussion. You also 'ave some bruised ribs..." And that was how Cassie Lee met her future adopted sister, Rose Tyler.

A/N: Just in case anyone is confused...which come to think of it, most of you will be probably, Cassie (who is an American, and so am I. So if I don't write the correct English name for it let me know.) is from an alternate universe where Doctor Who is TV show. Yes I know this ideas been done, but I think I can add a knew spin to this idea. So anyway, Cassie somehow got to the universe where Doctor Who is real (I'm not entirely sure if I'm gonna address the fact of how she got here. I may do something with it later in Series 5 or 6 or I may just let you think up your own answer.) Cassie will ultimately take the place of all the Doctor's companions from Series 1 on. The original companions will still be in the series but with less of a part. So all you Rose, Martha, Donna, and Amy fans won't be completely disappointed. I'm still debating whether or not I'll be doing specific episodes. Such as 'Father's Day', this was a very Rose centric story so I would need opinions on if I do this episode.

Another note about Cassie about is that if she was an actual character she would played by Amy Adams. She'll have an underlying fashion similar to Rose, but with slightly more of a dressier style then just T-shirts and jeans.

This chapter was relatively short compared to what the chapters that will hold the actual episodes. Sometimes there will be in between chapters with my own scenes. Please review and tell me your thoughts.