Chapter One

(Vanellope's POV)

I zipped down the track, my hair flying everywhere.

As I raced on my practice track, the wind hit my face like a cold, icy blade. However, I was too excited to notice because my adrenalin was pumping, due to how fast I was going.

Okay Vanellope, I told myself. Here comes the turn. You can do this, it's just a practice track.

This wasn't just a practice track. This was my life. I've been racing since I was Nine years old. Now, I always put 110% passion and effort into it. Nobody had ever gotten between me and racing. Ever.

I roughly turned left on the track. I almost made the turn... until I went off track. I slammed on the brakes and finally came to a stop.

"That really tired me out." I said to myself. I hopped out of my cart, landing on the ground with a thud.

I stumbled a little, trying to regain my balance. Finally, I kept still. Exhausted, I looked around, and saw something strange.

About 25 feet away from me, a tall brunette who looked about my age was stuck to a lollipop.

I chuckled, and then walked over to the teenager. He was too busy trying to free himself to notice me, and was frantically squirming around.

"Looks like you've gotten yourself into a sticky situation." I joked, a smirk on my face.

"Who are you?" He said without turning around. It's not like he could either way.

"Von Schweetz. Vanellope Von Schweetz." I answered, still trying not to laugh.

"I'm Luke." The boy said, still struggling to escape.

"Last name?" I questioned.

"I don't have a last name."

"Everyone has a last name."

"Not everyone." Luke argued.

"How about this," I began. "Tell me your last name and I'll help you get down from there."

"You can't make me tell you!" he exclaimed, desperately trying a bit too hard to break free.

"Alright, you can sleep in that position then." I turned around to go.

"I'm a man, I'll figure it out myself!"

I began walking.

Wait for it, I thought.

"Ugh, fine!" Luke called out to me.

I knew he couldn't do it without me.

I walked back over to him, and pulled him off the candy treat with a hard tug.

"My last name is Bryson."

"Bryson isn't that bad of a last name." I said. "Why didn't you want to tell me?"

"Um..." He stammered, searching for a answer. "I was made fun of when I was little, and I don't like telling people it. They would call me 'Lice On Luke' and stuff like that."

I was surprised. He wasn't annoying, a jerk, or even a player!

"Why would they make fun of you?"

"I just didn't fit in, that's all. I never talked to anyone." He confessed.

"That's really shocking coming from you." I said.

"I get that a lot."

We were walking silently, not knowing our destination at all.

"So, I was about to head over to Fix-It Felix Jr." I broke the ice. "You wanna come?"

"I would be honored, Miss Von Schweetz." The way he said my last name charmed me.

"You know Luke," I began. "You're pretty cool."

"You're not too bad yourself, Vanellope." he responded.