It's a dark time for the galaxy as the second krogan rebellion rages throughout Citadel Space. Pushed to desperation, the Council hatches a daring plan that may just change the balance of power, forever. Having heard rumours from a remote region of the Attican Traverse of a ruthless and powerful race known as humans, they send a Spectre named Garrus Vakarian to make first contact and negotiate for their assistance against the krogan.

However, as Garrus seeks the ship called Normandy and its Commander, he comes to realise that the humans have goals of their own.

Author's note: Due to the way this fic is structured completely from Garrus' point of view, (and the fact that space combat is just so darn fun to write) it will take a bit before Shepard's appearance. I humbly ask that you still give the story a chance on its own merits.

"So you refuse?"

Garrus cocked his head, meeting Councilor Sparatus' dare with a calm look.

"I didn't say that. But I am saying, I don't think I'm the person for this mission. I'm not a diplomat. You know that."

The Council knew that very well, because they believed in using the right Spectre for the right job. Garrus' own combination of talents – a ruthless data analyst with a keen eye for detail, coupled with both ranged and close combat expertise – usually meant he was their go-to Spectre for investigations in hostile territory. It occasionally involved talking to people, but rarely convincing them of anything other than the wisdom of answering his questions.

Sparatus actually scoffed. "We know you're not a diplomat, Vakarian. That's why we're sending you this time."

On Garrus' confused look, Tevos, the asari councilor continued, "We did send a team of our best diplomats to initiate contact. They have recently returned, and informed us that future contact with the humans be best left to trained military personnel."

"In other words," Sparatus picked up, "the humans chewed them up and spit them out. Which proves that they are a perfect counter-force for the Krogan Clans, but they must also be dealt with like the krogan. Strength in combat is the only way to win their respect."

"So you want me to go into human territory and... find one to beat up?"

The salarian councilor just shook his head, perhaps not realising the joke. Sparatus at least looked like he got it, but was not amused. "Actually, we have a candidate for you, along with a nice long list of 'gifts' created by the diplomatic corps' analysts, consisting of raw resources we believe they are in need of, to present the humans in exchange for an agreement to negotiate."

"We do not need you to finalize negotiations for their assistance in the war effort," Tevos assured him. "We only need you to establish communications and get them to agree to consider our proposals."

"I see." That... actually sounded exactly as difficult, in Garrus' opinion. "Well, if you believe I am the man for the job..."

"We do. The Spectre office has complete downloads on all our available intel, as well as our best translation protocols."

"Though note," Valern chimed in, "that most of our translation protocols so far come by way of the batarians. There may be inconsistencies. Make sure your own translator is set up to gather more data, and be prepared to revise on the go."

Garrus blinked, then shared another look with Sparatus, unspoken question clear. Are you sure this is wise? Not that Garrus was a paragon of wisdom to begin with. If he was, he would've stayed in C-Sec.

"We realise this mission has a lot of failure conditions," Sparatus allowed. "And I for one am not too inclined to see history repeat itself." There was a brief exchange of looks between the councilors. They'd no doubt been debating this for quite some time.

"Nor am I." Garrus assured them, his brain already working on a preliminary draft of a plan. And pointing out concerns to raise, but Sparatus beat him to it.

"Also, we recognise that additional funding may be required for this assignment. Stop by the Spectre requisitions office before you leave, they'll set you up with a special expenditures account."

Bribes, in other words. Heh, at least not from his own pockets, this time. Bribing an entire civilisation might've burned a hole.

"And we're placing the Hierarchy frigate Unconquerable at your disposal for this mission. It is standing by in the docking bay, ready to leave at your earliest convenience."

They were just determined to plow right through all of his good objections.

"Thank you, Councilors. I will begin immediately."

"Excellent. This meeting is adjourned."

The lights turned off and Garrus lift his omni-tool to find out where exactly the Unconquerable was docked. But movement in the corner of his eye got his attention.

"Garrus." Sparatus' voice was low. He stood alone at the podium. "The Krogan have broken through the sixth fleet's lines, we've lost control of relay 26."

Two jumps from the breach to Palaven. One jump to several of the Hierarchy's most populated colonies. Garrus nodded once. "I understand."