"You look stunning"

Those words replayed again and again in Katie Walsh's head. Why did no one ever want her? Why was she always the 'little sister' or 'the best friend'. Being Damon Salvatore's friend was something extremely few people can say the accomplished. But that was her down fall. He told her things, almost everything, most about Elena. How much he loved her and all he was willing to do for her. Those words were only for Elena. Elena Gilbert. The spoiled bitch. The one everyone wants. Fuck, Kat, you sound like Caroline. She sighed and took a drink; she never should have gone to that stupid ball. But, when Rebekah and Caroline badger you, you just can't say no. She should have never come to Mystic. She should have never left Ireland.

She sighed again. It was all her fathers fault. If she hadn't been on that ship, she wouldn't have become the vampire. She would have been normal, except for the fact she was a Bennet Witch, and it wasn't appropriate to be unmarried and pregnant in 1912.

"Hey, Lucks."

She looked up. There he was the dark haired blue eyed Salvatore. She stayed silent; she was fucking ticked at the guy. It was un-fair, he didn't know her feelings, but that didn't mean there weren't signs.

"Well, I'm great thanks for asking." He responded to her silence, she wasn't usually this cold…with him.

"Don't lie to me. I know you're all sad that the Bitch didn't fall into your arms, and you had to end up with Barbie Klaus." Katie responded. She was surprised that she said that, it was really harsh.

"What's your problem?!" Damon yelled. He was surprised; she was usually very nice to him.

Katie rolled her eyes and left. She was so mad, she couldn't believe it.

"I will always choose you."

She didn't mean to listen in that night, but that was when she still cared a little bit about Elena. Now all she saw was a slut that played two brothers.

As the quote played again in her head, she began to cry. He would always choose Elena, no matter what. She was half way to her house when she felt something grab her arm.

"What the fuck was that about?" Damon sounded really pissed.

Damon saw the tears and softened up. She was one….well….his only close friend. He hated the idea that someone hurt her.

"Leave, now!" Katie hissed through her teeth. She had managed to stop the tears from falling. But they were brimming on her eyes.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." Damon said.

Katie rolled her eyes. Why did he want to know? What could he possibly do, he would never give up on the dream of Elena. He would find out, one way or another.

"Why…why can't you like me?" She said, rather reluctantly.

Damon looked at her. He did like her, she was his friend, and if anything happened to her, Jeremy would kill him. She was Jere's second adopted sister.

"What do you mean? I like you enough not to kill you."

"You know what I mean. You and this whole town would chose Elena, and watch me die. Why is she so fucking important? She is just a girl, nothing special. Yet, everyone wants her. You want her more then you want me, and that sucks, 'cause I….I love you!"

Damon was taken by surprise to say the least. He could name so many people that would choose her over Elena, there was, well, there was Tyler, and….Rebekah, and…who else was there. When she said the last part, he stepped back. She was nothing more than a friend.

"I could never love you. You're not…" He said. He was certain he thought it, but the heart broken face Katie had told him otherwise.

"Go to hell." She spat at him.

She left with vampire speed. Damon stood their worried about what he had just done, and what would happen tomorrow.

Katie sat on her porch. She was crying hysterically. She knew it. She was nothing.

She didn't seem to notice the hazel eyes watching her.

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