Written for 's "My first'...' Drabble Competition using the prompt 'first kiss'.
Written for Black Rose Blue's Favourite Character Boot Camp (Sirius) using the prompt 'midnight'.
Kiss Me at Midnight
Sirius' first kiss happened when he was sixteen years, three months and four days old.
It happened on the Astronomy Tower at midnight when he had followed Alice Fortescue up there. From the corner of the Gryffindor common room, he had watched her sneak out, her soft curls bobbing gently against her back as she strolled through the empty corridors.
He had watched as she made her way up to the Tower and gazed for ages at the stars. It had been magical – Sirius had been mesmerised by her.
And then, Sirius being Sirius, he had approached her. She had jumped ten feet in the air at the sound of his voice, but relaxed when she realised it was him.
"What do you want, Black?" she asked, sounding partly irritated and partly delighted to see him there.
It was a weird combination, but it suited her. She'd had that reaction for as long as they had known each other.
"No, 'what are you doing here this late at night?'" Sirius asked, smirking at her.
"What you do is none of my business," Alice replied, returning to her telescope. "Though, if you're going to stay here, I suggest you keep quiet."
So, Sirius watched her for a little while longer, the only noise being their breathing. It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that Alice finally left the telescope.
She seemed surprised to see that Sirius was still there.
"You like the stars, don't you?" he asked.
Alice shrugged. "Better than looking at your face."
And that was when he decided to kiss her. It was awkward and uncomfortable for both of them, but neither of them pulled away either.
Her lips were soft against his and he just wanted to hold onto her forever.
But he knew he couldn't. They'd get caught.
It was Alice who broke the kiss, but she left her hands resting on his chest.
"Well," she began. "This was a nice trip up the Astronomy Tower."
Sirius couldn't help but agree with her.
Yes, Sirius is my absolute favourite character, but I've never ever written him before, so I hope I did alright :) Your reviews would be appreciated! Thanks.