Today is the day.
Sunlight dapples her skin through the tree leaves. Its spring, warm, with a gentle, caressing, breeze. She is laying on her back , her inky hair spread around her head like a fan. She is covered in cherry blossoms.
He takes a picture, the camera flash turned off, so as not to disturb her. He wants to remember her like this, wants to capture the moment before it passes him by. He wants just a little piece of her like she is now. Before he asks her something that may change everything.
The whirring of the camera makes her stir and he holds his breath as her eyelids flutter, and she opens her eyes and turns her gaze to him. Pale violet eyes, full of sleep and love pull him in, and he leans over her to place a gentle kiss on her upturned lips.
Who would have thought Hinata was the one for him? All those years wasted, chasing after Sakura, who went back to Sasuke in the end anyways. And she waited for him the whole time. He can't believe how blind he was not to see it sooner.
But he does now. He marvels every time he rolls over in bed, and is greeted by her beautiful smile. Every time she fits her fingers in between his, he is amazed at how perfectly they fill the spaces. He was so alone before her, but for some reason he didn't notice it until she was there. He's so lucky!
And today is the day. The day he asks her to share the rest of their life together. The ring box is heavy in his pocket, the silver ring simple, but pretty. Just like her.
Naruto. The boy who saved the world. Saved by a shy girl with raven hair.
He smiles.