Chap. 2: A Little Faith

By: Midnight Maiden

(Disclaimer- T.P. owns all characters with the exception of Ilana)

Kel and Peachblossom rode proud to Kennan. They had taken tournament champion and won a very large sum of money. Surely that would help to convince the lady of Kennan. She didn't even want to think of what would happen if she were turned away, which she probably would be. Apparently the heiress was very beautiful, unlike herself.

As she reached the gates of Cleon's home she stopped to check her appearance. She looked very nice in the most comfortable formal clothes she could get away with. She would have to wear dresses as soon as she was off the road, but she certainly couldn't get away with riding in them. As soon as she had made sure she looked decent enough she guided Peachblossom inside.

Cleon was standing in the courtyard out front, looking handsome as ever. She had let him now of her arrival. She sighed with relief when she didn't see the heiress or his mother anywhere. She wanted to be with him alone before she saw the cause of their undoing.

He rushed over smiling at her. She turned Peachblossom his way, but didn't dismount. She bent over and accepted a gentle kiss from her love. Holding her hands he whispered, "It's all going to work out. I'll make it work."

"Don't count on it. I'm not exactly the portrait of perfection, you know," Kel reminded him. Then looking at the castle she noticed, through a window, a beautiful brunette girl talking to an older lady. "Is that the heiress?"

Cleon shifted his attention to where she was looking. "Yeh, that's her," he answered.

Without a word Kel turned Peachblossom around and started walking towards the gate. She couldn't go in there. She was a complete and total joke compared to the gorgeous young women inside. She would be an embarrassment to Cleon. His mother would turn her away for sure.

Cleon was running along beside her. "Where are you going? My mother expects you inside!"

"Don't you get it Cleon? I can't go in there. That heiress has so much more to offer!" She was loosing control of the situation. She didn't know what to do. She had known the girl would be beautiful, but that lady in there wasn't a step down from a goddess. This was not in her game plan.

"Love, just come inside with me. We'll never get anywhere if you don't at least meet my mother." She stopped to hear him out and he grabbed her hand. "Please."

Well when he looked that adorable how could she possibly say no? "Well okay, but I don't think it's a good idea."

"Good." He went to grab Peachblossom's reins but the roan struck out at him. "Never mind." Kel started laughing and followed Cleon back to the manor.

Cleon guided her upstairs to the room she would be staying in. It was beautiful: far more luxurious than she was used to. Behind a paper Yamani-style screen was a bathtub, steaming to the ceiling. She pushed Cleon out hastily, greatly looking forward to a nice soak.

A maid entered the room and started unpacking her things. Kel left the warm water to help, but was dismissed. Instead she dried off and waited for the woman to be done. Before she knew it her hair was done up and she was in a flowing green dress.

When the maid ushered her downstairs she hesitated. In the end, she kept moving. She couldn't avoid the unavoidable. It crashed down on her stiflingly. There she sat, the Lady of Kennan, more regally than the queen herself. A small table was set up in a sun soaked corner of the spacious sitting room, piping tea and biscuits waiting to be politely enjoyed. The soft creams and yellows were nearly enough to lull Kel into a false sense of security. One look into the eyes of her appraiser brought Kel reeling back into the gravity of the situation. This was not about tea; it was an interrogation. She wanted desperately to search for Cleon, but feared seeming distracted would seem disrespectful.

"Please, sit." Although the phrase was meant to be a request, it clearly was not. Kel knew that the possibility of roasting to death in the Realm of the Gods would probably be more beneficial to her health than refusing any order that escaped this woman's perfectly drawn lips. Trying mightily to float down onto her chair as she had seen her sisters do, Kel sat. Although not as heavenly as she would have wished, the attempt was well conducted.

Kel surveyed the table, wondering what exactly she was supposed to do. Glancing a napkin placed beside a small silver plate, she grabbed it and placed it gently into her lap. "This is lovely Your Grace," Kel murmured. "Thank you very much for having me here this weekend. The invitation was very much appreciated."

Cleon's mother broke off a square of her biscuit and placed it delicately in her mouth, chewing in the most distinguished manner Kel had ever witnessed. Once finished, she looked distinctly down her nose at the woman who had won her son's heart. "You are quite welcome dear."

As their afternoon visit doled on for an incorrigible length of time, Kel wondered if Lady Kennan would ever address the obvious reason for her visit. However, she seemed determined to speak of nothing which was of an imperative nature. In fact, neither the heiress nor her son were mentioned the entire time. Wondering, not for the first time, how a woman like this could have raised her jovial and kindhearted lover, Kel took another sip of her tea. The peppermint and chamomile scents rushed through her body, warming her, and allowing her to relax. Just what was this stiff old witch getting at, being so welcoming and indirect? It made Kel increasingly nervous.

Finally Kel's mother concluded her description of most treasured court appearance, and placed her tea cup on the table. "Well, would you look outside? It's nearly dark!" She rose; Kel rose with her. "We'd best be getting on with our afternoon. Thank you very much for your company Lady Keladry."

Kel bowed, Yamani style, and replied, "I'm afraid it is to you I owe the pleasure madam. I hope that we will do this again."

Lady Kennan smiled. Although her appearance was pleasant, her true affect remained cold. Kel was not fooled for even a moment. This woman had some ulterior motive. "Oh, I am sure that we will. Have a lovely stay here at Kennan."

With that, the rigid embodiment of everything that Kel was not was gone. Kel sighed deeply, and left the sitting room, feeling every knot in her body systematically release. A patio awash with roses beckoned her name. She stepped into it, breathing in the real air from outside. Beyond the roses she saw abundant hills of lush grass, webbed with small creeks and streams. The forest to her left seemed full of life, as if its sounds would overwhelm her if she stepped inside. For a brief moment, Kel allowed herself to imagine her life as the Lady of this beautiful estate. Thoughts of her red haired knight accompanied these thoughts. Where was her Cleon?