A/N: Okay so my hard drive, I guess, gave up on me, and completely dipped. I tried everything to get it fixed and running but it really was old so I gave up and bought a new one. After I paid my cable, got paid the last couple of weeks, I finally got a new laptop. So all my stuff was gone including my music : / but yeah that was my set back. I still have everyone's prompts that they sent me so I will continue. So sorry about the delay! Anyways here's a prompt from 'Allyson'.
'3 times Wally called Barry 'daddy'
Wally stared at the vast amount of water in front of him with uncertainty. He never seen so much water and it was a billion times bigger than the bath tub. He had his red swimming trunks on and what felt like gallons of sun tan lotion all over his body. Wally broke his stare to looked at his feet that were hidden in hot sand. He liked the sand better than the water but Barry was determinate to get Wally in the lake with him. Barry beckoned for Wally to follow in after him but Wally was reluctant.
"Come on, buddy! I'll be holding you the whole time" Barry told the youth but Wally wasn't listening. He crouched down to put his fingers in the sand trying to ignore the rushing sound of water coming close to him. Wally backed away in fright and made a small whimper. There were other people at the lake too. Wally watched as kids jumped into the water with others or adults without a care. Why couldn't he just go in?
Barry moved closer to the shore on his belly. Pulling himself just as a wave carried him closer to Wally who smiled at his guardian's behavior. He reminded him of a seal.
"What if you sat down here?" Barry asked Wally. He patted in front of him where the water frequently touched then washed away. Wally shook his head and coward backwards, sitting down, trying to make it look like he was more interested in the sand. Barry sighed.
It was his first time at the lake so he could understand Wally's uncertainty about jumping in head first. Barry was hoping that Wally would at least get his feet wet. Barry watched as Wally started grabbing hand fulls of sand and dropped it in front of him. He patted it down till he got a small mountain then repeated it again only next to the previous one that he had made.
Barry got up to crawl over to Wally and as he did Wally's eyes shot up in fear.
"Relax" Barry said softly, "I'm not going to take you in if you don't want to" Wally dropped his shoulders a little but still had his eyes on Barry.
"Scared" Wally said with a frown.
"It's okay" Barry replied. He grabbed some sand in his hands and mimicked Wally's sand mountain. Wally watched how Barry made his and followed. The water was forgotten for a while as the two continued to make a circle of mountains around Wally. Barry dug a trench with his finger outside the mountains then collected small pebbles for decoration.
"Big!" Wally said as he pointed to the small mountain in front of him.
"Okay" Barry gathered more sand and patted down the mountain to make it a little more bigger. Wally stood up, laughing at the circle around him and having the strong urge to stomp on all of them. Barry could sense it in the little toddler and nodded. Wally quickly jumped on the small mountains of sand and kicked them everywhere with delight.
"Ready to go home now, kiddo?" Barry asked once Wally demolished their little structures. Wally nodded with a small frown, his eyes suddenly on the water.
"I can carry you in, I won't drop you I promise" Barry said as he extended his arms to the little red head. Wally froze in deep conflict on whether or not he should. He reached out to Barry with shaky arms and once Barry picked him up Wally clung to him tightly with his arms and legs. Barry smiled, wrapping his arms around the tiny body as he made his way towards the water. He could feel Wally squeeze more tightly once he heard Barry's feet hitting the water.
"You're not even in the water" Barry coaxed, "See" Wally looked down and saw that they had indeed left the shore. He made a small whimper but mumbled a small 'Yeah' in response.
Barry moved deeper, having his hand over Wally's back and the other supporting his bottom. Barry could feel Wally's heart speed up faster but the body was still has a rock.
Suddenly, Wally felt the freezing touch of the water on his feet and immediately cried out in unexplainable fear.
"Ahh!" Wally tried raising his feet up but couldn't and allowed them to remain skimming on the cold water.
"No more! No more!" Wally said as he buried his face into Barry's neck. Barry stopped just as Wally's legs were fully submerged.
"Okay, buddy I got you don't worry I'm right here" Barry said trying to calm down the frighten speedster. Wally's entire body was trembling, hearing little whimper escape his throat along with heavy panting.
"Hey hey hey, you're fine" Barry said. He rubbed Wally's back but Wally was too laced in fear to notice the comfort anymore.
"I want out! Out out-" without thinking Wally dropped himself from Barry's grasp. He plunged in the cold but it wasn't deep enough to completely submerge him. Wally screamed out in pure terror but Barry quickly picked him up in a fraction of second in an instant. Wally hugged Barry as he cried into his shoulder.
"Daddy! Daddy no more..wanna go home. I wanna go please" Wally muttered through sobs. Barry clung onto Wally tightly as he carried the poor kid out from the water and back onto the shore. Barry ignored all the stares and concern faces and just focused on his little boy. Barry grabbed his shirt from the land, not caring that it had some sand, and wrapped it around Wally's shaking frame.
"Scared daddy..." Wally said. He sounded calmer but he was still cold and terrified.
"It's okay, Wally, I got you. I'm sorry" Barry said, kissing the top of his head and mumbled soothing replies to the young speedster.
His dreams were getting progressively weird every night. He didn't know if it was because of the late night drinking or of watching too much of those odd cartoons Wally liked to watch every night before bed. Barry never thought twice about dreams because he wasn't much of a superstitious guy. Dreams were just his brain on hyper mode. He didn't even remember half of what he dreamed about. The only thing he could remember was red. They might have been flames or maybe stars he wasn't sure about it. They surrounded him, engulfed him, and he knew they were meant to hurt him but they didn't. They closed him in a feeling of comfort and bliss somehow he felt complete before he suddenly snapped awake. He couldn't explain this feeling but the closet thing he could think of was the feeling of trying to fight a sedative.
He woke up soundlessly in the middle of the night. The soft rumble of the fan at the corner of his room and the pink noise coming from the roof. Slow rain created a small rhythm in his mind as he laid awake. He didn't want to see what the time was he just wanted to go back to bed. However, his stomach was giving off loud protests against it. Barry sighed, he slowly brought himself into a sitting position. The warm covers were thrown off him, exposing him to the cold atmosphere in his room.
He yawned and stretched his limbs then slipped down from his bed and towards the door. He opened it quietly, not wanting to disturbed Wally, and made his way into the kitchen. It was still pitch black outside so he prepared his sleepy eyes for light. He switched on the kitchen light, closing his eyes and groaning at the brightest. Barry kept them closed for a little longer but something caught his attention..
Barry's eyes snapped open in surprise. He jumped a little at the soft voice that he instantly realized was Wally. The little speedster was on his stepping stool that was placed in front of the sink. He had his small juice cup in one hand and his baby blanket in the other. His red hair was messy and his eyes were droopy- Wait..did he just call him..
"Wally?" Barry felt more awake more, "What are you doing awake?" he asked.
Wally didn't answer at first instead he looked into his cup that looked empty and shook it side to side in front of his guardian.
"Thirsty" Wally piped as he rubbed his tried eyes with his blanket. Barry grabbed Wally's empty juice cup and opened the fridge to get him some water (not from the faucet). Wally slowly hopped down from his stool and wrapped his blanket around him and waited for patiently for his juice. As Barry poured him some apple juice he couldn't shake the growing joy in his chest. Wally had called him 'Daddy'. Not Barry.
"Here you go, buddy" Barry handed him the cup and put the rest in the fridge. Wally took it and quickly gulped it down. He sighed in relief and smiled up to Barry.
"Thanks, daddy" Wally mumbled as he finished the rest that remained in his cup. Barry smiled, bending down to kiss him on the forehead and rub his back.
"You're welcome, son"
He was beyond nervous. So worried that his stomach was doing all kinds of tricks to make him feel unsettled. Barry's mind thought of a million things that could go wrong just in a second. He thought of the worst things, he tried not to, but they kept poking him sharply. He guessed he was just a worried parent.
Why was he worried?
He left Wally with Hal today. Yes, Barry Allen asked Hal Jordan to babysit little Wally for the day while he dealt with some meetings for the JLA. Barry really didn't want to but it did concern his city so he thought it was only fair. He couldn't sneak Wally up with him because Batman wouldn't allow it. Stewart was taking Hal's place in the meeting so that meant that Hal was the person available. Hal was Barry's friend plus Hal loved spending time with the tiny speedster. Though he was still nervous.
Not that he didn't trust Hal. This was the first time he ever left Wally with someone else but Wally knew Hal enough to be comfortable around him. Wasn't much of a relief...he was nervous okay?
The meeting felt like it was going to extend for another billion hours. He was told five times by the members to stop tapping his foot or rapidly tapping his pencil against the table. Everyone knew why though, The Flash was shamelessly more worried about Wally. However, Barry toughen it through Batman's long lectures and Superman's extra stretched speeches. He would have already died from boredom if he didn't have something else on his mind entirely. Barry did his best to listen but the constant vibration in his pocket didn't help much neither. He put his phone on vibrate during the meeting even though he wasn't even suppose to have the phone on him. Just as he was about to pull it out Batman spotted him.
"Don't even think about it, Flash" he growled causing everyone to stare at the speedster or the Dark Knight with confusion. The guy had super hearing..
He felt his phone vibrate a few more times before it completely silenced. Barry's brain was thinking of all the possibilities of their being a problem at home. Anything. God, when is this going to end..
After a few more minutes, he got his wish and the meeting was cut. Flash zoomed out of the room before anyone else and whipped out his phone. He felt his heart race inside him with worry wondering if it was a call from Hal.
Three voice messages from Hal's phone number. Oh god..please let everything be okay..
Barry listened to the first message and recognized the voice to be Wally's not Hal's.
'Go ahead!'
'Uhh..Baaarry! Hi! This is, uh, Wally..yeah..uh, I miss yoou and I want you to come home! Hmm..right now is good. Hal says hi too!'
'Baaaarry! Hal made me a grilled cheese sandwich! It was really good, why can't you make good stuff like Hal? Uh, when are you coming home..daddy? Miss you veerrry much!'
'Daaaadddyyyy! Where are you? I'm reeeally booored and Hal won't let me go outside! He..He said he was going to bring a lady friend-
'Wally! Don't tell-
'Oh..I think he was kidding..uh, I miss you dad and I wanna go outside!'
No more new messages
Barry felt his heart settle at a normal speed slowly after hearing the messages and hearing that Wally was just fine. He chuckled and shook his head, pocketing his phone and dashing off to the teleportor to hurry on home.
He hoped Hal was kidding too..
A/N: Oh and Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers : )