Chapter fifteen

'Harry,' Bill said as he made his way over with Fleur, Percy and George, 'Why would she say Severus was there when he wasn't and why would she humiliate herself like that?'

'I believe I can answer that Bill,' Severus said, 'I think after Harry told her about the potion and she would not be pregnant to him, that she has had a small mind break. The pain she was feeling because Harry never wanted to resume that relationship, the failed pregnancy, it was just too much for her young mind to handle. Add to that, it's everything she went through during her last year at Hogwarts and what happened during her first year when she was possessed by the dark lord. In my opinion, she needs to see a specialised healer for treatment before she does something that could hurt someone.'

'You mean Harry.'

'I mean anyone, but Harry would be at the top of her list. Yes, I was there that day, but left after I gave Harry the potion, before they entered the bedroom. I loved Harry but I did not want to watch him have sex with anyone else. We had only just started to see each other, but I knew Harry was also seeing other people.'

'I don't get is, apart from being a little depressed, she seemed fine,' George said.

'She spends all her time either in dad's shed or her bedroom George, that doesn't sound good,' Ron said, 'She told me and Hermione, I asked Harry and I can tell you now, he's never lied to me before. He said Severus was there before, not during.'

'Ron's right Bill, Harry has never lied to any of us, not unless it was to protect us, like the night of the fighting.' Neville said.

'Alright, seems this is all Ginny and Severus might be right. I'll go see mum, she might contact one of her healer friends to take a look at her, before she does go too far.'

Harry and Severus watched all the Weasley's head into the house before the faced the friends around them.

'I know she loved you Harry, but I can't believe how far she was willing to go,' Neville said, 'But why did you sleep with her?'

'She kept turning up at my place, always asking, then she kept asking Hermione. I told her it won't change anything and she just said she always wanted me to be her first. I tried everything to discourage her even saying I don't make love, I fuck, hard, that didn't even change her mind. We know now why she wouldn't back off, she planned to get pregnant, I didn't think she would, but when I spoke to Sev about it, we thought she just might. That's why he got me the potion to stop it happening in case I gave in and I only did because she just wouldn't leave me alone.'

'What's this potion, I thought charms were used for that sort of thing?' Dean asked.

'It is now Mr. Thomas, but years ago, long before Bill was born, you needed potions. One to make sure you fell pregnant, one to make sure you don't. I have an extensive library on all potions, old and new. The potion will override those charms. I'm sure you understand why a charm was invented. Many people do not have the skill to make the potion, or it could be they just don't want to rely on it, so the charm became very popular. I made the potion for Harry just in case that is what she was trying to do, get him by getting pregnant.'

'I have to say, you look like you have a lot of experience,' Padma said but gave Harry a very seductive look making everyone laugh.

'Sorry Padma, I have my man now, I don't fuck woman anymore, just Sev.'

'Can't you say make love or shag, not that word,' Hermione scowled.

'No, because I fuck Hermione,' Harry gave her a hug, 'Sorry, I'll say I shag Severus, hard but still shag.'

'Harry,' Hermione slapped his arm.

'Harry, Severus,' Kingsley said as he walked over to them, 'I just came from inside where I told Molly and Arthur that the memory was not modified. Ginny accused one of you of doing that, so I studied it, it wasn't touched. What we all saw was the genuine memory.'

'Thanks Kingsley, but I thought after seeing the truth, she'd give up, doesn't seem like she will. But how do you know about memories?'

'We study that as aurors Harry, I'm sure Mad-Eye told you about it.'

'He probably did, but so much was going on, I didn't really take in a lot of what anyone was saying.'

'That's true Harry, now if Albus was around, yes, he could have modified that so it looked genuine, but you have to be very powerful and know exactly what you are doing. Severus might be a brilliant potions master, but I don't think you're that powerful.'

'No, I am not, even if I wish I were. But I don't think many people would ever be as powerful as Albus.'

'Yeah, he was just freaky, but cool,' Harry grinned.

'Albus did tell me that there is one person he believes will be more powerful than him when he is older,' Minerva said.

'Who, Hermione?' Harry looked over at his friend.

'No Mr. Potter, you.'

'Me, I'm not that powerful, sure I can do some wandless magic and everything non verbally now, but not like Dumbledore.'

'Don't sell yourself short love, maybe with some more studying, you might find you are.'

'Oh, I never asked about what happened, you know, when you talked to Professor McGonagall.'

'I will not be returning to Hogwarts to teach.'

'It's not allowed Harry, so either Severus stays through the year and only goes home on the holiday's or he can't teach. It's not just I that can't allow that, the governors would never allow it either.'

'Well, it looks like we find something else for you to do, but you know what Sev, maybe we could travel, for years, just travel.'

'We could talk about it and there are a few countries I would like to see. But if you all will excuse us, I would like a dance with Harry,' Severus took Harry's hand and led him out to the dance floor and they wrapped their arms around each other why they dance, with all eyes watching them.

'So by the sound of that, Harry is not returning to Hogwarts to do his last year?'

'No, he told us ages ago he wouldn't return, that he felt past that, too old to be a student. But I also think it's all the memories Professor. When you think of Harry's life at Hogwarts, he almost died more times than I can count. Got tortured as well, I don't think he wants to relive those memories.' Hermione said.

'Harry did go through more than any other student. I can understand his reluctance to return.'

'Then why did he stay to help with the repairs, he seemed fine during that time?' Neville asked.

'I think because Hogwarts didn't look like Hogwarts, it was really destroyed, so he didn't see it as the place he suffered, that's just my opinion though. But he got this look whenever Hogwarts was mentioned. He's very good at covering his feelings, and he did at those times, but I saw it, a pained look, just for a second, then it was gone.'

'You are very wise Mr. Weasley, you should bring that out in your work more often. Now I think the adults will leave all you young ones to enjoy yourselves,' Minerva nodded then left with Kingsley. Ron, Hermione and their friends all went back to either talking or dancing, but even with all the drama, they had a good time.

Harry stared up into Severus' dark eyes while they dance and he felt it, deep in his very soul, the love he had for this man. But could he say it, could he risk saying those words again and lose him like he lost Sirius.

'Harry, love, what's wrong?' Severus stopped them dancing and put his hands to Harry's face.

'I'm scared.'

'Why, everything worked love, it's fine.'

'That's not what I'm scared about, you were brilliant, even fooled the former head auror,' Harry tightened his arms, 'I know Sev, I know how I feel about you, but I'm scared to tell you.'

'Come with me,' Severus took Harry's hand and led them out the back of the marquee, 'Nothing is going to happen to me if you say it, I'm not going to die. The war is over, Voldemort is dead, there's no more danger. But if you can't then don't, I told you that, I know how you feel, I don't need to hear it. Maybe you might need more time love, so take some time.'

Harry kissed Severus and he put every bit of love he felt for him into that kiss. It was passionate, but very loving.

When their lips parted, Harry touched his face, 'Severus, I love you, I truly love you. Now if you die on me, I'm joining you.'

Severus wrapped his arms tight around Harry, 'I'm not going to die love, we're going to be together until we very old,' Severus kissed Harry's lips very gently, 'I love you Harry with all my heart,' he put one hand inside his pocket, 'I want us to join as legal partners,' Severus opened his hand to reveal two small ring boxes, 'What do you say love?'

Harry stared at the rings before looking back up into Severus' eyes, then he nodded before they kissed again. This time when their lips parted they kept staring at each other for the longest time.


'When, you mean when can we be joined?'

'Yes, now, can we do it now Sev, I want to know I'm legally yours and your mine.'

'Well the minister for magic can perform bonding ceremonies, we could ask him.'

'Yes, let's because I want this now before my fear makes me run.'

'I won't let you run and if you did, I would follow and find you. So come on, let's go talk to him.'

Harry nodded, they joined hands then walked back into the marquee and over to the minister for magic.

'Kingsley, we need a favour.'

'If I can Harry, is this about what happened before?'

'No Minister, we wish to bond and now if you wouldn't mind,' Severus stared down at Harry.

'Oh, well, yes, I could if you're both sure, but what about rings, and vows?'

Severus opened his hand again, 'Rings are covered, as for vows, I think we can speak from our hearts, what do you say love?'

'Yeah, we could.'

'Alright, stand there and I'll let everyone know,' Kingsley stood up and pointed his wand at his throat, 'Can I have everyone's attention please,' Kingsley waited, 'It seems there is going to be a wedding, Mr. Severus Snape and Mr. Harry Potter are joining together in a bonding and they want to do it now. So please, everyone gather around the happy couple.'

'Get Hermione and Ron Harry, they can stand for both of us.'

Harry nodded and turned, 'Hermione, Ron, get your arses up here as our witnesses,' he yelled making everyone laugh.

Hermione and Ron hurried towards Harry and Severus, but Hermione threw her arms around Harry, hugging him in a Molly Weasley type hug.

'I love him Hermione, I want him forever.'

Hermione let go of Harry, 'I could see the love you had for him Harry, you were just scared, because of Sirius.'

'Yes, he was the only person I ever said those words to, then he died. I didn't want to risk it, but I can't deny it any more, I love Sev.'

'Then let's get this bonding ceremony under way,' Kingsley called then stood in front of the two men and started speaking, all about love, commitment, friendship, honesty, but most importantly, to always be there for the other.

'Severus, your vows.'

'Harry, I tried to deny the love I felt for you, sometimes I was cruel so you would never see it. But you broke through my barrier that I placed around my heart. I told you that I want to love you and take care of you, I do. You mean the world to me and I want us together forever. So until I take my last breath, you will be mine.'

'Harry, your vows.'

'Severus, I too tried to deny the love I felt for you, I was scared to love, scared to say the words. But I felt the love you had for me and it just went straight through to my very soul. I want to belong to you and I want you to belong to me. So until I take my last breath, I will love you, but I will tell you I love you every day so you know I have no more fear, you are my life.'

'Severus, do you take Harry to be your bonded partner, to live together, to give yourself to him fully? Do you give your heart and your soul to him from this day until your last day?'

Severus smiled at Harry, 'I do.'

'Harry, do you take Severus to be your bonded partner, to live together, to give yourself to him fully? Do you give your heart and your soul to him from this day until your last day?'

Harry grinned, 'I definitely do.'

'Please exchange rings and repeat these words together as you slide the ring onto your partners finger,' Kingsley waited until they both held a ring and the others hand, 'This ring I give you.'

'This ring I give you,' Severus and Harry said together.

'Is to show our bond and our love, to confirm our commitment to each other. This ring that has no beginning and no ending is a symbol of our love that has no beginning and no ending. This ring is a sign of our love and our future together,' Severus and Harry finished sliding the rings onto their partner's fingers.

'As I pass my wand over your joined hands, your bond is confirmed and your rings that you now wear will never leave your fingers as long as there is love for each other in your hearts,' Kingsley finished his wand movements and the two rings glowed brightly before fading, 'You are now bonded as partners, as lovers, as friends, as soul mates, you are joined to become one. So Harry, Severus, you may kiss your partner.'

Harry and Severus stared into each other's eyes before their lips met to loud applause and whistles from the crowd. Their lips never left the other, their arms were wrapped around the other and they didn't care what was going on or what anyone was saying. All they felt and heard was each other's love, from that moment on, their love would never leave them.

The end: