*PenofOneAnswer819 does not claim rights to any Sega Enterprises or Sonic Team patented characters or material presented within this work of fan-based fiction: All copyright reserved for the rightful and respective owners.*

PoA: Well, here it is: The final chapter.

Silver: Hah, yeah, I guess it's time.

PoA: Certainly is.

Silver: …

Tails Doll: …

Metal: Well? Get on with it!

Silver: Gah! Is "having a moment of silence" kinda sort of lost on you?

Metal: No, but what you call a 'moment' might mean another YEAR before I get another update of my own!

Silver: I don't have a story yet, but you don't see me getting all red in the eyes about it.


PoA: ?

Tails Doll: D:

Silver: Eh? I didn't‒

Metal: Why? Is a bit of coolant on the eyes THAT foreign to you? I have… I have to radiate too, you know. Tch, how foolish can some f-fools be?

Silver: I… Metal, it's okay. It's okay, man.

Metal: B-Besides, this is goodbye, and when Rise ends, it'll be goodbye for good.

PoA: …

Silver: …

Tails Doll: Metal! Metal! Not goodbye, just 'next time', right?

Metal: Doll... *Sniff*

PoA: It has to end someday, Met. You guys don't belong to me, and I won't be writing here forever. Instead of worrying, let's try to enjoy the moment while it's still here.

Silver: *Smiles* Yup! Like the man said, it's not over yet! Come on, Met! Stay cheesy, stay happy, and say it with me!

Metal: *Sniff* Heh… you idiots. Alright, fine! Let's do this!

Tails Doll: Yeah!

PoA: All together!


Until Next Time


Reaching the ground with a remarkably soft landing − though, courtesy of a forgetful Tails, any landing performed with proper landing gear could be considered saintly − Sonic had almost expected for no one to meet them, or else to be greeted by an absurd parade of random people from far and wide; waiting to roll out the welcome wagon.

Thankfully, the real crowd was a happy but small one. Each face was that of a friend he knew closely. From the sweet cheers of the true Cream, to the sideways grin of his world's enigmatic Shadow, Sonic was happy to see them all. Notably missing were the crew of Team Chaotix and Maria (who he had actually grown fondly accustomed to). That somber thought aside, he reminded himself to be glad enough to have everyone back; restored to his version of normal; flirty Rouge, bumbling Knuckles, moody Shadow, goofy Tails and all the rest.

"THIS-IS-REASONABLE-CAUSE-FOR-CELEBRATION." Declared a robotic voice Sonic had almost forgotten about, until a fairly over-the-top barrage of firework-like missiles spread across the sky. This gesture, though kindly meant, did have the unfortunate side effect of rupturing Amy's personally styled aircraft, which promptly burst into flames.

"Omega, darling, we just got him back. Try to not blast him out of this world again." Rouge spoke very mildly, despite pinching the bridge of her nose in severe annoyance.

Amy's shrunken pupils and twitching expression gave Sonic the cue to back off, as she soon violently dove hammer first for the walking battle tank. Shadow, firmly glaring at the large robot with fierce red eyes, prevented the confused Omega from returning fire − though one could see his arms and shoulders rapidly arming and disarming a mini-gun and several rocket launchers.

Unsure of whether to run from, laugh at, or ignore the mounting fray, Sonic and his two best friends went up to greet the others: Cream and Vanilla were, much to Sonic's gratefulness, mostly unchanged: Giving Sonic the biggest hug she could manage, the littler rabbit of two also politely bowed to Tails and Knuckles in thankfulness. She did; however, then wag a finger at Tails disapprovingly, much to Sonic's surprise. Not only was it unlike Cream to be rude in the slightest, but her behavior was readily backed up by her mother; whose hands rested indignantly on her hips.

"Shame on you!" She squeaked out, a mix between honest anger and restrained courtesy "Leaving her behind while you left with tiny Mr. Sonic!"

Tails, obviously not perplexed at all by her words, scratched his head in embarrassment "Come on, Cream, I couldn't take her along. What if something dangerous had happened? Heck, something dangerous DID happen! Look, see? I don't have a plane anymore. Well, technically, neither does Amy, but, aww... dang it all! That's besides the poi-"

"Language." She huffed, shaking her head and ears in a most motherly chastising way "That's no excuse, Mr. Miles 'Tails' Prower! Now, are you going to apologize, or will I have to have my mother give you a good and proper tongue lashing? Hmph, or perhaps you can be the replacement experiment!"

Though futilely shaking his head, even dropping down to his knees apologetically, Tails never formed a single coherent sentence to reply with. Sonic watched the scene unfold with one eyebrow raised, confused as to what had come over his best buddy. Only a rare, mischievous look in Vanilla's brown eyes and the snorting laughter of Knuckles gave Sonic any hint of what was coming next.

"Ah, Sonic! So, you must be the big Sonic? Does that mean little Sonic is gone? Well, that's... Aww, darn it! I mean, I'm glad everyone's happy but I hadn't finished my research! Such an interesting biological anomaly, that one."

"That voice." Sonic stiffened, then truly became paralyzed with shock when he saw who had spoken.

"Well, might as well work with what we have. Tails, could you help me-ah! Wait, T-Tails? You! You-how-why-y-y-you!" The new girl tossed out, her train of thought so derailed that she failed to speak clearly "HOW COULD YOU? Leaving me behind while your-ahem, our friend and sample gets sent away!"

Changing his demeanor rather radically, over to one that Sonic found almost reminiscent, Tails fired back "Yeah? W-Well, I'm not sorry! That rift was only open for a short while, and I'm not going to ask Eggman for help again! Besides, he's not a SAMPLE! Stop calling him that!"

"Hey, it was MY help building the Chaos Particle Displacer that got him out of this world in the first place! So see, I could have kept him around, but I didn't." Shaking her head, she dropped the fight and looked down, kicking at the dirt dejectedly "And besides, our project WAS pretty fascinating, you've got to admit."

Tails, sighing and repentant, nodded in agreement "Don't worry. We have the real Sonic now! And trust me, this one's totally out of this world compared to the last one, erm... you know what I mean."

Laughing at his silly comment, the two then continued on in less deranged conversation. Seemingly lost in their own world, the pair eventually took notice of the group of eyes all fixed upon them; even Amy and Omega had stopped their one-sided quarrel to eavesdrop on all the commotion.

Realizing the sudden attention they had garnered, Tails spoke as his assistant hid her face behind her dark orange tail "Um, sorry guys. Business talk and stuff, y'know. Oh! Hey, Sonic! You two haven't met, right? This is my associate and friend."

"More like stalker." Knuckles muttered, earning a surprise, teleporting elbow from Shadow of all people.

Grimacing towards the echidna, Tails regained his composure and continued his announcement "A-Anyways! Please meet-"

"Ame-Amethyst." Sonic suddenly choked out, trying very hard not to cry.

Fortunately, the team was too busy to notice the hero's reaction, as Tails suddenly pointed a finger in Knuckles' direction "Alright, moldy-locks, was it you? What else did you tell him? Come on, spit it!" Tails accused the innocent guardian who, despite his generally brash attitude, waved his mitts back and forth in denial; logically pointing out that Sonic had just gotten back, thus giving him no time to spill any secrets. This remark only escalated matters further, as did a young Amethyst when she suggested the guardian may have used an arcane form of telepathy (which Knuckles foolishly admitted to possessing without proper explanation).

Shadow, juggling his beloved emerald with a sinister smile, gave Omega a two finger command that evidently meant "open fire" as the falsely accused red warrior was soon engulfed in E-123's hidden flamethrower of wrath; at least enough to catch the poor echidna's prized dreadlocks on fire.

In spite of the mayhem and relatively harmless fighting, Sonic tears were slowly, almost reluctantly, dissolved and replaced by a surge of joy as he fell over into the grass, laughing hysterically. After a long period of much needed release, he realized he had finally found the sense belonging he had been searching for.

Along with the many questions he now had for his little brother − determined to get the full story from him someday − Sonic also recalled his former allies with sadness, now regretting having been unable to give them a proper goodbye. At minimum he longed for some assurance, despite all they had gone through, that somehow Miles and his friends were going to be alright.

By answered prayer, he swore he could've seen the cerulean outline of a familiar spirit standing in the vast expanse of sky he lay gazing into. A gentle nod was all the reassurance he could have, but it was all he needed for now. Closing his eyes to the never-ending cloudy sea, he could only imagine the face of Miles and the others. Somewhere in his thoughts, he could vaguely picture a scene of their desolate world, still dark, but having been graced with something of irreplaceable value.

Much as he never realized it, he was just as important to his world as his counterpart was to his own.

"Everyone…" Sonic said aloud, not sure of whom he was directing it towards at this point "Thank you."


*Nine months later*


"Tails, it's time!"

"Big brother!"

Typing away furiously, Tails looked up from over his shoulder.

"Almost finished!"

Prior to uploading the document, he read over his resignation with a contented nod. With no hesitation, he finished it off and clicked submit. A sense of freedom came over him as he left the tracked computer running; the G.U.N. secure server page still active as it processed his message. Grabbing his pack and a nearby coat he hadn't used in some years, Tails headed for the door, briefly touching a small picture frame on his desk as he made his exit.

"What took you so long?" Sonic asked, tapping his foot in growing impatience.

"Sorry, work related stuff." He replied, ruffling the little hedgehog's head. Turning back towards Shadow, he asked "Are we ready?"

"Indeed." The dark hedgehog nodded, now with a sympathetic look in his eyes "Tell me, are you sure about this? I can arrange for another time if you'd prefer."

Appreciating his former fellow agent's concern, Tails shook his head "It's now or never, Shadow." Starting to grin for the first time in months, Tails' fur suddenly whipped up into the wind, his two tails starting to automatically propel "Besides, I already booked an air service that makes house calls," His two allies laughed as Tails continued shielding his face from Tactichaos' horrendously strange ship "Or something to that effect."

The ship overhead soon lowered its ramp for the awaiting trio. Each stepped aboard and inside to see a slew of happy faces all gathered around the tight quarters. Amy and Maria were busily chatting, discussing how difficult it had been for Amy to convince her father to let her go on another "field trip" with friends. Near the dining table, Rouge was laughing as Espio and she were talking about something that the chameleon evidently did not find at all humorous. Meanwhile, Charmy, perched on Vector's shoulder, made it a point to greet the three new arrivals as soon as they came aboard.

"Hail the shining heroes!" He clamored, inciting the other guests to cheer as well.

Everyone gathered around to shake hands or give hugs in light of this much needed reunion. Shadow was the first to find himself crushed by the embrace of the nearest person he had to a sister. Maria, tears of joy staining her pale face, had no trace of embarrassment as she clung lovingly to him.

Shadow calmly stroked her blond hair while reassuringly saying "We have time now."

She nodded, and then greeted Tails with sympathetic hug and kiss on the cheek. The two had kept in contact since the incident, finding comfort beyond the mutual loss of loved ones. Being one of the few people she could open up to, besides Shadow, Maria had come to see a sort of father figure in the fox's gentler side; a side that reminded her of her cousin and grandfather.

Sonic kept out of the mush for now, but not before a polite girl hedgehog came up and grinned happily at him. Nervous that she might be ready to tackle him for his autograph − on behalf of her fan club members, no doubt − he started to inch away, but failed to avoid having his hand scooped up by hers.

"We've missed you, bestest friend." Amy smiled, recalling the same error she made when she met the other Sonic. She almost wish she could've said goodbye. Now though, it seemed enough to just have the real one back again.

Sonic on the other hand was shell-shocked at the polite and awfully cute gesture. So much so that after trying very hard to untie his double ribbon tongue, the little hero was enormously grateful when Tails and he were invited over to the dinner table by Espio.


*With Tails*


Tails welcomed the wave of tender relief as he reclined in his seat. Espio sat across from the pair; having agreed to initiate some awkward conversation with his previously estranged rival, allowing Rouge time for a more formal chat with both Shadow and Maria.

"I'd ask how it's been for you, but…" Espio began, trying very hard not to choke on his words "Well, I mean it-uh, it's good to see you're both doing well."

Tails, knowing how hard it was for Espio to be sensitive, genuinely reciprocated his kindness "Thanks, Espio. It has been tough, I think for all of us really." Thoughtfully, Tails took a sip of the peppermint flavored coffee Vector had set out for everyone "How's your team been holding up?"

Espio shrugged, but looked rather contented as he answered "Honest work doesn't pay like dirty jobs, and living in hiding from cutthroat debtors is no picnic. Still…" As he drank his own beverage, the tiniest tilt of his lips revealed a real smile hiding underneath his scaly exterior "Better a life on the run than a death in the dumps. Crime isn't anything to be proud of, but having someone to provide for and protect, is."

The fox saw his golden eyes lock onto a giddy Charmy teasing Vector on the other side of the room. Their short interactions and confession on Espio's part stirred a bit of compassion in Tails, enough to make him say "Listen, Espio. This might not be the best time, but I'd like to say, thank you."

At this, the stoic ex-assassin sloppily gagged on a gulp of his hot drink. Fazed, but with gradual composure, he reached elegantly for a nearby napkin "I wish I could afford to tell you it was no bother, but I've no idea what you're talking about." He replied with gilded words, but with clear confusion in his tone.

Amused by the effectiveness of his own icebreaker, Tails worked his way in "Your team has done a lot for Sonic, and for me. Even after our contract was settled, you guys stuck around." He then reminded the chameleon of the many instances of financial and moral support the clownish three had provided in recent months past "We couldn't have made it without your help."

Divided over how to feel, being thanked by Tails of all people, Espio nevertheless felt a bit of warmth in his chest. It was a nice enough feeling that in spite of all the times he felt otherwise, it made him glad that he had pushed Vector into having this holiday of sorts. While not one to enjoy the company of others, the chance to have a drink with his rival made the embarrassment perfectly bearable, and worth it.

After a long moment of pause between the two, Espio tentatively set his mug down "I guess it's not really my business, but what will you do now?"

Reclining back in his own seat, Tails actually felt relieved to be asked "I'm a mechanic, not a soldier. I figure it's time I started living life more to my own style." Now that he said it, it sounded rather stupid, childish even, but it felt good to be honest with himself for the first time in years "Amethyst and I always wanted to have our own workshop, but I never got around to it while the G.U.N. was still paying my salary. Being discharged by my methods won't leave me popular, but I think it's time Sonic and I got a chance to start over."

Espio closed his eyes peacefully at the mention of her name "Do whatever you have to, Miles. Just know that our team always has your back in case things go south."

Tails nodded, letting the sincere gesture of kindness really sink in. Espio too, smiled honestly in reply, knowing that the fox would have done the same for him in a heartbeat. In spite of all the insecurities they had between them, for a moment that might never come again, the two men seemed to fully understand each other.

"Hey, um, Tails?" Sonic interrupted the pair's bonding with a shy tap on the fox's shoulder.

Turning around to see the best kid brother he never had, Tails beamed affectionately at him and asked "What's up, big guy?"

Itching his ear rather nervously, the young hedgehog tried to avoid eye contact as he spoke "I um, I-I wanted to show you something I found. I mean, I promise I wasn't hiding it or anything! I found it when we went to see her, you know. It just reminded me of Miss Amethyst, so I... I kept it for a while." Pulling out the object he seemed to be hiding until now, he nervously handed over a small, trans-communicator. It was marked by a purple band wrapped around its plastic casing.

Tails blinked before taking the dual functioning object with care. It was her own, mobile tracking device and communicator. Similar to the emerald tracker they had been using, Tails assumed this to be some kind of prototype she had been working on. Yet, as far as he knew, all her gear had been destroyed or buried underneath the remnants of the Sable Tower. Moreover, it appeared to be badly damaged − fragments of rock and masonry wedged into various cracks on its surface − implying that it had been on her person at the time.

Before he could ask the obvious question, Sonic hastily explained "I was totally surprised too! Remember those flowers we brought her from the Crystal River? I found it right by them, next to her, y'know, her mem-uh... mem-or-ial stone?" Again almost too jittery to remember what Tails had called it, but eager to explain, Sonic continued "Anyways, I came back later to say "bye" one more time before we left, and there it was. I kinda thought maybe you put it there, but I'm darn sure it wasn't there before our last visit. What was even weirder was that there was this was this super-pretty stone right next to it."

Too deep in thought to correct his rambunctious friend's scrambled wording, Tails immediately lifted his head with a sharp look in his foggy blue eyes. Not harshly, but firmly, he simply said "Show me."

Sonic nodded again, pulling this time, out a perfectly lovely gem of the faintest light blue imaginable. Tails immediately recognized it not only as a Chaos Emerald, but as one inhabited by a spirit well known to their small group.

Moved, but silently accepting the stone into his hands, Tails' eyes then caught the small device light up in response to the emerald's proximity. Though evidently useless now in terms of tracking down chaotic energy signatures, the device revealed that it had a message saved inside its limited text archives. Pulling open the small panel with a careful tug, Tails' plain expression started to waver slightly at the message written in the simplest of digital text:

"Power belongs in the hands of the kind and discerning. Miles Prower, allow me to accompany you wherever you go. I would be honored to act in her stead, fulfilling any dream your heart desires. May this be a small way of thanks for reuniting my family and me.

By the way, she loves the flowers.

− Aquamarine."

Setting the message down, Tails breathed a massive sigh of relieving release. Worried at first, Sonic flinched before the fox pulled him into a strong embrace. Glad that he was not in any immediate trouble, the hedgehog bashfully returned the gesture, albeit self-conscious of their endearing spectators.

"Big bro, I uh... huh? Tails, are you−?" Sonic almost asked before feeling the tears on his blue fur. Starting to cry a little himself, he rubbed his nose against the fox's shaking shoulder "I miss her too, bro. Don't worry though, I'm not going anywhere. I'll keep you company, okay?"

Tails, sniffling back his tears, smiled and gave his best friend a kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you." He whispered, not only to Sonic, but to the small crowd of loving friends he had come to have. Smiling in perfect peace for the first time in almost a year, Tails shut his eyes and said it once again "Thank you, for everything."


*Outside Tactichaos H.S.*


On the other side of the house-ship, though unseen by the misfit crowd of gritty, but compassionate friends, stood an incandescent figure wreathed in a light blue glow.

"Rest well, heroes. I will watch and pray that − should the rift open again − my siblings and I will be ready and willing to aid you as part of our redemption." Staring towards the horizon's rising sun, she closed her eyes in deep, but joyful contemplation "No one is beyond hope, for even the guardian of this world has begun to reclaim himself."

On a distant shore, outside the crumbling Derelict Ruins, sat the red echidna, for the first time in years, in meditative communion with his ancestors. Aquamarine, could still sense his troubled spirit, encumbered by his unruly past, but also sensed faint traces of warmth hiding underneath his blood stained guilt; memories of the people he had changed for and fought beside, alongside the calm and vigilant presence of Tikal.

Though tearful and joyful, she knew they would have to be prepared to face their own challenges very soon. For unless the instance of the rift opening at the Chaos Complex had been a unique, happenstance case − a case of two threads miraculously meeting within the vastness of the space time abyss − this occurrence had not been accidental.

Much like the tremors and tears suffered by the Sol Dimension, the mirrored, twin dimensions too had made contact via enigmatic circumstances: Two common threads in these rare occurrences seemed to be the how the emeralds "speak" or "call out" to one another − though Aqua herself never had any of these conversations herself −in times of desperation, and the natural way in which chaotic vessels are drawn to a specific time and place.

Moreover, these times of contact always heralded a coming disaster, usually gathering all necessary participants near to one another. Aquamarine's eldest brother, Onyx − before his descent into madness − had once speculated that this was a kind of natural defense mechanism; a created response to counteract any imbalances between two natures of like design. As with the case of Sol, the "crossing over" event had been orchestrated by artificial means; all instances seemingly involved a single, mad man's meddling experiments. Various incarnations of this mad human all suspiciously answered to the name of "Eggman" or "Robotnik". What significance this had, she did not know, only that it seemed to be a reoccurring factor.

It was impossible to tell what experiments had gone on, or if the scientists of this world and the other had ever made contact. Without the account of either Robotnik, it would be impossible to tell. Nevertheless, despite the warnings and premonitions within her, Aquamarine suspected there was more to this event than they might ever know.

"Eventually, history will repeat itself, and disaster will no doubt befall this world again." Aquamarine predicted with all certainty, silently folding her hands in quiet prayer "All worlds pass away, but with the time we have now, we are charged with protecting ours until its inevitable end. We do not do so with despair, as only united can we hold this and all worlds together."

Gazing out towards their worlds' shared sky, Aquamarine grew more hopeful as memories of a recent triumph would be forever burned into her sacred gemstone. She happily recalled everyone, but especially Sonic and Tails; both having given her hope by overcoming both a world of evil and themselves, using positive and negative emotions justly. By their fiery anger for injustice, and for the love they have for each other − and their enemies − those two and their many friends have proven to her, not merely that good surpasses evil, but that even a vile and tortured soul is not always beyond redemption.

Finding solace in these treasured thoughts, she faded into the background with a satisfied smile "Goodbye for now, until we meet again..."

"Until next time."


The End


I so badly want to reply to all of you. I think if I honestly did though, it would be longer than the story itself.

Some of you in particular have been with me practically since the outset. I don't think I can ever thank you enough with a short paragraph. Don't take it the wrong way when I say I love you guys. Many of you have prayed for me, shared with me in my depression, and given me inspiration whenever I hit a brick wall. I'm praying right now that you'll know just how much you've helped me through everything.

Some of you have only stayed for a short while, but you've still given me vital boosts when I needed them most. I feel so happy to have had you guys around, even if you no longer read or care for Reason itself. Whatever you guys think of me or my work now, I still say thank you for all you've done for me :)

These people, many in addition to being fantastic writers, are blessings to me:

DanceDream / PumpkinSpiceHedgehog



ravenclaww / aufbua

Sierra Zanimalini14 / JustAGoose-Feather Quill


Knight Of The WindZ10Z


Super Shadix 520






Kindra Mckleen




No Line on the Horizon

Dark Fox Tailz







So many over these last couple of years or so; it's hard to keep track of everyone. I wanted to say that if you're reading this −whether your name is listed above or not − I thank you so very much for giving me the encouragement I needed to complete this story. Even after deleting my works once, you guys gave me the strength to come back and finish what I started. A lot of people understandably fell off over time, but just know I still appreciate the time and effort you put in for my little, nothing too special piece of fanfiction.

All the same, I really hope it was special for some of you. Once again, I say thank you and also may God bless each of you in whatever passions you end up pursuing. You all deserve it :')

I hope it's been as fun for you as it ultimately has been for me.

Until next time!