Santana flopped down in her desk with a sigh. It's 6th period and she's in her biology class counting down the minutes until her last period so she can just go home for the day. It's been a long day. She really did not miss going to school. Especially all of the body odors she had the unfortunate pleasure of smelling today. Santana scrunched her face up at just the thought of the overwhelming smells. Then, a more interesting thought crossed her mind, blonde. Santana's face slowing split into a soft smile thinking about the blue eyed beauty. Then she frowned, confused at the events that happened after their little stare down.


Santana was still in a confused daze, staring after the mysterious blonde girl, when she heard light footsteps to her right coming right at her. The person leaned against the locker as she turned her head towards them. To her right was a very fashionable, definitely gay guy, about her age. His skin looked like porcelain and his hair was spiked into a style, it looked good on him. He wasn't looking at her though, but at the spot she was just staring at down the hall.

He cleared his throat and spoke in a high-pitched, soft voice, "Ahh, I see you've caught the attention of the infamous Brittany Pierce." He smiled and continued, although still not looking in her direction, "Seeing as you're new and have made friends with Rachel already, don't be intimidated by little ole' Britt-Britt, She's the nicest badass you'll ever meet, I promise." He chuckled and continued again, "She's saved me and Rachel's ass so many times from slushie-facials from jocks and cheerios that we can't thank her enough."

"Who says I'm intimidated by her?" Santana countered with a half smile. She really wasn't, just fascinated by the beautiful human girl.

The boy's chuckle soon died in his throat as he turned his gaze onto Santana. "Oh my god, are you alright?" He stumbled back s step and asked with confusion evident in his voice. "Your eyes." He said before Santana could ask him herself.

Santana was confused herself, but when she looked inside a trophy stand into one of the mirrors, using her heightened senses, she saw what he was referring to and her eyes widened. She covered them, sidestepped the boy and said, "Um, my contacts are acting weird. Bathroom?" She rushed out the question quickly and quickly followed the direction to where his finger was pointing to.

When she was inside the bathroom and made sure no one else was with her, she unshielded her eyes and gasped, "What the hell?" she whispered out. Her eyes were glowing, a green aurora around her pupils. She couldn't do anything but stare at herself in the mirror wondering what caused it. After about 3 minutes, they slowly returned to their normal color, but Santana's mind was still racing as to why.

~End of FlashBack~

Santana still couldn't figure it out even now. Her thoughts were interrupted as the students of WMHS started to flow in through the classroom door, teacher nowhere in sight. Santana snorted, First day of school and the teacher's not even on time. She looked towards the window to her left and gazed out, looking at nothing in particular. She even started a little game to see how many bugs she could find flying around outside. She soon got tired of that game though, because all the particles in the air made it a little difficult to decipher which was which. She sighed and looked down at her desk and decided she was bored so she pulled out a pad and a pencil and started to sketch random, abstract things. She was actually a pretty good artist too. Hey, 100 years with nothing but time on your hands I'm pretty sure you'd learn to do a lot of things you wanted to do as well. She was still sketching when the teacher came in. She just started to tune out the sound of her voice, something about syllabuses but hey, Santana didn't care, She's been a senior so many times it's probably just something else she's heard before.

It was about 20 minutes into the period when she felt someone kick the back of her chair. She turned around slightly and glared, Ugh, Puck, she growled in her mind. He smiled at her annoyance and said, "Let the Puckasaurus take you for a ride." He made vulgar pelvic motions after, thrusting his hips forward.

Santana scowled and made a gagging motion and said, "Never in your life dumbass." She turned around in her desk, hoping he'd just leave her the hell alone before she forgets all about her bloodlust training and suck him dry. Fortunately for her, at the very moment the classroom door burst over to reveal the object of her thoughts that whole day, Brittany Pierce. Her hair was a little different now, instead of down in flowing, wild, gold curls, it was pulled back into a ponytail. Santana froze for a split second while the blonde walked up and threw a late slip onto the teacher's desk.

Mrs. Boykin, Santana thinks that's her name, shook her head from side to side with a smile and joked with the blonde, "Out getting high again Brittany?" Santana heard the mirth in the teacher's voice, so she knew she was just joking, but then again, why would Brittany be late in the first place?

Brittany snorted out a laugh, clicked her tongue, and answered, "Ohhh yeaah Mrs. Boykin, I'm totally faded right now, red eyes and everything." She deadpanned with a serious look. The teacher and student looked each other in the eye for about 4 seconds then laughed.

"Yeah right, go take a seat." The biology teacher said. Brittany gave her a mock salute and did an about face. Santana gave a low chuckle at the blonde's dorkiness and quickly looked back at her sketch, trying to pretend like she wasn't just all up in their conversation. She decided she was done for the day with drawing and put it in her bag. She had long since forgone her fedora and now just had her brown locks flowing down her shoulders. She was surprised when she heard the chair to the right of her being pulled back, scratching against the floor. She saw the blonde about to take a seat next to her, but she averted her eyes just as quick as she looked.

When the blonde got settled, she glanced at Santana and smirked. Santana listened to her heartbeat, it escalated for about a fraction of a second before she twisted and turned to Santana, stuck out her hand and spoke softly, "Pierce, Brittany Pierce." Santana smiled inwardly. She acts like she's James Bond or something.

The Latina looked at the outstretched hand and thought about shaking it or not. Because really, heaven forbid her eyes starts glowing again because of what, she assumed, had to do with the blonde. So she went a different route. Santana squinted her eyes and tried not to smile as she voiced her thoughts, "You act like you're James Bond or something." The Latina arched an eyebrow just as she had this earlier that morning.

The blonde repeated her actions and slowly pulled her hand back. There was still a hint of a smile on her lips as she turned her head slightly to the right and mumbled under her breath, "Feisty huh?" But Santana heard her though, and it made it that much harder not to laugh, which resulted in a snort from the Latina. It was weird cause if it was any other person she just would have cursed them out and threatened to go all Lima Heights Adjacent on them, but with Brittany? She was just glad she wasn't human because she'd sure as hell be blushing right now. Just when Brittany was about to ask what's so funny she was interrupted by yet another kick to Santana's chair, by Puck. And there he was again, "Baby, I'd show you a real good time. Stop playing hard to get and come ride the Puckstar." He smirked, so full of himself.

Santana rolled her eyes and was about to go off on Puck again, until she heard the blood rush to Brittany's face and her heart rate pick up. When she turned back to look at the blonde in confusion, she noticed Brittany's eyes were slits, that were zeroed in, on the 'Puckasaurus' himself. Uh Oh, Santana thought.

Haha, left a little cliffhanger there. Isn't sexy to see Brittany all jealous and shit? hehe && Thanks so much to those who reviewed. (: YOU'RE AWESOME. R&R
