(I had this dream where Ned became king instead of Robert. After that, I couldn't get the idea out of my head and this entire story just spawned out of it. For your information, some characters may be different from what they were in the books and the show.)

Red Keep, King's Landing

Eddard "Ned" Stark rushed through the hallways, impaling the first guard that rushed at him. He knew he should have stayed back with the rest of his soldiers but his fury couldn't be contained. After everything that had happened over the past two years, the death of his father and brother, countless soldiers and banner men that Ned considered his friends, and so many others. Ned couldn't stop now. He knew that Robert wanted to kill the Mad King personally but Ned wasn't going to let that happen. He was going to have the honor of doing that himself. Robert killed Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident and avenged Lyanna. Now Ned was going to avenge his father and brother. Another soldier rushed at him but Ned easily swatted his attacks aside and knocked the man down with a single kick. Lifting his sword up, he plunged Ice down through the guard's chest plate and heart. The man gasped before blood coughed out of his mouth. Ned pulled his sword out and continued on.

After victory at the Trident, Ned Stark marched their forces to King's Landing before Tywin Lannister reached the city with an army twenty thousand strong. Robert was wounded during the last battle and was forced to stay behind. Ned didn't care how long the siege would take but his family would have justice and no Lannister or city guardsmen would stop him now. But to everyone's shock and surprise, Tywin betrayed Aerys Targaryen and attacked the city. Red Keep managed to hold off the attackers from storming their gates until Ned led his own forces into the city and Targaryen's forces were completely overwhelmed.

Breaking inside, Ned found himself and his two bodyguards ahead of Tywin's forces somehow. Ser Rodrik Cassel and Howland Reed were two of Ned's most trusted soldiers and they did not protest when Ned rushed ahead of the main forces to get inside. They just simply followed his lead and cut down anyone that tried to attack Ned from behind. All his life Ned was taught to believe in honor and duty. But duty to whom? A madman who butchered Ned's family and called for his head. Ned was the first to join Jon Arryn when he went to war with Robert Baratheon. But right now this wasn't about duty or honor, this was about justice. Ned was going to kill Aerys Targaryen with his own hands.

Rounding a corner to the throne room doors, they found two corpses of the Kingsguard were lying on the floor with their throats slit. Someone had already attacked here. Was it the Lannister forces? They were still trying to secure the castle's lower floors first. Ned kicked the doors opened and to his horror, he realized he was too late. Lying sprawled face first on the floor was the silver haired King Aerys Targaryen covered with blood. Sitting on the Iron Throne was Jamie Lannister, a member of the Kingsguard and the only living person in the room. It didn't take a genius to realize what had happened. Jamie had forsaken his vows and killed the man he swore to protect. Ned rushed forward and checked the king's pulse. He nearly screamed in anger when he felt none. Aerys Targaryen was his to kill. It was his duty to avenge his family, his right to kill the Mad King. And now that was taken from him.

"Lord Eddard Stark. I must say I'm surprised that you're the first person to come running through that door," commented Jamie.

Ned glanced upwards at him, barely able to contain his anger. "Get down from there," he whispered in a dangerous whisper.

Jamie stood up and walked down the steps. "Just keeping it warm. You'd be surprised how comfortable it really is."

"I wanted him dead by my hands," snapped Ned. It was his duty and his right to kill Aerys. And now it was denied by a smug young man who broke his own oath and stabbed the king in the back like a coward.

"I think he just twitched. Best to take his head off just in case," replied Jamie. He strolled by the corpse, glancing down. "He wanted to burn all of King's Landing out of sheer spite. Burn them all he kept shouting. He kept shouting it even when I put my blade through his spine and blood poured of his mouth. Burn them all."

Ned glanced down at the body now, all of his anger and fury fixated on what was the man who murdered his family. He lifted up Ice and with a furious cry brought it down on the Mad King's neck. The head rolled past his feet as Ned brought his sword back up. He held back tears as memories of his father and brother surfaced in his mind. And now they were avenged.

"Feels good doesn't it? I expect my father will put his head on a pike along with the rest of the Targaryen's," spoke Jamie.

That's when a new fear came over Ned. Aerys Targaryen deserved to die a thousand times over for what he did but his family was innocent. They shouldn't be punished for what someone with the same last name did. "Where is the rest of the royal family?" demanded Ned.

"I'd imagine near the top of Red Keep. They have no way to escape so…" Jamie started to say before Ned rushed out the door. He ran as quickly as he could to the stairs and made his way upwards. Ned knew what kind of a man Tywin Lannister was and the man would kill the entire royal family in the chaos to make a bid for the Iron Throne.

He could not let the entire Targaryen household be butchered. Robert might object to this but Ned couldn't let it happen. He heard shouting above him, the last stand of the Kingsguard defending the royal family. A small group of Lannister soldiers must have broken through the enemy ranks like Ned did. He reached the top of the stairs and found a dozen soldiers trying to push their way into a room at the end of the hall. The man at the front was the largest man Ned had ever seen. Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountain that Rides. They broke through and charged into the room, the bodies of the last Kingsguard crushed under their feet. Shrieks from both women and children filled the hall as Ned charged after them. "My lord wait!" pleaded Ser Rodrik shouted behind him but he ignored it as he rushed inside.

He knocked one soldier aside as he found the Mountain backhanding Queen Rhaella to the ground. She cowered and lifted her arms to protect her large pregnant belly. Nearby Princess Elia held her daughter Rhaenys and infant Aegon absolutely terrified. Gregor held up his massive sword and aimed for the Queen's belly. "No!" shouted Ned as he rushed forward with all his strength and drew Ice. He swatted Gregor's blow aside, saving the Queen and her unborn child's life. The Mountain turned his attention to Ned, his eyes filled with a blood rage like a wild animal. His breathing was loud and frightening. The massive man screamed in mad rage as he swung his sword at Stark.

All the soldiers backed away in fear as Ned was forced to back away and defend himself. They also kept Rodrik and Reed at bay, drawing their swords and threatening to attack if they intervened. "Stop this madness!" shouted Ned. Gregor ignored his orders as he swung again. He had become a wild animal that had been denied his kill and now he was going to take it out on Ned. Gregor was much stronger but Ned was faster and more agile. He couldn't fight the Mountain in a straight fight but maybe he didn't have to. With every swing, Gregor seemed to get slower and with less force behind any blow he could connect. He was getting fatigued. Clegane's fight to get here must have exhausted him. But that didn't take away how dangerous he was. He threw a wild swing that nearly connected with Ned's head but Stark managed duck underneath it at the last moment. This left Gregor vulnerable for a split second which Ned utilized. He swung Ice and struck a vulnerable weak point near the shoulder pads.

Blood began to drip out of the resulting wound but the large man didn't even seem to notice it. He swung again and Ned struck the other shoulder pad, drawing blood once again. This time Gregor noticed it. The wounds were sapping his strength away as he clutched his sword. "You will not harm them," Ned spoke with conviction.

Gregor screamed and charged again, his attack sloppy and easily avoidable. Ned swung the handle of his sword around and smacked it right in the open port on Gregor's helmet. The blow stunned him, allowing Ned to slash at the back of the Mountain's left knee. Ice sliced through bone and flesh. The large man screamed in pain before finally dropping to the ground. No longer able to stand, he held up his hands in surrender as his eyes peered into Ned's. "I yield," he growled almost in a whisper.

"Be thankful that I believe in mercy," Ned replied. He turned his attention to Gregor's men who were absolutely shocked. They had probably never seen the Mountain defeated before. Rodrik and Reed shoved their way through, the soldiers no longer holding them back.

"Thank you my lord," whimpered the Queen. Princess Elia and her daughter Rhaenys both had tears in their eyes but they were also filled with gratitude. Little Aegon cried in his mother's arms.

Ned gave each a comforting smile and noticed someone was missing. "Where is Viserys?"

"I don't know. The boy disappeared this morning," replied Elia.

Then the Queen screamed in pain. Ned kneeled down and held her hand. "It's coming." she whispered.

"Get me some blankets now!" shouted Ned. Some of the soldiers rushed off while the others tended to Ser Gregor. Stark reached past her belly and felt the warm wet sensation of blood. She was hemorrhaging and badly. Something was wrong. "My queen. You're losing a lot of blood," he told her with a look of sorrow.

She returned his look with acknowledging tears. If she was gave birth now, she was most likely going to die. "What is your name?" she asked.

"Eddard Stark of Winterfell," answered Ned.

"Please Lord Stark. Help me through this," Rhaella pleaded. He nodded and tried to give her a comforting smile.

Rodrik rushed to his side with several blankets. Ned took them and prepared himself. "Push my lady!" he shouted. Rhaella screamed in pain as a small head came out. With another scream, the child was halfway out. A third and final scream were replaced by the cries of a small little girl cradled in Ned Stark's arms. "It's a girl," he whispered.

Rhaella was completely exhausted and couldn't even lift her hands up to hold her newborn. Ned gently placed the child down in her arms. The Queen cradled and quietly shushed her daughter. "Daenerys," she whispered naming the child. Her eyes closed and her head slumped, completely lifeless.

Ned was speechless and for a moment was motionless before he gently pulled the child away and got to his feet. "She's beautiful," Elia said as Ned gently rocked Daenerys back and forth in her arms.

"Yes she is," agreed Ned.

An hour later the battle was won. King's Landing and Red Keep were taken. The war was over. There were still battles to be won. The Tyrells were laying siege to Storm's End with Stannis Baratheon inside and the Martells also needed to be brought into line. But Ned had saved Doran Martell's sister Elia and would no doubt show his gratitude by standing down. The Tyrells would also stand down once news of this victory reached their ears.

For the moment Ned stood on a balcony looking out over the city of King's Landing. In one day everything had changed. King Aerys was dead and the dynasty his family had built over three centuries undone. There was no way the Targaryens would keep control of the Iron Throne after this. Ned had saved their lives but the Great Houses would never allow them back into power. He could hear the cheers of the soldiers within the city, news of their victory had reached their ears. He could only imagine soldiers of every house: Lannister, Stark, Arryn, Baratheon, all hugging and congratulating each other. Banners and allegiances meant nothing at the moment. Ned could also hear the sound of footsteps behind him. He glanced to see his old friend and mentor Jon Arryn moving to his side.

"I wish Robert were here. This is his victory," sighed Ned. Robert Baratheon had been wounded in his battle with Rhaegar Targaryen and left his forces under Ned's command. Put a spear through that silver haired bastard Robert told him before Stark marched out.

"It's also yours. I'm proud of what you did today. Saving the royal family," said Jon as he stood beside Ned looking at the city below.

"They were innocent. They didn't deserve to be caught in Tywin Lannister's power grab," sighed Ned.

"But most men wouldn't have challenged the Mountain to save the family of the man who murdered his own. Today you made not just me proud but your father too," Jon said before placing his arm on Ned's shoulder. That meant a lot coming from the man Ned considered to be a second father to him.

"What happens now?" asked Ned.

"We're assembling our forces to march on Storm's End but I doubt it will come to that. I sent messenger ravens to every major city. It won't be long before everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knows what has happened. We're summoning every head of the Great Houses to swear fealty to Robert once he arrives," said Jon.

"The only thing Robert is going to do when he gets here is drink the largest barrel of ale in the city," smiled Ned.

"Well I suspect he'll have plenty of time for that. It'll take a month at least before the head of every major households arrive," conceded Jon.

A page rushed inside the room carrying a letter, a courier no doubt. "Message for you from the Trident my lord," he said before handing the rolled up piece of paper. Ned snatched it away and unrolled it. A minute later, he finished reading it and the letter dropped from his hands.

"What's wrong?" asked Jon.

"Robert is dead. His wounds became infected and he passed away last night," whispered Ned. He couldn't believe how unfair this was. This was the crowning moment of Robert's life, taking the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms only for death to rob him of it all.

"This will complicate things," Jon whispered. The sorrow in his voice was apparent but he was already thinking ahead.

"What are you talking about?" asked Ned.

"Robert was the one who united our allies. With him gone, I fear that the Lannisters and others will make for a power grab," said Jon. Ned knew that Tywin Lannister wouldn't try to use force to take the Iron Throne. He would try and convince the other Houses to swear fealty to him. Stannis may be the heir to House Baratheon but that doesn't make him the true heir to the throne and many of the other houses would make that abundantly clear. "There's nothing more we can do now but wait and pray to the old gods and the new that Tywin Lannister doesn't sit on the Iron Throne."

(can't believe I edited this chapter out. Thank you Darksnider05 for point out my huge screwup.)