A/N: Hey guys! Long time, no see. And I am really sorry about that! I'm back with a new story. But I will warn you now that I have barely anything done with this besdes a rough outline of the plot. But I wanted to put the prologue together to see what people think of the idea. And I am planning on finishing this story and An Unforeseen Power. It may take me a while, but I promise that they'll be finished!
This idea came to me a couple of days ago and was really nagging me, especially today, to be written. So here it is. Hope you enjoy.
Clockwork moved at a quick but calm pace to the other side of his gear-like tower. The side that held dozens of monitors which displayed different places and periods of time. He looked up to the reason he had found his way over here so fast. One of the monitors in the upper lefthand corner was flashing red. This had only happend a handfull of times since his stay at the tower, and that was saying something.
Through the screen he could see the most unusal pairing of people. The first of the two was rather short with golden hair that twisted into a braid down his back. He was clad in black clothing with a red jacket and white gloves. The second was encased in a full suit of armor, standing at roughly seven feet tall, which made the first boy look even smaller. The peculiar pair stood in front of a portal swirling with green energy.
The portal was nothing Clockwork hadn't seen before. Portals like these normally existed in plentiful amounts throughout the dimension, linking the Ghost Zone and the human world. Though most didn't stay open for long.
But something was off here. The problem was the places that this portal conected. Two different realities were about to cross paths.
Also, this was nothing that Clockwork hadn't dealt with before. When it happened, it was his duty as the Master of Time to prevent any contact between the two realities.
But this time he hesitated.
The thought of letting these realities cross paths intruiged him. He let the statistics flow through his mind. There was about a fifty percent chance that both realities would benefit greatly from interacting with each other. Considering the situation, this percentage was far from horrible. But the other fifty percent... It was dreadful. If it ended that way, nothing would be left of both parties but disaster.
He stood, or rather floated, there with a heavy decision weighted on him. He could go with his mind, which told him that the safest and smartest way to handle this was to cutt off any contact between the two so that neither party suffered. Or he could go with his gut, which told him that if it ended correctly, both sides would gain from each other, almost like a symbiotic relationship.
He thought back to the last time he went with his gut. He was right to do it, but if he hadn't stepped in at the last minute to help, the world would have been filled with death, dispair, and a powerful, evil ghost that wanted nothing more than to destroy everything.
But this time there was no stepping in. No, this was a true gamble. For he could only interfere in his own reality. The only reason he could see these boys on one of his monitors was because the portal that was there with them connected to the reality in which he existed. If he closed the portal, all contact with that other world would be lost to him.
He decided that he should do the smart thing and close the portal. But something held him back and refused to let him move as he watched the odd boys jump through the portal.
A/N: And there you have it. The prologue. If you could, please drop a review. Constructive criticism is more than welcome.
Until next time,