Chapter 1 – Kiss And Tell

Perspiration lined her forehead, the small room making her body hot. Never mind the huge body pressed up against hers to add to the friction. Nicole's hand slid up his back, nails lightly raking his tanned skin as she drew a shaky breath between her teeth. He towered over her - 260lbs of solid muscle. He was her fantasy, now her reality. A dream that had quickly seeped into her life but becoming out of control. Maybe she was addicted and feeding her habit just wasn't enough. The gentle pressure of his lips against her neck had her biting her lip in pleasure. She couldn't moan like she wanted to - that would risk them getting caught.

Her body surrendered, back arched and eyes slipped shut. With that, the soft lips that had been gently working up her neck stopped at the shell of her ear. "I want you." Three little words made her knees weak and body shudder. The low tone and depth of his voice had her on edge. She'd always been a sucker for English men, and those with his physique and stature were irresistible.

"Right now?" Her breathless words were only just heard. She was shocked, stunned and aroused - never would she be a match to Stu's wicked, teasing nature. He held the cards and played them as he saw fit. Just like always, he would win.

"Is that a problem?" Stu's huge chest rubbed against hers. They couldn't be any closer but still she wanted more.

Before she could answer, her whole body froze. Voices outside the door were getting louder and louder. Stu's wicked side came out to play. One warm hand slipped under her shirt, skimming across her hip to her back, pulling her even closer into his chest. There was no escape and as Stu's lips captured her own - she couldn't protest.

Her small hand reached for his arm, colliding with his massive bicep. She gripped on, delicate fingers holding onto strong, hard muscle. This was her downfall. The more she touched, the more she craved, the more she wanted to explore. As her thoughts ran wild, any external noise was blocked with the sensations running through her body. Stu continued his dominating kiss, his slick tongue teasing to full effect. She felt herself becoming frantic with her hands, needing to feel more than actually possible.

Stu stopped kissing her, letting her finally take a breath but as she did, his hand slipped into her silky chocolate brown hair, tugging her head back. He licked his lips and feasted his eyes on her neck, finally leaning down to gently kiss the side of her throat. Nicole lost her senses, her control slipped and she let out a moan of pure pleasure.

"Shh..." Stu grinned against her, teasing but continuing to push. He knew exactly what he was doing. Each move calculated for maximum pleasure. His hand continued to caress her smooth skin, slowly moving up her flat toned stomach.

Nicole could only close her eyes, revel in the sensations coursing through her. But the time they had was slowing eating away, and she wanted more than this. More than a few minutes of fumbling around in secret.

"Stu, please." Instead of her words sounding like a protest, they only spurred him on. He growled against her and his hand moved higher; the rough pad of his thumb brushing against the delicate lace of her bra.

"Mr. Bennett?" The male voice from the adjoining room swiftly burst their little bubble.

"Fuck." Stu snarled, the timing of the intrusion playing havoc with what he had planned. Nicole licked her lips, short of breath from trying to keep herself composed. "You're working late tonight."


"But nothing, I'm your boss, do as I say." Stu cast his gaze down her body then back up again. Her blouse that was once tucked into her pencil skirt was hanging loose, the top few buttons undone exposing cleavage.

In a panic, Nicole nodded and started making herself look presentable. If Stu wanted her to stay late, that's what she would do. There would however be no working involved and that she would be fine with.

Now able to focus on her surroundings, Nicole suddenly felt out of place in the small room containing confidential files and folders. As Stu Bennetts assistant she was rarely given access to areas that were locked off. Stu handed her a brown file and quickly she took it. He already looked calm and collected – his suit was meticulously back in place.

"I need a copy of those."

Nicole took the papers from Stu, her hands still trembling from the effect he had on her. Taking a deep breath, she looked up into Stu's eyes. He was back to being boss so quickly she said, "Yes, sir."

Stu cast his gaze around the room, his staff were finally heading home. All bar one that was. Nicole sat at her desk, staring at the computer screen but doing nothing. He'd watched her most of the afternoon through his office window. He knew he'd agitated her and put her on edge.

Often she would glance over at his office obviously counting down the minutes just like he was. It had started off innocent enough – company to fill the empty space in his life. He should have stayed away, kept the complications surrounding him to a minimum. Months later it was still going on, the one time with he had planned turned out to last for months, and there was no stopping it soon.

He had mixed pleasure with work. S&S Investment was his life, it was how he had made his fortune. The man who had helped him get there was at the opposite side of the room – his partner at the investment bank – Stephen Farrelly.

Sensed he was being watched, Stephen looked up towards him. His red hair, pale skin and huge frame made him an intimidating man. Stu nodded at him in acknowledgement and Stephen took that as a cue to come over to him.

"Yeh goin' home?" Even after all his time in America, the Irish accent hadn't faded one bit. Just like his own English accent.

"I have some paperwork to do. Donald Harris is stopping by first thing tomorrow, said he wants to make some changes to his hedge fund."

Stephen nodded but glanced over at Nicole, turning back he had a smile on his face as he said, "Don' work too hard, fella."

Finally, Stephen left and Stu had never been more grateful. Smirking to himself, Stu started stalking over to Nicole at her desk. Knowing they would be alone sent his temperature soaring and mind racing – he'd spent too much of the day fantasising about their evening plans.

Just as he set forward into the main office, the doors to the room burst open, a women storming through but with Claire – the firms receptionist - hot on her heels. His lustful state diminished in seconds, replaced with anger and resentment.

"I'm sorry Mr. Bennett, she wouldn't take no for an answer." Stu scoffed. Of course she wouldn't.

"What the hell do you want, Joanne?" Passing Nicole's desk without even taking a side glance at her was hard, but he couldn't risk anything. Not now. Stu wasn't in the mood for playing games.

Joanne stepped up to him, long dark brown hair swaying as she came closer, each step purposeful. She looked up at him, brown eyes cold as she said, "Now is that any way to talk to your wife?"