Britta Perry was woken by the feeling of something brushing her hair. She felt immediately guilty, and she wasn't sure why. Then she felt the body pressed up against hers, and remembered.

She'd fucked Abed.

She turned to face him, lying next to her in the bottom bunk of the blanket fort. They were incredibly close, here on this mattress designed for one. He smiled serenely at her, continuing to run a hand through her curly, golden locks. She gently reached up and grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"Abed," she said, seriously.

"Yes?" he asked, his smile faltering a little.

"Can you… move, please?" she asked. He had her trapped up against the wall. "Move," she said again, more firmly.

Frowning now, Abed rolled out of bed.

"Where… do you remember where I left my clothes?" Britta asked as she followed him. Good. Focus on details, she thought as her feet touched the floor. She felt her heart starting to race in her chest. Calm down.

"I brought them in from the Dreamatorium, after you fell asleep," Abed said, pointing to a chair in the far corner of the fort. "After we had sex."

"Yeah, thanks, I didn't need the reminder that we fucked, Abed," Britta said, annoyance lancing through her. So he was suddenly just fine, just like that? No more crazy talk about timelines? She walked, shaking her head, over to her clothes, grabbing her panties and pulling them on. "It's not like I forgo-"

Her voice caught in her throat as she turned to face him, and found that he'd followed her. And that he was still naked. She hadn't gotten a good look at his body before, and she took a moment to appreciate it. The well defined musculature on his lithe frame. The grooves on his pelvis, and the way they came together in the dark clump of pubic hair just above his cock.

Which, at the moment, was rock hard.

She swallowed.

"Do you regret it?" Abed asked, his eyes watching her. He was smiling that smile again.

"What?" Britta asked, distracted.

"Do you regret that we had sex?"

"I…" Britta swallowed. "I don't know…" she said in a small voice. She felt so confused. Thinking of Abed as sexual was already such an alien concept to her. Thinking of his as desirable, of wanting him to grab her again and hold her down on that mattress and fuck her raw? She couldn't even process that. Let alone what any of this meant about her feelings for Troy…

"Do you want to do it again?" Abed asked, stepping closer to her. Her nostrils flared. He smelled like sex. She felt an ache, an urge deep inside herself, something primal and uncontrollable that didn't give a shit about how conflicted she felt, or how messy this whole situation was. Something biological.



"Fuck!" she shouted, just as Abed started to lean in to kiss her. He pulled back, startled, as she whirled around and dug through the pockets of her jeans. "What fucking time is it?!"

"Oh, right," Abed said. "The Bio final is today."

"Jesus Christ!" Britta swore, looking down at her cell phone. "It's 5:15! It's already started! God I'm going to fucking fail! This is all I fucking need right now."

"Britta," Abed said, placing a hand on her shoulder. His hand was warm, and she relaxed into his touch. "It's okay. You still have an hour and forty five minutes."

"I can'tfail this class Abed! I need that Bio credit!" She felt herself getting dizzy. "I'm already so god damn behind!"

"Breathe, Britta," Abed said. "You can still pass. And even if you don't it's not the end of the world. You can always retake it." He hugged her. "Everything's going to be fine."

She almost believed him.


The ride to Greendale was quiet. Abed had followed her out of the apartment like he was some kind of lost puppy. "I'm in Bio too," is all he said when she asked if he was coming along. He still hadn't stopped smiling. It was beginning to wear on her nerves, how he could be so unconcerned with what they'd done. Almost done twice.

After parking, they ran towards South Hall, Britta cursing her decision to wear heels that day. She saw on the clock just inside that she still had an hour and a half left. Maybe if she got lucky, and the test wasn't too hard, she could pull off a high enough score to pull a D. Maybe a C-, if for some reason fate decided to cut her a break. Biology wasn't that hard a subject right? As long as there weren't to many questions on that cellular mitosis stuff Winger had been talking about at lunch, that would-

Britta stopped, frozen in her tracks by the person she saw sitting outside the Bio classroom.

"Oh, hey, you made it!" Troy said, standing. "The group said you might just be running late! I'm glad I stayed."

"Wha-" Britta couldn't form the words. She felt tears stinging in her eyes. What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here.

Abed rounded the corner behind her. "Troy!" he said, happily. "You're back!"

"Abed!" Troy said happily. "Annie said she didn't think you were going to come at all!" The two friends embraced, briefly, before exchanging their hand shake. "She says she's been worried about you."

Abed didn't say anything to that, but Troy didn't seem to mind. He stepped around him, and came face to face in front of her.

"Hi," Troy said, gazing at her adoringly. "I missed you." He reached out, his arms extended.

"Don't," she choked, pulling away. She let out a little half sob as she stumbled backwards. "Don't! I'm the worst!"

He frowned, looking confused and hurt. Britta watched him turn and look at Abed for help, and that was the last straw. She turned and ran.


She cried for a while, once she got back to her apartment. Just lay in her bed and sobbed into a pillow.

Everything had been going to be fine. Troy had come back. Come back for her, just like she'd spent all summer pretending she wasn't secretly hoping was going to happen. But then she fucked it up. She couldn't hold out. She couldn't resist spreading her legs for his best friend, coming between them and ruining a wonderful friendship.

They'd been at each other's throats over what type of fortto build, for Christ's sake. What were they going to do when they realized they'd be fighting over her? Because, based on the way Abed had been acting, she didn't think his desire had gone away with that… whatever Evil Abed had been.

There was a knocking at her door. She shrunk down under who covers. Who could that possibly be? Had word gotten out already? Had one of their friends come to yell at her for what a terrible person she was?

They knocked again. Maybe it was worse than that. Maybe it was Troy. Maybe he was here to yell at her for leading him on. For playing games with his heart, just because she wanted to pretend to feel like she felt something again.

"Britta?" It was Abed, his voice muffled. He sounded worried. "Britta we know you're in there, your car's parked out front."

"Go away!" She shouted. We?

"Just talk to us Britta," Troy called. "We're not mad at you."

She frowned, sitting up. "You're not?" Cautiously, she rose to her feet, slinking off her bed and walking over to the door. She put her hand over the latch.

"No," he said, even more softly. "Please. Open the door."

She did. Troy was over the threshold instantly, pulling her into a tight hug. She was shocked, but the feeling of his arms around her again was too much for her. She felt herself melting into the embrace, returning it, reveling in the feeling of being… safe… like this with him again.

"Thank God," he breathed. "We were so scared you were going to gone before we could get here."

"You seemed really upset. We thought you were going to leave Greendale," Abed explained, stepping into the apartment and closing the door behind him. "We ran most of the way here."

"Ran…?" Britta asked, pulling away and looking at Troy. "I don't… what are you doing here? Why aren't you angry?" She felt tears welling up again. "You should be! You should be furious!"

"Why?" he asked, smiling. She gaped at him for a moment. "I love Abed. And I love you." She blushed, looking away. "No, I mean it! Being gone for so long… it brought a lot of things into focus for me, Britta. I missed everyone, of course, but there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about the two of you. About how much I cared about the both of you. Abed explained to me what happened. And when he did, I didn't feel jealous. I felt happy. Happy that the two of you were able to help each other, when you were both feeling sad. Happy that you made each other feel good."

"But…" Britta said. Troy wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb. "But… I betrayed you."

"I don't feel betrayed," Troy said, leaning in. "Do you know what I feel, Britta, right now?"

"What?" she asked, breathless. His lips were so close to hers…

"Horny," he whispered, pressing himself into her. And it was true, she could feel something thick and growing between them. "I want to fuck you too, Britta." His voice had become higher, almost desperate.

"Oh, God…" she breathed as he kissed her neck.

"I do too," Abed said, sidling up next to Troy. Four hands roamed her body, squeezing and caressing her, pinching at her sensitive places, stroking along her back. "Troy and I talked about it. We want to pleasure you, Britta, together.

"O…okay…" she breathed, closing her eyes, and rubbing her chin against her shoulder. She felt someone lifting the bottom of her tank top, and she raised her arms up, letting them pull it off her. Troy moved around behind her, pressing his erection into her back.

"Okay what, Britta?" Abed asked, as he kissed down her chest. Troy undid her bra, kneading her tits as Abed made his way down her body, lowering himself onto his knees. She whimpered as Troy rolled a nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"Yes, please," she said. "I wanna fuck you both." Abed pulled down the zipper of her jeans and Troy lifted her up, pulling her out of them. They suspended her in the air, between them, and Britta laid a leg over Abed's shoulder.

"You have such a red, juicy cunt," Abed said. "It's so swollen. You're such a slut, Britta."

"You're so beautiful," Troy said, kissing her earlobe. Abed's tongue darted inside of her and she gasped, bucking into his face. "Every part of you."

"Listen to the sounds she's making Troy. She's so wanton," Abed said as he worked two fingers inside of her. "Two men at the same time and she wants it so bad."

"Mmmmhmmm," she breathed, as Abed resumed licking at her.

"So giving," Troy said, his hand grazing her stomach in a way that sent little arcs of electricity down her spine. She heard the sound of a zipper being undone, and she felt Troy's naked cock press against her.

"So loving."

"Such a whore."

"So soft."

"Begging for it."

"So warm."

"I can see it in her face, Troy. I can see how much she loves being used like this."

"So adorable."

"NNNnnngggh," she whined, unable to stand the good cop/bad cop routine they were doing, unable to deal with the way it caused all the tension their hands and tongues and mouths were giving her to knot up into itself.

Abed pulled back, suddenly, and she was about to register a complaint when Troy sunk himself into her. She gasped, arching her back. "Ffffuck-" she said, breathlessly.

"Your cock looks so good, pounding into her pussy," Abed said, rubbing at her clitoris.

"You feel… so good… Britta," Troy gasped as he humped in and out of her. "So tight…" Abed's tongue was licking at her again, and she opened her eyes and looked down. She was rewarded with the sight of Abed, kissing and sucking at where her and Troy's sexes mingled together. He made eye contact with her, and smiled.

Then he took her clit in his mouth, and sucked. Hard.

"FUUUUUUCK!" she repeated, louder this time, as she shivered, her cunt clenching around Troy's cock, spasming in between him and Abed. She felt Troy's dick shudder, felt it release its bounty inside of her, heard him cry her name.

She was dimly aware of being lifted, of the sensation of being laid down onto her bed, but she was too lost in the euphoria her orgasm had unleashed to really pay attention.

"Hhhhhmmmmm," she said, happily. She felt a hand on her cheek, and she relaxed into it.

Her last thought, before sleep took her, was that she literally had come between Troy and Abed. She giggled.

She could always try again with Bio next year.