Chapter 6

It was almost 2 am and Jack and Kim were holed up in a small hotel room in occupied Paris. They were waiting for Hedgehog's agent to arrive and take them to the meeting place.

Jack was pacing the floor impatiently,

"We should have heard something by now. I left the message at the Café over an hour ago. That new busboy at the Café worries me, all of the people that work in that café are supposed to be Hedgehogs men but I don't know this one." Jack looked at his watch and then resumed pacing

"What is taking them so long?"

"Calm down, Jack," said Kim, "Wearing a hole in the rug isn't going to speed things up." Jack looked down at the floor and grinned sheepishly when he looked up.

"I have to admit you've impressed me, Kim Crawford," said Jack moving to sit down on the bed, "you've put up with me longer than a lot of the other female underground agents that I've met. I guess I tend to improvise too much for their liking."

"Well," said Kim, "they should give you more of a chance, you're not so bad." Jack smiled at Kim and blushed a little.

Before he could say anything there was code knock on the door. Jack cautiously approached the door with a drawn pistol in his hand.

"Who is it?" he called out,

"Blue Fox," came the reply.

"Code in," said Jack, "Question: Was it cold this morning?"

"Response:" came the voice on the other side of the door, "yes but the sunshine was warm."

At this Jack visible relaxed, and opened the door. A tall Frenchmen with a black hat walked in, and shook hands with Jack.

"Jack," he said, "I'm here to take you to Hedgehog."

"Good lets go." Replied Jack


Jack, Kim, and Blue fox, whose real name was Peter, walked into the headquarters of Hedgehog, Hedgehog looked up from the map she was studying and smiled when she saw Jack, she came around the table and greeted him warmly.

Jack introduced her to Kim then cut right to the chase,

"Marie," said Jack, "We've discovered that one of the members of the Polaris Circle is a Gestapo agent. We need to contact them and warn them."

Marie nodded and turning to one of her men she told him to set up the short wave.

"How can you be sure that you won't ended up giving the message to the spy himself?" said Hedgehog suddenly worried.

"We know his voice," said Kim, "Or rather Jack does."

"Right," said Jack, "she's going to talk to them while I listen with the second headset."

"This would be the time to do it, too," said Kim, "all the members were supposed to be getting together right about now to finalize their plans for tomorrow night."

Just the one of the other agents signaled that the radio was ready. Kim picked up the headset and microphone and turned to the dials until the radio was set on the correct wavelength then she spoke into the microphone.

"This is Sparrow calling Polaris, do you read me come in."

"Yes yes, Sparrow" came the reply, "we read you loud and clear." After the standard exchange of security codes Kim began to make the rounds of the agents that were there with Polaris. Jack sat in the Chair facing Kim with his eyes closed concentrating on each voice that came through the headset. The first three times Jack listened then slowly shook his head. Then they came to the forth man a man named Gerard.

As soon as Gerard spoke Jack's eyes opened. He motioned for Kim to keep him talking. Kim asked him another question and Jack listen to his reply intently. When he stopped talking Jack looked at Kim and nodded slowly. Kim nodded back and spoke into the microphone again.

"Gerard let me talk to Jean," a couple beats passed and a new voice came on the line.

"Jean," said Kim, "Gerard is a Gestapo agent, his real name is Gerber, he's the reason the Gestapo caught me in Dijon and he's warned them about the chemical works raid tomorrow night. Get rid of him and scratch the mission, also once Gerber is out of the way you'd better disband for awhile until the heat dies down. This is Sparrow over and out."

Sparrow breathed a sigh of relief as she put down the microphone,

"That's one less headache." She said. Jack nodded in agreement.

"Now," said Jack taking the Microphone, "to call London."

Jerry, Eddie, Milton, and Rudy were all still sitting by the radio playing cards. Even though they knew they should be sleeping they also knew that none of them would be able to sleep until they knew that Jack was safe.

They all made a dive for the microphone when it crackled to life with Jack's voice. Rudy got there first.

"Ghost," he said, "what happened" where have you been?"

"Can't stay on the line long enough to tell you the whole story," said Jack, "But I'm fine and Sparrow is fine. Jerry, get that crate of yours into the air and meet me at that old abandoned airstrip north of Paris on the double."

By the time that Jack signed off Jerry and Eddie were halfway down the hall running pell-mell for the door.

Within thirty minutes they were air born and headed for France.


Jack and Kim were hunkered down in the tree line opposite the air field waiting for the plane to arrive. Beside them was Peter and several of Hedgehogs men that she had sent along to make sure that Jack and Kim got away safely.

Finally they saw the welcome sight of the plane coming in for a landing, but there elation was short lived. Just as the plane touched down they heard the shrill sound of sirens cutting through the night air.

"Gestapo," said Kim, "how did they find out?"

Jack was about to shrug in bewilderment he stopped short.

"That new bus boy at the cafe!" he hissed,

"We have no new busboy," said Peter as the sirens got closer.

"I knew there was something off about him." Said Jack

"You two get on that plane we'll hold off the Gestapo!" said Peter as a truck and two back cars with swastikas on the side pulled up.

Jack grabbed his flashlight and signaled Jerry and Eddie to start taxing for a takeoff. The plane started taxing with the cargo door open as Jack and Kim Jumped on the motorbike and raced after it. As the plane began to lift off the ground Jack extended his arm and fired his winch launcher. Letting go of the bike he grabbed him with his freehand at the same time the grapping caught a steel handlebar inside the plane and lifted them off the ground. Jack pressed the button and they were reeled to the plane. The hatch close as soon as they were on board. Jack ran to the window and looked out just time to see the Gestapo truck and on off the cars explode in flames.

"Good Job, Peter," said Jack with a smile as the B-17 went triumphantly to full throttle.

Jack stood on the steps of the allied high command building the very next day. He smiled as Kim emerged from the building after being debriefed.

Jack had been give a commendation for his bravery and a week's leave.

"Kim," he said offering his arm, "Would you allow and old soldier the honor of escorting you to dinner." Kim smiled and accepted his arm.

"I'd like that," she said, and they walked off down the streets of London together.


The rest of the account said that Sparrow went back out into the field that very night and that even though it was know that she survived the War. Col Anderson didn't know what became of her, but was often heard to say she was the best thing that never happened to him.

CIA agent Jack Brewer, the great grandson of Col Jack Anderson, closed the file and smiled to himself.

Just then the door opened and his boss Section Chief Connors walked in he was being follow by an attractive blonde girl about Jack's age.

"Agent Brewer," he said, "this is Agent Kim Crawford your new partner." Jack was startled by the name and even more so when he saw her. She was dead ringer for the Crawford he had just been reading about. She said hello and extended her had.

Jack said the first thing that popped into his head,


Kim's eyes widened in surprise.

"How did you know my nickname?" she asked. Jack smiled as he put the file back the cabinet and closed the drawer.

"It's a long story Miss Crawford." he turned and walking over to her flashed his boyish grin.

"Tell you about over dinner?" he said

Kim Smiled.


Hope you enjoyed it…