Note: I've never had a poem as a review before... but I can guarantee all readers that Hermione will not end up with Draco. To FoxFire2, sure fair enough. You've stated your opinion without being deliberately inflammatory or insulting- that's all I ask. To everyone else: thank you for your kind words and reviews!

This chapter has been in my head from the beginning and the problem with that is, while I've thought about this scene so much, I only get to write it once, and it's no where near as good as I imagined. But rather than let perfect be the enemy of (hopefully) good, here it is anyway.


"The power of radio is not that it speaks to millions, but that it speaks intimately and privately to each one of those millions." - Hallie Flanagan

"The benefit of radio is, something beyond your realm of knowledge can surprise you, can enter your realm of knowledge." - Esperanza Spalding

"Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions." -Woody Allen

"Guilt, of course, is feeling bad about one's actions, but shame is feeling bad about oneself."― Gregory Boyle


"Hello Listeners and welcome back to the Radio programme formally known as Potter Watch! River here with you and thanks for letting us back into your lounge rooms! For those of you who tuned in during the reign of Tom Riddle Junior, aka"

"Chief Death Eater numero uno"



"Or our personal favourite, Lord No-Nose"

Hermione smiled along listening to the silliness, and heard Snape's snort beside her.

"You might notice the absences of a few familiar voices. Sadly Rapier and Romulus perished fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts. Both brave men were regular contributors and joining me tonight will be another whose dulcet tones offered calmness and strength during the war, as well as Racoon-"

"We said Ridiculous!"

"You did, and I told you, you were ridiculous!"

"Exactly, you agreed!"

Severus groaned at the ludicrous drivel and tried to remember why he was still here listening. It was too late to risk apparating to the manor, and should he floo, the interfering Malfoy matriarch would no doubt try to trace where he had been. He glanced through his hair at the witch sitting comfortably beside him and wondered again how he had got himself into this mess.

"So anyway welcome back! Many of you joined us in those dark days in the absence of any reliable or unbiased news sources, and with the emergence of the recent Marriage bill it seems not much has changed on that front."

"That's right River, an unprecedented law was moved into effect three days ago, allowing the ministry to target a specific group of witches and wizards, based on blood status, and you would think it the most normal rational thing in the world listening to the Wizarding Wireless News Network!"

"The Ministry's Marriage Bill gives muggleborns and the children of muggleborns 30, well now 27, short days to find a life partner and say I do, in a binding magical agreement, or they'll be in breach of the law and excommunicated from the magical world. Those who defy this involuntary exile will be prosecuted further and earn themselves a one way trip to Azkaban, in many cases joining the death eaters and snatchers who almost a year ago were attempting to kill them."

Severus watched the girls unflinching concentration, and waited for some outward sign that she was as afraid of that possibility as she should be. Yet she was nothing but calm as she turned to meet his gaze with a questioning look, and he was forced to look away.

"So naturally the Daily Prophet has lambasted the ministries move, and given voices to the wave of protest this law has elicited, right?"

"No, Ridiculous."

"It is, isn't it?"

Hermione felt hyper aware as she watched Snape turn away from her, and rest his head back against the sofa in apparent resignation to the comedic attempts of George Weasley. She tried not to stare at the long, pale neck and pronounced jaw that the position revealed.

"You really are ridiculous. The Prophet has shown exactly how much of the ministries weight it is under, seemingly in full favour of the Law, and going so far as to publish the names and photographs of affected muggleborns without consent.

"Well there's precedent for that isn't there? The Ultimate Undesirable himself published a fair few muggleborn posters in his day."

"Never with comments on personal appearance or dating history."

"Well he never had much experience with that, did he?"

Severus snorted once more and watched out of the corner of his eye as Granger smothered a giggle herself.

"The Prophet has also shown no coverage of resistance to the law. So Listeners if this law has you hopping mad and you thought you were alone, fear not. Around the country scores of witches and wizards have been meeting to discuss the bill and the majority have concluded, rightly so, that it has gone too far. The most notable protester of the new law is ex-minister, and now ex-wizengamot member, Kingsley Shacklebolt, who resigned from his position in protest of the proposed bill. Joining us is a man in a unique position to give insight on the Wizard's thoughts and feelings, being an ex-minister and ex-wizengamot member himself: Welcome Royal!"

Snape lifted his head and stared at the brass mesh as though seeking confirmation in it's wires. Hermione could only shrug as he turned to her, askance.

"Thank you River, I never thought I'd be back on this programme, but I'm happy to help shed some light."

"He's truly risking a lot for this," Snape muttered, and Hermione bristled somewhat.

"It's worth taking a risk on, Severus." Snape eyed her defensive positioning of crossed arms and grunted. It took a few moment's to realise he was no longer shocked at her use of his given name.

"Tell us, what do you think of Shaklebolt's resignation?"

"Well Ridiculous-

"That's a bit harsh!"

"The Wizengamot held an emergency meeting at 2am on Monday morning to push through this Bill. There was no forewarning to ministers, no debating the different methods by which the magical population could be inflated, and for many of the ministers, factional pressures led them to a vote without the facts. I'm entirely positive that Mr Shaklebolt felt that threatening his resignation if the vote passed was a last-chance gambit worth taking in order to forestall an invasive, undemocratic and quite frankly dangerous law."

'Entirely positive ay. Well Royal, do you think Mr Shaklebolt is alone in his protest?"

"I would hope not River. To those listeners at home, I would urge you to make your voices heard. What the Ministry is proposing may not be affecting you, but it will be affecting those around you, those you know. Even if it isn't, I'd urge you to use your empathy and consider what you would do if threatened with the extreme measures of this marriage bill. Once, in darker days on this program, I argued against the notion of Wizard's first and in this case I would offer the same basic message - we are all human beings, and if you would resist this law if it applied to you, I urge you to resist it on behalf of your fellow citizens. Those witches and wizards who are muggleborn have witnessed enough persecution and tragedy in the last few years. Many of you fought for them then, and I would ask you to do so again."

"Well said Royal, and how would you encourage people to do that?"

"As you know, the minutes of the Wizengamot are private, and the voting records have not been released. However for those listeners at home who would like to know who to thank, in writing, for this new law, I have five names."

It was Hermione's turn to break the silence between them with a gasp. Severus shifted forward, placing his elbows upon his knees and clasping his hands. As they both shifted forward the space between them on the sofa seemed to shrink.

"You didn't know he was going to do this then?" He asked her and watched as she shook her head, listening rather than replying.

"Are you sure you want to divulge those Royal?"

"In order for there to be Trust in this government and law, there needs to be transparency. I am prepared to take the repercussions. John Dawlish, Thomas Shelby, Robert Coates, Eric Woods, and Theodore Burges all had a hand in writing and passing this law. I think it's fair that if the names and images of those targeted by this law are released, then the wizards responsible for it are also public knowledge.

Severus let out a low whistle beside her and Hermione couldn't help but share his unvoiced sentiment. This was more than she had imagined. Kingsley had basically called Burges out. There was no way to know how many were listening to this, but she knew enough that Burgess preferred to work in the shadow's then publicly outing him as responsible for the law would shift things out of his favour. She turned to Severus, only to find him reaching for the bottle before him. Without too much thought, she put her hand out, and still focused on the implications of Kingsley's actions, didn't blink at Snape's raised eyebrow as he placed the bottle in her hand. She took a swig of the amber liquid to fortify herself and numb her mind, only to cough violently at the burn. She met Severus' amused gaze as she handed the bottle back, and was sure that the warmth in her face had little to do with the whiskey.

"Thanks Royal, wise words as usual."

"You've got my vote mate."

"Well listeners, before you rush off to write your letters or storm the ministry, there's another matter we would like to add some clarity to. The last two days the Prophet has released alarming reports that Miss Hermione Granger is missing."

"That's right River, now anyone with half a brain can tell that these reports are-"



"Sorry, carry on."

"These reports are written as though they have nothing at all to do with the Marriage Law. They detail events by which Harry Potter was brought into St Mungo's after being affected by a cursed motorcycle, Ron Weasley was already in Hospital with magical burns, self inflicted the previous day, and most importantly, an explosion occurred in St Mungo's. The floor of the explosion is not mentioned, nor is its cause. Most interestingly, the reporters drew on no first hand witnesses of the event at St Mungo's- we spoke to a number of medi-wizards and healers who had no recollection of the events whatsoever."

"A few blanket memory charms perhaps?"

"If that is the case, I think listeners might be interested to know that the area of the hospital that was damaged was the experimental potions' department, where Miss Hermione Granger worked. Several research projects were interrupted or lost, according to key witnesses, but no one from the hospital can comment on what these projects were working towards. I think it's fair to say that such a level of secrecy is unusual, especially if the research was only to do with medicinal potions."

"One source, who wishes to remain anonymous, but was a co-worker with Hermione Granger, has revealed to us exclusively, that the department had been allocated extra staff, funding and security from the ministry in the last few days."

Severus looked at her, to ask if that was true, but the witch's gaze was fixed on the magical speaker. He took the moment to watch her instead, noting through his own whiskey-induced haze the way the drink had brought a brush of colour to her cheeks, and the frizzy tendrils of hair beginning to escape from the intricate up do. His fingers twitched with the desire to brush one loose tendril behind her ear, and he clenched his fist around the bottle instead, bringing it to his lips.

"And since we're always sticklers for referencing our sources, we followed it up. The ministry released $2000 Galleons to St Mungo's for a research project referred to only as "Fecundity" on the Ministries outgoing record of expenditure."

"Are you sure you're allowed to use that sort of language on the radio River!?"

Hermione started as Severus spurted, caught out mid-way through swallowing as a glorious laugh filled the room. She couldn't help but join in, her breath gasping at the sight of the usually stern face dripping with the amber droplets, her entire form shaking as the radio continued.

"Fecund off, Ridiculous. It means fertility."

"Huh, strange; There being a secretive project researching something to do with fertility right before the announcement of the marriage law?"

"Well it's no Fecundity coincidence, that's for sure."

Severus stopped to restrain himself, casting a quick Terego, and felt warmth on his own cheeks, certain the usual pallor he sported would be matching the blush of the witch beside him.

"Well Ridiculous, what we do know is this: Hermione Granger was part of the research team, working on this prior to the law's announcement. Rita Skeeter, who's long standing vendetta against Granger is well documented, claims that Granger refused a marriage proposal from Ron Weasley, prior to the law's announcement."

"Poor bugger. Little chance of Fecundity for him now."

Hermione wanted to sink into the sofa, and determinedly avoided Snape's gaze. She instantly remembered his silhouette, standing over the scene of Ron's failed proposal and witnessing the entire embarrassing moment. Severus watched the slight signs of tension lingering about her jaw, and wished she would look at him. He preferred not to examine the twinge of guilt that bubbled in his gut, and wasn't sure why it bothered him that she was not glaring at him like he deserved.

"Strange again, isn't it. The timing. As though two thirds of the Golden Trio had foreknowledge of the law. Then got themselves inside St Mungo's. Then St Mungo's blows up."

"River, I'm sure you're not inferring that Granger or anyone else had anything to do with causing that explosion!"

"Well she did destroy half of Gringotts on the back of a dragon."


"And she did leave the editor of the Quibbler, Xenophilious Lovegood's house in ruins when he attempted to sell the Golden Trio out during the war."

"Well True,"

"She was an instrumental player in the Battle at the Department of Mysteries, when Snakeface returned. The unspeakables are still repairing that damage, so they say."

"Well they're not really unspeakables if they do say,"

Hermione felt the warmth grow about her cheeks as the outlandish exploits of the last few years were listed in such a fashion, and her head whipped to see Snape's small grin as he muttered something that sounded suspiciously like "And lit her professor's robes on fire in her first year.."

Hermione was torn between chagrin and begrudging humour. She settled on turning her attention back to the broadcast, before replying "I have no idea what you're muttering about."

"And anyone who crossed her path while she was a prefect at Hogwarts knows well the fearsome glare that came before loss of house points, confiscation of pivotal joke shop inventory, or even threats of parental involvement!"

"It seems however, that little miss prefect's love for rules does not extend to the new Marriage law!"

"For all our speculation listeners, here is what we do know. Hermione Granger hasn't been seen since the destruction of St Mungo's property, and has been reported missing by her employer. This has led to the Prophet speculating that Granger is in danger.

"Oh if that's not the new title for this programme I don't know what is! Granger Danger!"

Hermione drew her own head back, resting it on the edge of the sofa, closing her eyes as it was her turn to mutter something that sounded suspiciously like. "I'll kill him." Snape's smirk faltered as he glanced over at her once more, her supine form accentuating the low cut of that damnable slip. He shifted, as inconspicuously as he could, crossing his legs and draping his robes around him.



"Shut it for fecundity's sake. So far, no link has been drawn by the prophet between Granger's disappearance to the Marriage law, and the headlines have proved a nice distraction, taking the heat of the ministry and their new law."

Severus was doing his best to focus on the broadcast and not the witch beside him, but the words 'nice distraction', and 'heat' did nothing to aid him in his uncomfortable situation.

"Here at GrangerDanger, we'll be keeping you up to date on Hermione Granger's whereabouts, and can delight in reporting that the french newspaper Le Mercure has published photographs of the brightest witch of her age, out for a spot of shopping at the famous Passage De l'ancre"

"Fancy that, looking at the photographs, you can't see a Death-eater or snatcher in sight!"

"Do you think that'll be enough, River, to end the Magical Law Enforcement's search for the Witch?"

"Ridiculous, as it is, I think not. The prophet has reported that Harry Potter himself has been sent to Paris to recover her."

Severus could have breathed a sigh of relief, were he less subtle, as the image of Potter brought his blood circulation back in check.

"A junior, trainee auror. You know the ministry really is pulling out the big guns."

"Or Perhaps, they've pulled in Potter in an effort to parlay."

"Pitiful alliteration there."

"Really? From a radio show with a repertoire of R named reporters?"

"Well hopefully any deal Potter presents will be put before every muggle born affected by the law. Although you can see why the ministry is making the effort to bring Granger on side. She is the most well known muggleborn in the British community, instrumental to the fall of Mouldymort, and there would be enormous outrage amongst the public were she to be excommunicated."

"I'd pay to see them take her to Azkaban, I really would. We'd have another list of explosions she's caused that's for sure."

"Well listeners, rest assured, we'll be bringing you up to date with any new developments over the coming weeks. For now though, some respite from the repeated reports from responders whose names begin with R: we have a new guest on the programme, who has declined the offer of a pseudonym. Welcome Dennis!"

Severus stiffened, though thankfully in a far less ignoble way than earlier, at the mentioned name as memories of what had driven him to drink earlier flooded through him. Behind the curtains of hair that shielded his expression, he studied the witch beside him, cataloguing her facial expression.

"Thanks River, Ridiculous."

"Dennis Creevy has agreed to speak to our listeners, offering his perspective as a muggleborn who is affected by the law, who is in an even more unique position- Dennis you're the youngest person required to marry under the law, and you're currently a Hogwarts student, correct?"

"Yes. I turned 17 on Tuesday."

Hermione quickly calculated the days gone by, realising just how he'd welcomed in the early hours of his birthday, and blushed. He had been the very definition of barely legal. Beside her, Severus noted as her blush deepened, and did his best to ignore the heavy feeling that fell in his gut.

"So this will be your NEWT year?"

"No. Because of my blood status, I wasn't able to attend my 5th year at Hogwarts during the war. I had to retake it last year, so I'm about to enter sixth form."

"So it's not the first time your blood status has come in the way of receiving the same magical education many take for granted."

"No, it's not."

"So tell us, how have your parents taken the news?"

The witch's brow crinkled here, and Severus watched as her delicate pink lower lip was captured by her teeth. He would have groaned earlier at the sight he was sure of it, but the sinking feeling in his gut distracted him and he continued to observe her as clinically as he could.

"My parents didn't want me to return to the wizarding world last year... after my brother Colin died, fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts. I had to choose between going back to school, and my family. But my brother died for the right to return to Hogwarts. I couldn't walk away, after what it had cost him."

"So you have no support awaiting you in the muggle world if you choose not to marry."

"It's not an option."

"What options do you have open to you? Do you have a girlfriend at Hogwarts?"

Severus searched Hermione's face and was somewhat surprised to see a guilty expression, there in the downcast angle of her eyes, her lips contorted in a slight frown.

"No. There's no one I'm seeing at Hogwarts. I'm the only other student affected by the law, as far as I know, or at least the only one to turn 17 so far."

"Dating at your age is difficult enough, without the added pressure of popping the question in 27 days!"

"Well it might have been for you River, it wasn't quite so difficult for everyone."

"On that note, Angelina if you're listening, the offer for a drink still stands."

"Shameless, River, shameless."

"So Dennis, has anyone from the Ministry or Hogwarts communicated with you about how your matrimonial bliss will affect your education? Do you get bumped up to a double bed in the common rooms? I'm sure if the room of requirement wasn't out of commission it could rustle up a nice nursery to house the future ankle-biters of Hogwart's best and brightest students?"

"I haven't heard anything from anyone."


"No, it's not ridiculous it's disgusting."

"That doesn't start with an R"

"It's disgusting that the ministry's law is threatening the education of students whose study has already been disrupted by the law, and in Dennis' case, whose brother died defending the very school he means to attend."

"In that case, I'm not sure disgusting is a strong enough word."

"It's an absolute Fecundity."

"But Ridiculous, I think the question you should have asked Dennis is, does he have a lady friend, outside of Hogwarts."

"Have you seen this kid?"


"Uhm. There is another muggle born who's contacted me. She wants to do what she can to help, and she understands that my education is my first priority."

"Romantic stuff."

"Do we get a name?"

"Uh, no."

"Even a pseudonym starting with R?"

"Uh, no I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be keen on that."

"So presumably this woman is older than you, do you feel she may be taking advantage?"

Severus watched as Hermione's face burnt an ever dark shade of red, and hand covered her mouth. His own frown morphed into a scowl.

"No. I know for a fact that she is going to do everything she can, to make sure I can continue my education. She's got her own situation in the law to contend with, but I trust her."

"Well Dennis, keep in contact. I know our listeners will be outraged that your education is being threatened, and will want to know what steps the Ministry and indeed Hogwarts are taking to safeguard your future."

"Thanks Ridiculous, thanks River. I'll keep in touch."

"So listeners, the witching hour is upon us, and frankly there's still so many troubles with this Law worth discussing, so keep twiddling those dials, the next password will be Fecundity. We'll be back to keep the Prophet, the Wizarding Wireless News Network and most importantly the Ministry, as honest as we can. Make your voices heard and do your best to look out for all those affected by this utterly barbaric law. Until next time, Ridiculous and River, signing out."

The sound of static filled the silence, as Hermione became aware of Severus beside her for the first time in several minutes. Turning towards him, she was taken aback by the coldness radiating off him in waves, the intimidating professor returned to take the place of the human being who had laughed alongside her.

"Your suitor was eloquent, if slightly understated on the nature of your relationship."

"What?" Hermione floundered, trying to understand what in the broadcast had given away Dennis' supposed role. No one was supposed to know they were 'courting' until the photo's hit tomorrow's prophet alongside Skeeter's article. That was the whole point of introducing Dennis now, first as a human being rather than a paramour, and as someone who meant to find refuge rather than romance.

"I saw you two, your charade, as you entered Bridegrooms." Severus tried to rid his voice and mind of emotion. "I've been dealing with teenage boys for longer than you've been alive, Miss- Hermione. He is attached to you."

"Well, that was the whole point, of the..." she faltered as she did her best to keep her voice from rising and settled for his words"...of the charade." Hermione felt weary, the light now low as the shadows filled the ancient house, the sound of rain heavy on the windows and melding with the static. She didn't want to argue, and she felt the sickly warm feeling of guilt as Severus' words hit home.

"No adolescent Gryffindor is capable of an act that convincing." Severus watched as rather than explode in anger, Hermione seemed to deflate, and the guilt he had seen came to the fore once more.

"Well, they are with the right inducement." Severus' probing was the first opportunity she had had to discuss Dennis, and like a dripping faucet, the stream began to swell. "He isn't attached to me. He's a teenage boy. He's reacting to the neurochemicals released after his first … time." Hermione heard herself, and didn't need to look at Snape's face to feel the shame the crass words elicited.

But she couldn't help it, and turned to see Snape standing, his demeanor closed once more. His face was inscrutable, but as guilt roiled in her stomach, it seemed disgust was clearly etched in each line as he looked down at her.

Severus had to leave the sofa. His mind raced, seeing again her eyes meeting his through the mirror, that damnable slip, the slipping of the crimson robe around her shoulders as she held up the research. The sight of her kissing the boy. Images melding together of her with the boy, in ways he had not seen but would now imagine. He had been the worst sort of fool. He had berated himself repeatedly, accused himself of besmirching her purity, her youthful innocence. But as he looked at her and saw her as she truly was, a woman, ready to use every means at her disposal- and damn his soul to hades, he felt the pull to take what she had offered others, to have her earn his aid in the same way she had that slip of a boy.

"I was alone. I just. I wanted to feel something. It was a mistake, and Dennis knows, I've been clear." Hermione wasn't sure, as the words continued to pour from her, why she was trying to explain herself, why she was trying to excuse her actions, or why she should falter so completely in her efforts.

Severus watched as she looked him straight in the eyes, and refused to back down. She was brilliant, really, and it took his ire away to witness it. He felt the tension in the room swelter and grow as she awaited his response and his awareness of her heightened. The rain pelted against ancient glass and the radio continued to hum.

"I will retire for the evening Ms Granger. I'll make sure to ward my door shut. I don't require the same… approach, you showed Creevey. You've already secured my co-operation."

It took more than a few minutes, after he left in a swirl of robes, for Hermione to compose herself and switch off the wireless. The remains of her tea had grown as cold as it's brewer and she stared at the delicate cup as the sound of the storm outside chased her warring thoughts towards sleep.


(Anticipating hate: No I don't think Hermione has done anything she should feel shame for, she is not concerned about having sex with Dennis, she's concerned that he may have feelings for her as a result because he is younger and she gave him the wrong idea... also she's not old enough to be secure in her sexuality and has only been in one sexual relationship previously, so it's pretty new to her and the emotions are specific to the case. I ain't slut shaming.)