I am so irritated with the way Big Time Surprise and Big Time Decision played out X( My Kucy ship no longer has any water to sail on :'( I'm not giving up hope, though. There's still the rest of this season and a season four left (plus anything else after that) for the screenwriters to surprise us Kucy fans :D Either way, I have decided to write this series of one-shots, since the show doesn't feed my Kucy addiction any more XP They're (obviously) centered around Kendall and Lucy, and (undoubtedly) completely and shamelessly fluffy :D The first one takes place before Big Time Surprise, so it's kinda like I'm going to re-write those episodes. The stories can be read in order or by themselves, I'm going to make it work for both. Some will be first-person, some will be third, I may even do some second person ones. Oh! And the prompts for each one-shot are in the form of a copy-and-paste list I have on my profile page, tho one under the Favorite Quotes. Each prompt will be put at the top of the story. Anyways, tell me if you like them!


When you break her heart, the pain never really goes away…

Lucy POV

Dressed in an overly large charcoal grey t-shirt and short black cotton shorts, I stood outside apartment 2J, in the dark, feeling stupid. As I wiped my face with the back of my hand, I struggled with the indecision of what to do. Or what not to do. Or what to do about what I didn't want to do. This is ridiculous. I'm a rebellious rock goddess. I felt like yelling at myself. Make a snap decision already!

So I did. With a broken-up sigh that could be described as either depressed or irritated, I lightly rapped my knuckles on the door before quickly withdrawing my hand. I wrapped my arms around my ribcage tightly as I sniffled, feeling like I could majorly use a hug. Yet, at the same time, I half-hoped no one would answer the door.

Because if no one answered the door, I could go back home. And if I could go back home, no one would know that hard-core rocker Lucy Stone was on the verge of a complete breakdown.

The soft click of a lock derailed my train of thought. I almost bolted as the door slowly opened on silent hinges, revealing a sleepy-looking Jennifer Knight.

"Hey Mrs. Knight," I said quietly. My words were bolder than I had intended in my attempt to hide the awkwardness I felt. The smile I tried to plaster on my face probably looked more like a pained grimace, but I guess that expression would go better with my current mood.

"Lucy?" she inquired, her eyes squinty from sleep. Or lack thereof. "Is everything okay? It's… three in the morning…?"

That time I did grimace. Three in the morning? I ducked my head, looking at my bare feet. "I, uh, can- can I talk to Kendall?" My throat stung as I spoke, and I made a job out of convincing myself that it wasn't because of tears. Because there were no tears. Right? Ugh. I'm fired. God I'm getting soft.

Kendall's mom was looking at me curiously, but it seemed like she was too tired to ask questions. "I'll go and wake him up," she said through a yawn before turning around to disappear back into the apartment. She left the door open, but I didn't follow her in.

Instead I closed my eyes and blew a shaky breath out of my nose. This was already awkward enough without me standing in the middle of his house. I'm already waking him up at some ungodly hour for something he didn't have to care about. Something he probably wouldn't care about. Something I don't want him to care about. Where would that leave me then? Why was I even here? It's my probl-

I didn't hear a sound, but a sudden, feather-light touch grazed my arm and startled me into opening my eyes. My close-to-hysteric thoughts came to an abrupt halt when I saw who it was. Drowsiness coloring his features and his dark blonde hair mussed up from sleep, Kendall stood in the doorway. He wore a tight white t-shirt and green plaid flannel pants; both wrinkled and very slept-in looking. One of his hands was still slightly outstretched towards me, but he brought it back to his side when our eyes met. On his face was that look of endearing startled-confusion I always made an attempt to get out of him. This time I got it without even trying.

"Lucy?" His voice was quiet with tiredness and surprise, but I could hear the concern in there, too.

And I'm pretty sure that's why a sob tore its way out of my chest.

No. Just- No. He's a guy. He's not supposed to be concerned, or care. But, I mean… Of course he's going to care. I felt stupid for even thinking I could get through this without bawling like a preteen. Which was exactly what I was doing.

The tears felt hot as they spilled down my cheeks. I could hit myself, if my hands weren't cramped into fists under my armpits. I just wanted to talk. That was it. Get everything off my chest. But no. Apparently my emotions had other plans. Stupid emotions.

"Lucy." It wasn't a question this time. He was trying to get my attention. But the concern in his voice was still palpable. I turned away from him as I pushed back another sob, and swatted at his hand when he reached towards me again. I was pretty sure it was a gesture of pity; one thing I didn't want.

"I can't help you if you don't let me," he chided matter-of-factly. I didn't hesitate to focus a probably-puffy-eyed glare on him.

"Okay, okay." Kendall raised his arms up in surrender. "Just tell me what to do." He sounded sincere. It wasn't really fair.

"I don't know," I told him, because I really didn't. Coming over here seemed like the only thing I could do. I never got past that. "I just- didn't, er, don't… know." I couldn't meet his gaze, even if I wanted to. My eyes were coated in tears, making everything blurry. I blinked a few times in an attempt to clear my vision.

"Hm." He folded his arms loosely across his chest, looking at me with a subtle tilt to his head. "Well, there's nothing on TV and we have…" he cast a glance at his bare wrist for humorous effect, I'm sure, "all morning to watch it. And," he uncrossed his arms and punctuated the word by lightly tapping my nose with a finger, "I'm sure we have some ice cream in the freezer somewhere."

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand again, even though the action was no longer helping anything. Kendall was looking at me, his eyes telling me what he didn't say out loud. Or maybe it was just what I wanted to hear. Tell me what's wrong. I want to help.

It only took a few seconds for me to make up my mind on what I wanted to do. "Got any strawberry?" My voice sounded awful to my own ears, but Kendall acted like he didn't hear it. At least, I hoped he was acting. My quota of clueless guys has been met and exceeded, thanks. He just took a step back and swept his arms to the side in an exaggerated 'after you' gesture.

"I like the way you think," he said, flashing a smirk.

I rubbed my arm self-consciously as I walked past him into the apartment, aware that the rest of the guys were asleep down a hall somewhere. Kendall quietly closed the door before leading me towards the couch, one of his hands hovering at the small of my back.

"Sit here," he pulled a few tissues out of their box on a table, "take these, and find us something to not watch. I'll go get the ice cream."

I accepted the tissues with a mumbled "thanks" and curled up on the wrap-around sofa. I flicked the TV on with the remote and turned the volume low before flipping through channels, letting it settle on a random cartoon that I'm pretty sure wasn't even in English. It felt weird, sitting on a couch that wasn't mine, mopping up tears that I honestly shouldn't be crying, while the muffled sounds of someone rummaging through a silverware drawer tinged in the background. And all because of that stupid, idiotic-

I squeezed my eyes shut against more tears. Because I'm not going to think about- about anything. Because this is okay. Spending some time with Kendall is nice. Because he'd never- no. Not thinking about it.

"Here you go." I opened my eyes. Kendall held out a spoon as he plopped down next to me and I shifted myself so I was angled towards him. I took the utensil, and he pried off the lid to the half-gallon cardboard bucket.

"For the record," he said quietly, offering me the ice cream, "I have no idea what I'm doing."

"That makes two of us." I dug my spoon into the frozen desert, the TV just a buzzing background sound. Enough noise to fizzle away any awkward silences. The ice cream melted on my tongue and cooled my throat as I swallowed.

"You want to tell me what this is about?" he asked after a pause, producing a second spoon and taking a scoop himself. I could almost smile at the hesitation in his voice. Like he knew he was treading on thin ice. Except my smile would have worked better if it wasn't instantaneously followed by more tears.

"Or… you don't have to tell me," Kendall tried to reason. I tried to stop the freaking waterworks, but the best I could do was muffle my sobs so I didn't wake anyone up.

"Luce, let me…" Kendall's voice trailed off when I covered my face with my hands and the tissues. Just go away, I wanted to say to him. Don't even bother.

But, well, I didn't complain when I felt his arms circle my waist. It did make me cry harder, though. No guy I've known before would have worried this much about something they didn't know about. Why did I have to suck at love?

Kendall pulled me onto his lap and took the spoon out of my hand before gently pulling my hands away from my face. "Lucy, c'mon, what's wrong?" One of his hands rubbed slow circles on my back while the other used the tissues to attempt to dry my eyes. I wanted to tell him it was a futile attempt, but no words came out. My throat felt choked up, so I just squeezed my eyes shut instead and clutched at his arm with both my hands.

"Luce," he murmured, his lips brushing my hair, "I don't like to see you upset." I squeezed his arm tighter, and he ran his thumb over my cheek. He began to hum, his chest vibrating with a familiar tune. Very familiar.

I attempted to stop crying multiple times but every time I got close, I'd start up again. And I wasn't even sure why I was crying after a while. Was it because of what Beau did? Or was it the entirely separate reason of Kendall being so sweet, and my lack of luck in guys. Either way, Kendall just kept humming and rubbing my back, and I kept silently sobbing like an idiot. Though somewhere in the back of my mind, something clicked. Why that tune sounded so familiar.

"Cover girl." I almost hiccupped.

"Hm?" His humming stopped abruptly half-way through the chorus.

"Cover girl," I repeated. "The song you were humming." I didn't move or look up at him, but I did crack my eyes open to look at his arm. I trailed my fingertips across his skin, ignoring the silent tears that still tracked down my face.

"I thought it fit," he told me quietly.

For a while the only sound was the TV's low volume Spanish dialogue. Kendall's hands were resting on my hip and thigh, and his lips were pressed into my hair. I finally got myself under enough control to talk about my problem.

"Beau called me." Three words. I only spoke three words and they completely set me on edge.

Kendall started rubbing circles on my back again. "Your ex?" he asked, his voice a little stiff.

I closed my eyes. "Mmhm," I hummed in consent.

There was a short pause. Then, "is he bothering you?"

I smiled an actual smile that time, small though it was, as I pictured Kendall as my Knight in hockey gear. Pun fully intended.

"No," I breathed out, smile fading as I opened my eyes, "but he said he was considering coming out here to… to apologize. To try and get me back. But, nothing he's done can be fixed with an apology. I mean, it's not even like he actually means it, right? He's just an egotistical, moronic pig." I was out of breath at the end of my mini-rant. My voice had fluxed between small and very small, the last word being breathy and forced.

When Kendall replied, his tone was contemplative and weary. "Do you want him to try and fix things?"

His words caused me to pause. I hadn't thought of that. Did I? "He cheated on me," I reasoned in a whispered tone, "with a random girl at some stupid party. It didn't even mean anything to him. I saw his face. He didn't care."

When he didn't say anything at first, I realized I didn't actually give an answer to his question. But he must have guessed by my tone. "So what are you going to do?" Kendall ran his thumb over my cheek again.

I sighed. "I don't know," I murmured. I really didn't want to think about it right now.

"Well you don't have to decide at this moment," he told me quietly, like he could read my thoughts. "Just sleep on it for a while."

That small smile was back, the corners of my mouth tugging up ever so slightly. As simple as his words were, they made me feel better. "Can I finish my ice cream first?" I asked, taking the tissues from him and wiping at my face.

"No," he replied loftily, reaching for the half-gallon he had set next to us on the couch, spoons sticking out of it, "but we can finish my ice cream."

I balled up the tissues in one hand and took my spoon in the other, gently sliding my butt off of Kendall's lap while still leaving my legs thrown over his. And I leaned against his shoulder for good measure. Because the physical contact felt nice. He moved his arm so it was resting on the back of the couch over my shoulders, set the ice cream in my lap and grabbed his own spoon. "So what's on TV anyways?"

Smiling at the less-than-subtle change in subject, I breathed an almost-silent laugh. "No sé," I joked.