I don't own Twilight

As Police officers were dispersed to pick up the two people Charlie stood up. "I better get back and tell the others what's going on."

Aro stood up "Tell Bella that now that she's in Seattle I expect her to come and see me."

"Will do?" Charlie shook his old friends hand and walked out of the police station headed back towards the apartment.

Sitting in the shadows on a bench a bit away from the hospital as not to be seen by the paparazzi Carlisle watched as cops went in and out of the building he wondered if they'd caught who had leaked the information he also wondered if his kids would ever talk to him again. He watched as one more police car pulled up. The Media was going crazy as cops tried to hold them back he saw the bright light of flashes going off. He even saw a few get arrested for going past the barriers that had been erected around the entrance.

Officer Paul Martez walked into the hospital building and towards the nurses desk it just so happened that Angela Webber was on duty at that very moment. Walking to the desk he noticed a blond typing away at a computer.

"Angela Webber."

"Yes." Angela looked up at him and her eyes widened at the site of his uniform. Of course she'd seen them all over the place today but she'd hadn't thought they would be able to put two and two together at all let alone so fast.

"Miss Webber you're under arrest if you'd step out from behind the desk."

"Fine" Angela stepped around the desk.

Handcuffing her officer Martez read her, her rights. "You understand right."

"Of course I'm not stupid."

Now Paul wasn't so sure about that one. He got her outside trying to shield her from the camera's and put her in the backseat. He looked at her in the mirror as he drove away sitting in the back seat she looked so defiant. He knew that look would be wiped off of her face soon.

It just so happened that as they pulled into the police station Seth Clearwater who had been sent to pick up Ben Chaney also pulled up. They got the two felons out of the car and headed towards the doors.

"What the hell did you do?" Ben yelled out at Angela.

She twisted around so she could glare at him. "Me," She snapped fire heating her eyes.

"Yes you." Ben sneered.

"Alright both of you shut it." Seth snapped.

They got them both situated in separate rooms and met in the hall way "Idiots." Paul muttered. Seth nodded his head.

Charlie made his way up to the guys apartment. Knocking on the door he waited for someone to answer he was slightly surprised to see that it was Bella that pulled the door open. "Daddy come in." Charlie noticed that the Cullen siblings seemed to be missing.

"Now I know there was 6 of you when I left where are the other 3?"

"Emmett's room."

"Can you get them?"

"Sure." Bella nodded and headed towards the closed door.

"Emmett." She knocked on the wood.

Emmett looked up at the door and slowly stood untangling himself from his siblings embrace. Opening the door he looked out. "Yes baby."

"My dad is here he'd like us all in the living room."

Emmett turned around. "Edward, Alice."

"We heard." Edward stood and pulled Alice to her feet as she starched out. They all walked back into the room.

"So what information do you have for us Chief Swan?"

"Well an arrest was made. A Miss Angela Webber and a Mr. Benjamin Chaney as far as I know they have both been arrested or were on their way to being arrested and taken to the police station."

"Ok What's the next step?"


"For us what's the next step?"

"There is really nothing you can do I say order some lunch relax don't try to take all the weight of the world on your shoulders."

"What about Chinese." Bella suggestion

"Yeah that sounds good." Emmett nodded the others agreed and Bella grabbed a pen and pad of paper.

"Are you staying Dad."

"Sure sweetie."

"Ok what does everyone want?" Bella asked scribbling down her own order for Beef and Broccoli, with White rice extra soy sauce and egg drop soup.

"I'll have Lobster Lo main and a shrimp roll." Alice requested.

"I'll take Sautéed Chinese mushrooms and bamboo shoots." Rose put her order in.

"Happy family with wonton soup." Emmett requested.

"Sweet and Sour pork." Charlie put in." Bella looked over at Edward.

"And for you?"

"Curry Chicken and hot and sour soup."

"Ok I'll go and order this." She grabbed the phone and walked into the kitchen quickly placing the order and then phoning down to the front to tell them it would be arriving and to ring them up when they came. "Well it should be here in half an hour." Bella sat back down putting the phone in the stand.

When the food finally came Emmett jumped up and handed the delivery boy the full amount plus a hefty tip for having to go through all the camera's. sitting the food down he handed everyone their orders.

"Here." Bella tried to hand over some money.

"I don't think so." Emmett shoved the money back into her hands.

"Emmett Cullen you are taking this money."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Bella give it up." Her father sighed.

"I can take care of myself." Her eyes held a stubborn light to them.

"And no one is saying you can't but let your boyfriend take care of you sometimes."

"He's already letting us stay at his apartment."

"Yeah that's not a great winning argument." Rose rolled her eyes.

"Fine you win this time." She stuffed the money back in her pocket much to the amusement of everyone around her.

"Ah look how gracious she is." Emmett chuckled leaning over to kiss her forehead.

So she maturely stuck her tongue out at him.

A/N Thanks to everyone that reviewed next chapter we will be back at the police station and who knows what else will happen thanks to those that reviewed and please review. Also check out my other Emmett Bella story Roads ahead.