Lucy didn't move as she looked side to side. No one. Master saw what she was doing and walked up to her. "You feel it too right?" Lucy sighed and nodded. The guild turned quiet as they stared at Lucy and Makarov.

"Though, that's not important right now. I will meet you all at the Train Station in one hour don't be late or I'll leave without you. So with that said I'll be going now." Lucy turned to the door and stared to walk.

"Oh and Makarov when we get back I need to have a talk with you if that's alright?" Master nodded.

"Yes, of course."

The guild stood quiet and Makarov had a straight face on. He just stared at the door. Once he turned around.

"MIRA can I have a beer please!" He yelled out. The guild sweat dropped at his childish antics. The white haired Barmaid had a smile on her face and nodded.

"Of course Master coming right up!"

The Master walked towards the bar and sat at the bar counter where Mira gave him the mug full of beer.

"Master if you don't mind me asking but what were you and Lucy talking about?" Mira questioned. Makarov looked at her then at the door again and sighed.

"Well a while ago I felt this powerful type of magic and Lucy felt it as well. We didn't know what it was but we were going to talk more about it later." Mira nodded.

"But why didn't the rest of the guild feel the same power? If it was that strong we should've felt it as well." Makarov looked at her once more and shrugged.

"I'm not so positive Mirajane. Let's just hope it's not who I expect it to be."

Lucy waited stared to walk to the station hoping they would be there early so I wouldn't leave with out them. Lucy was thinking. What was that powerful force that I felt when I was at the Fairy Tail guild? Could it be a threat to them or was it just- no stop I shouldn't be thinking about this right now I have a mission to do.

Her paste went faster so she could get there on time. It almost felt like she was running. Once Lucy got to the station the Fairy Tail mages were there I looked at the stations clock. They arrived ten minutes earlier. Lucy sighed and walked to them.

"Come on we have to get the tickets." Lucy told them. They all nodded. Lucy walked to the ticket stand.

"Could we have 6 tickets to the Blue Pegasus please?" Lucy asked. The male behind the box nodded and handed us the tickets.

"How much will that be sir?" Lucy asked with blank eyes.

"Oh nothing it's free for a blond beauty like yourself ma'am." The man replies with a wink. Lucy felt a shivered but Lucy didn't show it. Lucy only nodded.

"Thank you. Come one." I swear I saw. Loki, Gray, and Natsu have glares. But it might have just been my imagination.

When we got on the train I sat near the window seat. The boys were fighting which one of them sat next to me and across. But Erza and Wendy beat them to it. They all looked disappointed. Lucy just ignored them.

The train started to move as Natsu was becoming noshes. Lucy looked at him with a twitch in her eye. "Before was fine what's wrong with him now?" Lucy asked. Gray and Loki started to laugh at him.

"Wendy I thought you preformed Troia on him before we got on here?" Erza told her while glaring at the two boys.

"I did but I think it's not working on him anymore." Wendy told her with a few tears falling out of her eyes.

"Wendy when we get back I'll teach you stronger healing magic if you like." Lucy told her with no emotion. She smiled and nodded.

"So salamander here has motion sickness?" They nodded. Natsu flung his head out the window and puked. Lucy sighed for the last time and put her hand on Natsu's stomach. He blushed while he felt her touch him on the stomach.

There was a green glow coming from her hand and once it faded. She pulled it away and looked out the window. Natsu just blinked. He wasn't sick anymore.

"Just sit back down you'll be fin for the rest of the way." I told him. He only nodded and sat down. Wendy looked at me and smiled. "I would like to know a bit more of your magic Lucy." Erza then looked at me. "Ya we want to know what type of magic you have." Erza told me. I just looked at the both of them.

"That is classified information." I told them. They only groan in response. This is going to be a long train ride. I hope I live till the end of it.