Hello ya this is another Fairy Tail story. I know what you are thinking I addicted with Fairy Tail. Well I am. So I hope you like Solo Mage! X3

Ever since my father and mother has passed away. I was always in their guild. Or should I say a member of their guild. But I was the only mage they had and a very powerful one at that. I was in the guild known as Love & Lucky. My name is Lucy Heartifila. I am 16 and the only mage in this guild. I have waist long blonde hair with dark brown eyes, I was also was wearing my hair into a ponytail with a black ribbon, but also for my cloths I had a black dress that ended at my knees, and black flats. I never had a smile on my face nothing I'm always emotionless since my parents both died in a gun shot when they were both going to deliver something in Magnolia. They were robbed by bandits and killed in the process. I sighed. The guild was having a hard time shipping things and finding out where it should go. You could say that they were running around like insects. Well I better help them if they are ever going shut up.

"Lucy I'm going to need you to take this to the guild Fairy Tail for me please I have too much paperwork to do." A woman yelled out to me. I only nodded and grabbed the envelops from her hand. Another task to do. Just great.

"Oh and Lucy."

"What is Nikki?" I asked her.

"You'll be participating in the Grand Magic Games." She replied back. I only nodded and left.

~In another place of Fiore~

There was another guild that had the same noise but more like arguing and fighting. Well you guessed it, it was the guild known as Fairy Tail. They were at their usual fighting and drinking moments.

"Hey Ice pick come over here and fight me!" A pink haired boy yelled out to another raven haired boy.

"Winning against you will be easy. Bring it on flame brain!" The raven haired yelled out.

"IS THAT FIGHTING I HEAR?" A scarlet haired maiden yelled out to both males.

"N-no of course n-not Erza-chan. It's just a friendly fight see it'd o-over now." The two males hugged each other while dancing.

"That's what I thought." Erza smirked while eating her short cake. The guild suddenly went silent when a blonde haired girl entered the guild wearing all black with a messenger bag full of letters.

"Who are you and what do you want with Fairy Tail!" The pink haired boy yelled out.

"Be quiet Natsu!" Erza shouted looking at him with a glare. Natsu started to shiver. The raven haired boy laughed.

"You too Gray or do you want punishment?" Erza said with an evil glare. Gray shivered as well. The blonde haired girl only sweat dropped at the act she just saw.

"Oh who might you be?" A white haired barmaid had a cherry smile asked her.

"My name is Lucy Heartifila from the guild Love & Lucky. I'm a mage." Lucy told her.

"What are you here for?" Erza asked.

"Here I was sent to give Fairy Tail and the other guilds to give them the information sheet on the Grand Magic Games. You just have to fill the other out on who will be participating." Lucy explained with emotionless face giving the white haired women the letter

"Will you be participating in the games Lucy?" The barmaid questioned. Lucy nodded a yes. "I will but I will be working alone there are not any other mages except me. So if that's all I have taken my leave." Lucy started to walk to the entrance until Natsu stopped her.

"Hey before you leave you have to fight me to leave." He told her with a grin on his face. "Natsu what the hell are you doing?" Gray yelled out to him.

"If that's what will take for you to leave me alone and let me leave. I accept your challenge." Lucy told him. His grin got bigger as he dragged her out of the guild to the fighting field.

"Here, could you hold this for me?" Lucy asked a dark blue haired girl. The girl nodded.

"Of course. My name is Wendy by the way." The blue haired girl smiled. Lucy only nodded. She looked around and saw a brown haired woman who was making bets on who would win this fight. Lucy only sighed.

"Are you ready Lucy?" a short man said. Lucy looked at him with a questioning look on her face. Since when did he get here? Lucy thought. She only nodded.

"Natsu are you ready?" The man yelled out.

"Yep I'm all fired up Gramps!" Natsu yelled as fire started from his hands. So he is a fire mage. Lucy made a tsk sound with her teeth.

"Ready, set, GO!" Master had started the fight. Natsu started to run at Lucy with full speed.

"Fire dragon's iron fist!" He yelled. Ah so he is a dragon slayer this will be interesting let's see how long he can last. Lucy thought. Her eyes were closed she didn't move.

"AAAHHH!" Natsu came fast. Lucy shot her eyes open now her eyes were blood red. Natsu froze in place. His fire was vanishing. Lucy used her hand and a powerful force came from her hand and sent him flying.

"You shouldn't fight people who you can't match up powers with." Lucy told him. Natsu was on the ground with scratches and bruises all over his body. Lucy's eyes went back to normal and walked to Wendy who had her messenger bag.

"Thanks for holding it. And to the rest of you who are worried about the boy. He'll be fully recovered if you give him some of this with water." Lucy threw a blue liquid to the barmaid. The bar maid nodded. "My name is Mirajane Strauss. It's nice to meet you Lucy." Lucy of course only nodded.

"It's nice to see you as well. See you at the games in 3 weeks." Lucy walked off to the other guilds.

Everyone was fine over a while of what just happened to Natsu. But Natsu felt something in his heart when he first saw her. He thought that she was beautiful.

Hahaha! Lol me my brother and two cousins where at a chines restaurant and we did Gangnam Style in front of stores it was really fun but we are also gonna do it on Halloween. Hope you like it Review please if you want more. NICOLE OUT PEACE! X3