This is my Halloween-ish fic for this year. I hope you all really enjoy this. I own nothing. And guess, what? It's a multi-chapter! I'll try to update weekly!

Breaking the Seal

Chapter 1

Nestled near the coast of Japan, a small town called Domino City rested peacefully. Domino City was home to many different people. Business men and woman, children, elderly, and so on. Though, the most common type of people in this small city was duelists. These duelists played a game called Duel Monsters. On this particular day, the town's duelists were excited and a tad nervous. A new and very powerful spell card was being released.

There were three game shops in Domino City. One catered to old games and rare Duel Monsters cards. This shop was called the Kame Game Shop. The second catered mostly to a spin-off of the Duel Monsters game called Dungeon Dice Monsters; The Black Crown Game Shop. The last and only place to get this new card was the smallest and newest game shop simply called The Game Shop.

Several duelists were lined up outside the doors, eagerly waiting for the doors to open. Five teenagers who were lucky enough to be close to the front chatted while waiting for eight A.M to arrive. Only three of these teens were duelists, however. The other two were their cheerleaders, so to speak.

One of the duelists, a tall, blonde boy with a Brooklyn accent stood on his tip toes to spy the front of the line. "Aw, man! Ain't it time yet? We've been out here for hours!"

One of the cheerleaders, a male with brown hair styled into a singular spike rolled his brown eyes. "Stop complaining, Jounouchi. Anzu and I have been waiting with you guys and we don't even want the card."

The blonde, Jounouchi, glared at his friend. "Then why don't you just leave and clean up the school, Honda!"

The one named Honda frowned, clearly preparing to argue when the lone female, Anzu, placed a small hand on each of their chests. Anzu was a girl of sixteen of medium height. She had short auburn hair that framed her pretty face and fell to brush her shoulders. Her eyes were gems of sapphire that burned with a passionate flame. "Can it, you two. If you two start bickering they'll kick us all out of line and no one will get the card." Jounouchi and Honda huffed and turned away from each other.

The last two teens were a set of twin boys. These twins were almost identical with their oddly shaped tri-colored hair. The youngest, Yuugi, was shorter; his spikes were more rounded and ended with purple highlights, and his face was more childlike with violet eyes. The other, Yami, was taller; his spikes were slickly pointed, ending in a deep red color. His face was pale and mature. His eyes were an even more unusual color than his brother's. They were the color of freshly drawn blood and were ringed with thick black lashes.

Yuugi pulled back his blue school uniform sleeve to examine his watch. "It's almost time, Jounouchi-kun." He eased his friend.

Anzu pursed her lips and looked forwards and backwards. "There sure are a lot of people here. I hope you guys are able to get your cards."

Yami nodded. "It would be a shame if we waited all this time and were not able to receive the card."

Jounouchi tapped his foot angrily. "We should just be given the cards. I was the second best duelist at Duelist Kingdom! And Yam' was the first! Pegasus should just give us the cards!"

Yuugi shook his head. "That would be nice, but Pegasus' company didn't make these. It was that new company. The one trying to take over Kaiba Corp. and Industrial Illusions."

Anzu didn't question Yuugi's knowledge of the card companies. After all, his family did own the Kame Game Shop and Yuugi was knowledgeable of the gaming world. Instead, she focused on the boys' odds of getting the cards. "What are the chances of you guys even getting these cards?"

Yuugi frowned. "Pretty low, actually. But, I want to add it to my collection. And Yami and Jounouchi would really need it for their dueling. There are nine cards per pack, and there's only seven Seal of Orichalcos cards being released."

Honda whistled. "Wow. Good luck. If I were you, Jounouchi, I'd just leave. You've got the worst luck."

A vein pulsed on the blonde's forehead. "What'd you say?"

Before Honda could retort, cheers erupted from the front of the line. The group turned their attentions to the front doors that had opened and the duelists rushing inside. A worker at the shop was counting as people entered. Obviously, only so many people could enter at once. "Honda and I'll wait out here for you guys since we're not here to get the booster." Anzu said as they drew nearer the entrance.

When their turn came, Anzu and Honda stepped to the side as Yuugi, Yami, and Jounouchi entered. A few minutes passed before they returned, each holding a brand new pack of cards. The wrappers were black with the Seal of Orichalcos' green symbol taking up most of the top half. The words "mega pack" were in bold underneath the symbol with "Duel Monsters Legendary Collection 3" following suit. Jounouchi was already ripping his pack open before the three duelists met up with their friends.

"Come on! Show daddy some love!" He shouted as he fanned out his cards. His face paled and in a rather comical fashion, he began to cry in defeat.

"Guess you're not their daddy," Honda muttered.

Yuugi and Yami carefully opened their own packs. Anzu waited until each had examined their cards before asking the obvious question. "So, you two get one?"

Yuugi shook his head and showed her his cards. "Nope, but I did manage to get a Dark Sage." He smiled, clearly pleased with his new monster.

Anzu returned his grin before turning her thoughtfulness to Yami. He was examining his cards closely, his face impassive. Anzu's grin faded into a look of concern. "Yami? You okay?"

He seemed to shake himself out of his thoughts. "Yes. Yes, of course. What were you asking?" He folded his cards together and placed them in the deck box he had attached to a belt he wore around his hips.

"Did you get the Seal?" She reiterated. "Or any cards you wanted?"

He shook his head. "No…I didn't get the Seal." His eyes moved away from hers for a moment. When he looked back, he seemed to be his normal self. "I did, however, manage to receive some other useful cards."

"What did ya get?" Jounouchi asked as he placed his own new cards into his deck box.

He smirked. "You'll just have to wait until we duel again, Jounouchi."

The blonde gave him a thumb up. "Alright. And this time I'll be the winner." Yami chuckled.

The moment was broken when Honda groaned. "Great. Here comes Bakura." The teens turned and, sure enough, the pale British youth was walking their way with a cocky smirk plastered upon his face.

Bakura and his younger brother, Ryou, had transferred to Domino High earlier in the year. Ryou was a nice guy and most everyone got along with him. Bakura, on the other hand, was a scary adolescent. His snowy hair reflected his icy heart and cold personality and his dark chocolate eyes were just as black as his heart. Currently, Bakura donned the school uniform that all other Domino High male students wore. The only difference was the odd, golden pendant he always wore.

"I see you three have managed to get your hands on the new boosters. Tell me; were any of you worthy enough to obtain the Seal?" His gravelly voice asked of them once he was within talking distance.

Anzu unconsciously moved closer to Yami, her hand grasping his. She had never liked Bakura. Something about him had always scared her on an almost primal level. Yami's crimson gaze moved to her slightly trembling form for a moment before tightening his hand around hers. "Bakura, why does it matter to you if we have that card?"

Bakura's smirk grew. "I'll take that as a no." He chuckled. "Seems that the heart of the cards you preach about wasn't there for you, Duel King."

Jounouchi moved forward. "Yeah, well, I bet you didn't get it either!" He snapped.

The British youth grinned wickedly. His hand reached into his pocket and, low and beyond, he presented the card that each duelist had gone after: The Seal of Orichalcos.

Jounouchi shouted, "How in the heck did you get that card?"

"All good things come to those that deserve them," he bragged as Yami's eyes narrowed in response. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have classes to attend to." And with that, the dark youth walked around them and headed towards the school they too needed to go to.

Jounouchi immediately began swearing and cursing Bakura as they slowly followed suit. Anzu glanced down at her hand, which she finally realized was in Yami's. Her face turned beat red as she gently took it away and apologized. Yami smiled gently at her. His smile did an odd thing to her. It made her knees buckle and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Suddenly her hand felt cold without his warm grasp. She turned away from him and placed her hand over her burning cheek. 'Get a grip, Anzu!' She scolded herself.

She had known Yami and Yuugi since childhood. It was not until very recently that she had started developing feelings beyond mere friendship for her friend. She kept them to herself because who knew if he liked her in return? After all, he was the raining Duel Monsters companion. He could have any girl he wanted and she didn't want to stand in his way. And if he didn't like her back, it would ruin their friendship. She glanced at him once more. His face was an emotional less mask as he stared down at his deck box. Yes, it was better to keep quiet…

School that day was uneventful to anyone that did not play Duel Monsters. Duelists clutsered together before, during, and after class to discuss excitedly their new cards. Their friends Otogi Ryuuji and Ryou stopped by their desks during lunch. It turned out that they had not gotten lucky enough to receive the Seal card either. Jounouchi and Yuugi eagerly showed their friends their new cards while Otogi and Ryou shared theirs. Once again, Yami was asked what he had gotten.

Reluctantly, he opened his deck box and pulled out one card. The group was a little surprised when he showed them Lightforce Sword. It was a very good card, but his friends did not understand why he had not shown them earlier.

"What's up, Yam'?" Jounouchi asked as the Duel King returned his new card.

Slowly, Yami closed his deck box and let out a quiet sigh. "Grandpa has suggested that I start keeping quiet about my new cards. Since I'm the top duelist, he says I have to take extra precautions since my deck is worth a lot of money now. He doesn't even want me to carry it around like I normally do." He smiled softly at his friends. "Life at the top, I guess."

His friends were a little taken aback by this. Usually, it never seemed to faze Yami that he was the Duel King. He never really seemed to care because to him Duel Monsters was more about having fun than winning. "Well, it does make sense," Anzu said. "I'm sure Mr. Mutou is just watching out for you, Yami."

Her crush nodded. "You're right. His heart is in the right place."

After school, they broke up into their normal groups. Jounouchi and Honda waved goodbye as Yuugi, Yami, and Anzu headed towards the Mutou home and game shop. Yuugi and Anzu chatted about homework, upcoming tests, and their friends' antics that day. Yami remained quiet, which was normal for him as he typically kept to his self. The three teens entered the Kame Game Shop and smiled as Mr. Mutou greeted them from behind the counter. The Mutou home was a two story building. The first floor housed the game store that the family ran while the upper floor was the living area. Growing up in this environment, it was truly no wonder that Yami was a dueling champ and Yuugi was an avid collector of games.

Mr. Mutou, a short and squat older man in green overalls with gray hair held down by an orange do-rag, bent down behind the counter and when he reappeared, he had a small, brown package. "How was school today, kids?" He began as the youths stared curiously at the package.

"It was fine," Yuugi answered as he moved around the counter, dropped his backpack, and began preparing for his after school shift. Yuugi and Yami shared the after school shift in the store. One day Yuugi would work, and the next Yami would. "None of us got the Seal," he said. He knew that was his grandpa's next question.

"Oh. Well, that's too bad," he said, his fore finger tapping the package. "Well, Yami, my boy, you got a package." He pushed the postcard sized package across the counter.

Yami took the package and gave it a small shake before reading the return address. "Paradius?"

Mr. Mutou began to wipe the glass counter with an old, grey cloth. "That's the company that made the new card. That Dartz guy is the CEO," he said as he pointed looked at the return address.

Yami's crimson gaze swept the package once more. It was light and not very thick, maybe an inch or two. Yet, when he had shaken it, something had rattled inside of it. "Wonder what business he has with me?"

"Well," Anzu spoke up. "You are Yami Mutou. Maybe he sent you a Seal of Orichalcos card. Maybe he wants to sponsor you."

The elder Mutou frowned. "If that's the case, we'll need to think about it. Kaiba may not let you take on another sponsor. You'll need to weigh your options. I'd personally stay with Kaiba Corp."

Yami doubted it was the card. Cards didn't rattle. The Duel King tore open the brown paper along a fold and a white box dropped into his other hand. He tossed the brown paper to Yuugi who threw it into a trash bin. Everyone's attention went to the white box as Yami removed the lid. Anzu's eyes widened at the content of package. Mr. Mutou and Yuugi cocked their brows. Yami frowned as he reached inside and pulled out a necklace. The necklace consisted of a black cord and a faceted green emerald that dangled from it.

"Ooh, that's so pretty," Anzu gushed.

Yuugi chuckled. "Doesn't match your style, though. Does it come in black?"

Yami rolled his eyes at his brother before becoming serious once more. "Why is Dartz sending me…jewelry?"

The three shrugged. "Is there a note?" Anzu asked, leaning closer to him so that she could peep into the empty box.

Mr. Mutou glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's after four. It's probably too late to call the company now. I'll give them a call tomorrow and ask them about it."

Yami smiled. "Thanks, Grandpa." He then turned to Anzu. "Now, shall we go attempt our geometry homework?"

Anzu giggled. "Sure. But, only if you help me with my history." The youth nodded his consent as he shoved the strange necklace in his pocket.

Thanks for reading.