Oh gods I owe you guys so much.

First of all, you all deserve a huge round of applause for putting up patiently with me as I try to sort this story out. Sad to say, I don't think I'll ever make it. This story was supposed to be a bunch of one-shots based on some headcanons and ideas I had for House of Hades, but with the book long out and me stil struggling to find time to write, it's gonna take forever for me to finish this.

I really don't have time between my school work, extra electives, cca and other activities to dedicate to a long-term story and in the first place, I never had any plot progression planned out, so even if I do pull out a story, it's gonna be really choppy and lacking pace. I can still post the list of ideas I had if you guys want.

I guess this is more or less discontinued. Sorry. I'm going to focus more on the other stories I have that I do have a plot for (Picture This and T'aime Magicalement respectively) so you can follow those.