Storybrooke, Maine- Granny's Bed and Breakfast
"Emma?" Granny asked squinting at the woman that stood on the other end of the counter, "when did you dye your hair?"
Alexia stared behind her looking for Emma, but it was only her and Matt. Old lady must be losing it, she reasoned with herself.
"Uhm…my name's Alexia." She said quietly.
The old lady was taken back. Granny stared over the person and there were subtle differences that began to become more apparent. The eyes were slightly greener, the deep baggy circles underneath her eyes, and the scar that marred the lower left side of her cheek. This was indeed not Emma.
"Alexia?" An elderly sickly looking man said drawing their attention.
Alexia felt herself moving closer to Matt, who draped his arm around her shoulder. The arm felt warm, it was odd Alexia mused to be in his arms again, or one of them rather.
"What a peculiar name...," he drew out and smiled a creepy little smile. His eyes darted up to Matt for a moment lingering there before looking away, "well dearie enjoy your stay." He hobbled off towards the front door.
The elderly woman smiled apologetically, in her outstretched hand was a key. Matt reached forward thanking her. The room was like most of their other motel stays, two queen beds, a bathroom but this room on the walls painted were each of the princesses, princes and various other fairytale characters. Matt stared at one of the corners, painted in it animatedly was Robin Hood, he had a childish rounded face, a huge grin.
"Peter Pan?" suggested Alexia.
Matt looked backwards towards her, looking as if she had somehow offended him, "Peter Pan?" he choked out, "this is Robin Hood."
"How can you be sure? Both are kids with green stupid little outfits." Alexia retorted.
Matt pointed to the bow in his hand, "Peter Pan never once shot a bow and arrow. That's Robin Hood's trade mark."
Alexia rolled her eyes, "sorry I wasn't ever really into Robin Hood as a kid."
His interest was peaked almost instantly, he tilted his head, narrowing his eyes, "what were you interested in?"
Alexia folded her arms raising an eyebrow. Her tongue pressed into her cheek, "really?" she tisked, "we're gonna discuss fairytales?"
Matt grimaced slightly at the tone in her voice, "you've always said you wished you could go back to being a kid," he staggered towards the window and drew the blinds. Outside rain fall sideways, "our job may be a bit complicated now….so come on,"
Fairytale Land, 28 Years Ago
"No, no, no….," Robin repeated again and again.
Around him lay the bodies of fallen soldiers of the dark queen, but it was only the body in the middle that concerned Robin the most. Charming sat motionless in the middle crimson blood staining his white t-shirt. The Prince can't be dead. He can't be. The small dark headed baby in his small satchel began to stir and make soft cooing noises as if she could sense the distress in him.
The moment he went to take a step closer the infant baby began to shriek loudly.
"Hush you…," Robin said and then in a more pleading tone, "please baby…be quiet."
The shrieks gradually fell into silence. Purple smoke began to pour out of the floor, seemingly swallowing both Robin and the newborn into his grasp. Behind him Snow, painfully limped into the room.
"Robin!?" she yelled out.
Everything began to spin and blur into nothingness.
Present Day
The pattering of the rain on the roof seemed to drag on and on. Alexia lay on the queen bed closest to the door, her hands resting on her stomach. She was starring up at the cracked chipped painting ceiling whilst Matt sat in a rather uncomfortable seat, watching her intently with his chestnut colored eyes.
"When I was really little I used to have this stickers…," Alexia began, "they'd glow in the dark and one day I decided it'd be a good idea to plaster them to the wall of my ceilings….gave my parents quite a surprise….,"
"Were they mad?" Matt questioned.
Alexia shook her head, "no. I was their little girl….they never got mad at me. No matter the horrible things I said or did," the last few words she said her voice broke. She sniffed softly, "I think to be able to love someone unconditionally is truly a gift….my parents had it….," she trailed off, "I don't."
Matt's eyebrows furrowed together, he leaned backwards into the chair trying to place himself into a better position.
"I'm sure if you were to have a child of your own you'd love it unconditionally." Matt assured.
Alexia snorted loudly, "as if I'd ever have a child….I'm a low dirt scum thief….could you imagine? Wait here darling mommy's gonna go sneak around the neighborhood dressed in black, if I'm not back by the next day check the police station?"
"What if we stopped being thieves?" Matt questioned hoisting himself up and out of the chair, shuffling his feet along the carpeted ground towards the unoccupied bed, "what if we stayed here a while?"
Alexia shoot straight up, "what?!" and then narrowed her eyes in accusation, "is there even a job here?"
"No," Matt answered earnestly, "but I think this town will be good for us."
"How the hell do you know what's good for us?" Alexia questioned.
Granny's Diner
"And that's Robin Hood." Henry said nodding his head towards a young adult in his late twenties or early thirties, with shoulder length curly auburn colored hair, olive skin.
Emma took a glance at the guy sideways. In the past few months she'd grown accosted to a new fairy-tale character every week. Henry flipped through the pages of the book falling onto Robin Hood's page, were a young teenage boy dressed in green tights with a bow and arrow was sitting in a tree.
"If he's Robin Hood why does he look older than he does here?" Emma pointed out.
Henry sighed in exasperation, "because he was spared by the curse so he could safely bring your twin sister here….,"
"My evil twin sister?" Emma deadpanned clearly finding slight amusement in this type of situation.
Out of the corner of her eye she watched as 'Robin Hood' got his order. There was a slight very slight similarity between the painted picture of the boy and of the man who was now walking out of the diner.
A/N: the parents that Alexia are talking about are her adoptive parents….George and Virginia Hudson, an elderly couple who couldn't have children of their own. Please, please, please, please, I beg of you to review this.